Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


"Don't listen to them, Kara," said Lauren. "They're just a bunch of knotheads. You should know, you've known them longer than I have."

"I know," I sighed. "But I can't help thinking they're right."

"They're wrong," Lauren said.

"Well, I'm not listening to them anyway," I replied. "He's picking me up Thursday."

"Kara! Yeah!"


"Second date means first kiss, hun."

"Since when did that rule take effect?"

"Long time ago, Kara, keep up."

I sighed as Jorel walked in the house, George right behind him. I waved to both of them and said, "Well, sorry I'm not up to snuff on this dating stuff. I was with Alex for two years."

"Is that Lo?" mouthed Jorel, pointing to the phone. I nodded, and he got really close to the receiver. "Hey, Lauren!"

I cringed away from how loud he was and smacked his arm. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, but I was not pleased. I heard Lauren laughing on the other line, and I stuck my tongue out at Jorel for good measure.

"That was Jor, wasn't it?" Lauren laughed.

"Yeah, was it the loud voice or the obnoxious tone?" I replied.

"Ha, well, listen, I've got to go talk to Jason about some new designs," Lauren said. "I think these are going to be a big hit. Catch ya later."

"See ya," I said, and I hung up.

I stood up and jumped on an unexpecting George's back. He caught me, though, and I was glad for that. I punched Jorel in the shoulder, and he chuckled. I rested my chin on George's shoulder.

"What do you guys think of Ashley?" I asked.

"Not gonna lie, Kara," Jorel said. "He's kind of a tool."

"Well, thank you, douchebag," I said sweetly. "George?"

"Whatever makes you happy, Kara," George sighed.

I jumped down from George's back and scowled. I knew neither of them were going to be any help, but I didn't like that no one liked Ashley except for Meredith and Lauren. I sat back down on the couch and turned on the TV. Jorel sat next to me, and George leaned on my shoulders. I tried to ignore them, and it was working, until Jorel put his head on my shoulder.

"Look, we just don't want another incident like what happened with Alex," he said.

"It won't happen, Jay," I said. "I knew about Alex, and I let that happen. That was my fault-"

"Really? You're gonna let yourself believe that?" Jorel replied.

"Yes. Yes I am. Because I saw he had eyes for that little bitch, and I didn't try to stop him."

"Okay. If that's what you think-"

"You know what? I'm done with this shit."

I stood up and stormed out of the room. I was sick of all this shit I was getting from everyone. I'd had enough. So, like the mature adult I so clearly am, I went up to my room to fume about it. I flopped down on my bed and lay there for awhile, hearing Matt's stereo from down the hall blaring Bring Me The Horizon. I covered my head with my pillow and groaned.

I don't know how long it took someone to come in and find me, but I looked up to see Aron standing in front of me. I put my head back down on the bed.

"Kara," said Aron.

"Go away," I sighed.

"You're not seven," Aron replied. "Get up."

"No, you can't make me-"

"Grow up, Kara. Accept that no one likes your goddamned boyfriend, and grow the fuck up. Jesus, it's not the end of the world. Nobody liked Alex either, but you went out with him anyway."

"Aron, it's not just that. I want them to accept that I'm dating him, but they won't."

"He's not right for you."

"He's perfect! What the fuck are you talking about?"

"That. He's not perfect. You think it's just a coincidence that he likes all the same things you do?"


"No. He's making all this shit up, but you're too blind to see it!"

"Aron, I know what's best for me. Not you, not anyone else. Me."

Aron nodded and sat down on my bed. "Can I tell you something?"

"I suppose," I sighed. "You will even if I say you can't."

"The day you left with Alex, Matt kept telling me how he wished he had stopped you," Aron began. "He said he could tell there was something wrong with the way Alex treated you, and he didn't like it. I guess him doing all this is his way of letting you know he's not going to be too late this time."

I sat up. "He really said that?"

"Why would I lie?"

"I guess I just don't want him to be right. I like being in control of my own life, and if he's always right that means I have no control."

"Kara, you have more of a grip on your life than anyone I know. But when you do this- stomp up to your room and pout- it makes you seem like a child."

I nodded. "Thanks, Aron." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

He chuckled and said, "Yeah, yeah, okay. No more incest. We've had enough of that this week."

I rolled my eyes and shoved him off my bed. "Look whose fault it's been both times."
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Short, but it's mostly filler stuff. April 1st! Radio Undead! Can I get a "fuck yes!"?

Comments are awesome, homies.