Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I found Matt, George, and Aron in the living room watching a Will Ferrell comedy. Jordan followed suit, but he took a seat in the chair across the room, joining the laughter. I tapped Matt on the shoulder, and he looked up at me.

"Can I talk to you?" I said.

"Yeah, sure," he said, turning to me. "What's up, hun?"

I smiled and shook my head. "That," I said. "Come on. Let's talk-" I glanced at the others who had turned to look at us. "-elsewhere."

Matt stood and followed me into the kitchen. I hopped up and sat on the counter, and he put his hands on either side of me.

"How's your hand?" he asked.

"It's fine," I said. "I get the stitches out next week, and I'll be better."

"Lauren sends her best," Matt replied.

"Please, not more clothes," I groaned. "I feel guilty enough as it is."

"No clothes, just love," he chuckled. "What did you want to talk about?"

I bit my lip and rested a hand on his chest. "Jordan told me that you told him about us," I said. "I was unaware we were official yet."

"Oh, was I not supposed to tell?" Matt asked.

"I just figured we'd agree on it first," I said. "You know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Matt said, waving his hand. "Sorry."

I nodded and said, "I just wanna be sure, you know?"

Matt rested his forehead against mine and said, "It's just been so long, Kara."

I smiled and brushed my fingers against his cheek. He smiled and rested his hand on my hip, brushing his lips against mine.

A sudden scuff in the doorway made us look away. George stood there, looking between us. I smiled at him, but he just nodded.

"I interrupt?" he said. "Just came in to grab something to drink."

"You're fine, Georgey," I said. "Join the party."

Matt backed away from me, and he patted George on the back. I stole the hat from George's head and placed it on my own. He stopped, chuckling at me, and Matt handed him a beer. I gave Matt a puppy-eyed look, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"And you would like...?" he asked.

"A beer," I said. "Can you hand me one?"

"Are you gonna throw it?" Matt laughed.

I stuck my tongue out and said, "That was tequila, stupid."

"It's not nice to call your boyfriend 'stupid'," George butted in.

I blushed a bit as Matt handed me a beer. George chuckled, though, letting me know he was joking, and I bit my lip. George patted me on the shoulder.

"Matt, can you give us a minute?" I said.

"Sure, Kara," Matt said. He kissed my forehead and left George and I alone in the kitchen.

"You know how stupid you looked, pretending you didn't love him even a little bit," he said. "Everyone could see it."

"Everyone expects me to know all of this, George," I said. "I don't."

"Obviously you did," George replied.

I shook my head and said, "But it took me so long to see it. What if I'd never said it?"

"I don't know," George said, "but the way you two have always looked at each other..."

He trailed off like he didn't want to say something that might piss me off. I nodded and took a drink of my beer. The awkward silence grew unintentionally between us, but still he didn't finish his sentence.

"How long?" I said suddenly.

"What?" George said.

"How long has it been obvious?" I asked. "And be honest, George. You know I know when you're lying to me."

George nodded and thought for a minute before saying, "Since before Alex."

I choked on my beer. "Before?"

"You should have seen the look on Matt's face when you called here saying you were staying the night at Alex's for the first time," George continued. "You would have thought someone had died."

We met eyes, and I saw the sincerity of his words. He half smiled at me, and I nodded.

"If I had known, I..." I stopped, letting the end of my sentence hang in the air.

George knew what I meant. He didn't make me finish it because he knew what I would have said.

I wouldn't have made him wait for the last two years.
♠ ♠ ♠
*facepalm* I have so much to do, but here I am again. Update, update, update. Mostly because I wanna get started on the sequel. Hehhh...yeahhh...

So what did you think? Please direct all comments to the appropriate spots. A'ight? :]