Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


Thursday came and went, my date with Ashley being less than exciting. We went to a movie- how charming...-but he missed a lot of it because he had to take a "very important" call. Then I had to explain what was going on.

Maybe it was my talk with Aron, or maybe it was getting Matt's silent treatment, but I was getting more and more irritated every time Ashley did something. Maybe I was starting to see through that perfect layer. I'd give him another shot though. It wasn't like he had been particularly rude to me.

Another date had been set for next Saturday at his house. He probably had the third date policy. Sex. He'd actually kissed me goodnight after the movie, much to the dismay of Aron.

Now, it was Friday, noonish, and I was laying in the swing on the porch. Matt and George were talking and drinking at the table, and Aron and Jordan were standing in the yard. We were waiting for Jorel to show up with lunch, and Dillon and Meredith had been sent to get more drinks.

I sighed and sat up. George looked at me, and I yawned.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Just tired," I replied.

"Why's that?" he asked with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. Matt took another drink of his beer, but he didn't look at me. I cringed a little. It kinda hurt that my favorite of Aron's friends was ignoring me like that. I grimaced and went inside.

I stood at the counter looking through the latest Revolver of mine, blocking out the muffled laughs coming through the walls from outside. I figured Dillon and Meredith had returned, but I didn't leave. The back door opened, and I expected Meredith to walk in. Instead, Jordan appeared. He smiled at me, and I tried to smile back. He saw through it.

"Kara, what's up?" he asked, sitting down.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Come on, girly, you don't expect me to believe that, do you?" he said, patting my hand.

"I do," I replied.

"Well, I don't," Jordan laughed. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Really."



"Liar, liar, pants on fire! Tell me the truth!"

"I'm just kinda mad at Matt."

"That's it? Everyone's mad at him, darling."

"I mean seriously, mad, pissed off."

"Oh, well...why?"

"Jordan, I really don't want to talk about it right now, okay? I'm kinda tired."

"Alright. If you need me, I'm here. Not afraid to kick some ass either, okay?"

"Thanks, Jordy." I leaned across the counter and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He grinned, and I knew I'd made his day right then. He pulled the Revolver issue toward him and glanced over the article I was reading. He shrugged and handed it back to me.

"OTEP's alright," he said. "Don't listen to a lot of heavy shit like that."

"Hey, I'm just reading the article," I replied. "Dillon and Meredith out there?"

"Yeah," Jordan said.

The front door opened, and Jorel walked in. He smiled when he saw us, and I waved him over. He set the sack of KFC on the counter and sighed. I opened the sack, looking through the bucket of fried chicken. He set another sack in front of me and smiled.

"I remember you don't like the wings and stuff," he said. "So I got you chicken strips."

"Why thank you, Decker," I said, taking the other sack from him.

He smiled at me for a second before he said, "Jordan, can you give us a minute?"

Jordan shrugged. "I'm not a kid, but I am slightly afraid of you. So I'll go."

Jorel chuckled as Jordan walked out of the house. He turned to me and smiled, but he said nothing. I raised my eyebrows in anticipation.

"You gonna say something?" I asked.

"I just wanted you to know that I do care about you," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "You've been talking to Matt, haven't you?"

"He may have said some stuff to me," Jorel replied. "I don't care who you date. That's your choice, not mine. But that doesn't mean I don't care."

"Look, I didn't mean anyone didn't care," I said. "I know you guys care. Sometimes you just care too much."

"Would you rather us not care at all?"

I met Jorel's eyes, and I almost lost it. Instead, I tried to hold in my tears as much as possible. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and Jorel reached over and brushed it away. He pulled me in for a hug.

"Come on, you know we all love you, Kara," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and wiped away my tears. "I don't know what's wrong...I just..."

"You're fine," Jorel said. "We're here for you."

I nodded, but for some reason I didn't feel better. I wanted Matt's assurance. I didn't believe it when Jorel said everyone was here for me. I wouldn't believe it until those words came out of Matt's mouth.

Fuck. My. Life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know if you like the new layout. If you don't, I can change it back. I've been playing around a little.

Comment on the chapter, too!

HU4L beyatches!