Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I turned around and hid my face in Matt's chest. He pulled me a bit tighter and breathed a deep sigh. I was still shaking, and I knew he was trying to comfort me. I put my hands on either one of his arms and continued just to sit there.

"Why did Alex call you?" Matt whispered in my ear.

"H-he...he wanted me to move back to Bakersfield with him," I sniffed.

"After what he did to you?" Matt said, stunned. "I could kill him, you know?"

I looked up at him, and he smiled softly. I smiled back, knowing he was trying to cheer me up. He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Kara, I'm glad you don't love him," Matt said.

"I'm glad too," I said. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it." I took in a deep breath.

"Well, Lauren stopped by this morning," said Matt. "She thought you could use some cheering up so she brought you a whole box of cheer."

He nodded to the table, and I saw box sitting there. I looked up at Matt and smiled. He gave me a gentle shove and chuckled.

"Go on," he said. "I think she felt bad for pushing you to go out with Ashley."

"As she should," I huffed.

I knew she'd had good intentions, though. I wasn't going to deny that I didn't have to go out with him. She just wanted me to have a little fun.

I walked over to the table, and Matt hopped up on the counter. I opened the box, surprised at its size and hoping she hadn't overdone herself this time. But she had. Inside was a dark red sweatshirt, three shirts, a pair of shorts, and a bag. I shook my head and picked up the note she'd left in the box.

Shut up and just take the clothes, alright? Sorry about Ashley. Call me. XO Lo <3

I chuckled and said, "She didn't have to do this."

"She's not one to hold back, and you know that," Matt replied.

I nodded. Still reeling from how pissed Alex had made me, I left to go back to my room. Matt didn't say a word as I left, but I didn't say anything to him either. I knew the rest of my day had been ruined by Alex calling me, and there was only one thing to do on a day like today- drink.

My gathered fanclub had dispersed, obviously seeing I was genuinely disturbed. Lucky for them, I wasn't in the mood to say anything too outright. Instead I went to my dresser and took out a hidden bottle of vodka- kept there from when I was underage. I smiled and unscrewed the cap.

"Cheers," I said to myself, taking a long drink.
"Kara," said someone. "Kara, what the hell? Seriously."

I looked up from my chair. It was Matt. Why was he the one always on me about everything? I smiled up at him.

"Matty," I said slowly.

"Come on, Kara," he said. "It's almost eleven at night. You've been drinking all day. Just get up-"

"Matt, don't tell me what to do," I said. "I'm an adult."

"Then act like one, dammit," Matt snapped. "Sometimes you just don't know when to quit."

"Oh, and I suppose you're here to tell me?" I said.

I stood up out of my chair and stumbled. Matt caught me, but he shook his head.

"Look at you," he said. "Will you just give me the bottle?"

"Hell no," I shouted. "I don't need to be told what to do! Dammit, it's not your business!"

"I care about you, Kara," Matt said in a low voice. "Don't make this into a big deal."

I pushed the palms of my hands into my eyes and shook my head. I felt the tears starting up again as my emotions once more had reached their level. Matt held me by the elbows, but I refused to look at him.

"Look, I'm gonna take you up to bed, and you're gonna sleep this off," Matt said.

"No, I'm not," I cried softly. "I'll wake up in the morning, and all of this will still be here. Me, Ashley, Alex, everything."

"Just forget about all that shit-"

"How can I? I try to just ignore it, but I can't. I can't get rid of the past, Matt. I can't..."

"Shhh, just don't pay attention to anything, alright?"

"Matt, you're not getting this. This won't go away- this pain, this anger, this love, this hate-"

"Pun intended?"

"Will you just shut up! God, you're just- just-"

"What, Kara? I'm what?"


"Are you gonna say it? Can you even think of the word?"

"Stop it, Matt-"

"Stop drinking and maybe your brain would function right, tonight. You really are your brother's sister, you know that?"

I gritted my teeth. "Stop," I hissed, pulling away from him.

"Give me the drink, Kara," Matt commanded.

"I don't have to," I said.

"You're nothing with alcohol, Kara, just give me the drink."

"No! Goddammit, stop-"


I threw the half empty bottle of tequila across the room. It hit the wall and shattered, and I screamed, "Goddammit, I love you!"

Matt's arms dropped to his side in disbelief, and I slapped a hand over my mouth. My eyes were wide as plates as I breathed heavily. Ours eyes never left each other for what seemed like an eternity.

Had I really just said that?

Matt reached forward and touched the side of my face, and he brought his lips down to mine. I reached up and put my hands on either side of his face and leaned up to the kiss. His other hand rested on my waist, and there it rested as we stood there.

In all my life, I'd never felt a kiss like that. Not with George or Jorel, or Alex or Ashley. It was the kind of kiss you read about in fairy tales or see in movies. One that sparks something you can't ever erase.

It was love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww snap! Outburst much? How long you think it's gonna last? What's gonna happen next?

Comments? Please...feel free. ;)