Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I was sitting on the couch, watching a mindless tv show, when Matt came in. He sat down next to me, but he didn't say anything. We sat in silence, mostly because I didn't know what to say to him.

Aron had left us alone- like the dumbass he is- to go run a couple errands. I knew he was doing it on purpose, and he knew I'd kill him later for it. I figured he probably told Matt about it, which made me even more pissed, but I said nothing yet.

Eventually the silence overtook me, and I had to say something.

"Are you gonna talk to me now, or what?" I demanded.

"Do you want me to talk to you?" Matt said. "Because you haven't been talking to me either."

"Well, I..." I had nothing to say.

Matt turned to me. "I'm really sick of this. I need you to know I'm concerned about you, but you don't think I'm telling the truth."

"No, Matt, I want you to know that I like Ashley," I said. "And you don't respect that."

"I don't like him," Matt said. "He's a cocky bastard."

"How would you know? You've never even met him!"

"If you had seen the way he looked at you when I picked you up, you'd agree with me, too."

"But I didn't, so I don't."

I turned the tv off and leaned back on the couch. Matt grabbed my hand and pulled me back up to face him. I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"Kara, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it," he told me.

"Can't you just stop being right for once in your life?" I laughed, punching him in the chest.

"You bitch!" he laughed back. "You had me thinking you were pissed at me. What the fuck?"

"Oh, I'm still pissed at you," I said. "I was just seeing how long it would take you to stop pulling bullshit out of your ass."

I jumped across the couch and tackled him. He caught me before I could punch him again, though, and he set me down on the floor. I took his shoe off and tossed it across the room. It hit Aron, who had just opened the door. Matt and I tried not to laugh, but it was hard holding it in.

"I don't really want to know," Aron said, setting down a sack.

"Oh, yes you do," Matt said. "But I don't feel like saying anything, so if you'll just give me back my shoe-"

"I'm sure Kara wouldn't mind getting off her ass and doing it," Aron said.

"He asked you to, Aron," I snapped.

"And now I'm telling you to," sighed Aron. "Someone else is gonna have to take you over to Ashley's, Kara. I'm about to pass out."

"What? Dude, no!" I said. "Who the fuck else is gonna take me?"

"Matt, take my car," said Aron, tossing Matt his keys. "You can take Kara."

"Me?" Matt said.

"No, the other dumbass named Matt in this house," Aron said sarcastically. "Of course you, you retard! Who else?"

"Well, I don't wanna do it," Matt protested.

"I let you live here, asswipe," Aron called from halfway up the stairs.

Matt sighed and said, "Touché. What time, Kara?"

"Seven," I said. "I'll direct you there." I looked up at him and added, "Thanks, Matty."

"Yeah, yeah," he groaned. "Don't get used to it."

"I wouldn't expect you to do this all the time," I replied.

"I know."

"Well, now who's being a cocky bastard?" I stood up and put my hands on my hips. "If that's what works for you, then alright."

Matt saw me walking away and shouted after me.

"Should I walk you up to the house, too? See you off? Tell you to wear a condom? Give Ashley the talk?"

I rolled my eyes but didn't answer.
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Sorry it's been awhile. I have a lot to update! By the way- if you like Five Finger Death Punch, I've started a new story. Also go check out my other stories. I'm looking for readers and opinions on how the stories are going.

Comments are loved!