Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


The day hadn't gone by fast enough, and by the time I'd curled up in bed, I was ready to fall asleep for three days. I didn't, though, because as soon as my head hit the pillow, my door opened. I sighed and sat up. Matt smiled at me, waiting for me to invite him to come in.

"Want some company?" he asked.

I lay back down and said, "Get over here, Matty."

I heard him chuckle shortly before the door shut, and I felt him climb into bed next to me. I turned to face him, and he rested his forehead against mine. I rested my hand in his, still silent.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"You seemed really distracted today," he replied.

"It's...nothing," I said. "Just something Aron said this morning."

"He still getting on your nerves?" Matt said.

"Not particularly," I sighed. "He's just been making me think."


"Us, mostly, but also just about how I am and how shit's gone down lately."

He was silent for a moment, and I wondered if he was thinking about what I'd said. He looked down at our hands, then back at me.

"Where'd you run off to all day?" I asked.

"I was out looking at this place down the street," Matt said. "I figured we could move out of here and give Aron some space. Plus, it'd be nice to just be with you and not have to worry about him."

"Tell me about it," I sighed.

"So if I get the place, you'll move in with me, won't you?" he asked.

"Of course," I said. "I'm in love with you, Matt, and I want to be with you."

He smiled and kissed my cheek. He put his arms around my waist as I moved closer to him. I put my head against his chest, listening to his heart beating. It was calming, almost welcoming. I stayed there until I fell asleep, but I don't know when Matt did.
I was still in his arms when I woke up, as I hoped I would be. I looked up at him, peacefully sleeping, and I leaned into him. He shifted, but his arms never moved. I pushed a curl away from his eyes, and his nose twitched. I held back a giggle. He was so cute.

He opened one eye, and I smiled sweetly at him. He kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle again. He rolled over on top of me, pinning me down.

"Good morning," I giggled.

"Someone's happy," Matt chuckled.

"I'm just glad I woke up with you in my face," I sighed, leaning up to kiss him.

He rested a hand on the back of my head, and he let his lips move with the rhythm of mine. He gently bit my lip, and I smiled. It must have been his goal because shortly after, I felt his tongue slip past my lips. His other hand held my hip, and I had mine around his neck.

Matt's hand moved from the back of my head down to the base of my neck, and I shivered. He smiled, but he pulled away from me. I looked at him, puzzled, but he held a finger to my lips.

He listened, waiting to hear a noise I was oblivious to. His smile turned to a frown, and he stood up. I sat up, watching to see why he was leaving. He opened the door, and there was Aron.

"Oh," Aron said. "Sup, bro?"

"Aron?" I said.


"Go away!"

"My house," Aron said.

"Go suck a fat one, A," I snapped, standing up.

"Well, I don't want you guys in here...doing stuff," Aron said.

"We didn't do anything, thanks to you," I replied.

Matt shifted. We were obviously making him uncomfortable, so I turned to him.

"Matty, can you give us a minute?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, glad to leave us alone. When he was out of earshot, I turned back to Aron, my anger boiling over.

"If he makes you happy, then by all means- fuck him 'til his dick falls off," Aron hissed.

"We've had sex once!" I replied. "You're my brother! You're supposed to support me, not condemn-"

"I'm trying to keep you from making the same mistakes you made with Jorel and with George," Aron said calmly. "I don't want you to end up a wreck."

He crossed his arms, and I sighed. He better not have been pulling bullshit out of his ass to make me feel better now. I bit my lip, but I still said nothing.

"I know it seems like I'm suffocating you, but I'm just trying to protect you," he continued. "I'm afraid you'll do something...stupid. You know, if it doesn't work out."

I nodded and said, "You're not just saying this to keep me from him, right?"

"Are you kidding?" Aron laughed. "You guys would kill me."

I smiled and hugged my brother. "So can I have my boyfriend now? Without an interruption?"

"Yeah..." sighed Aron, leaving. From down the hall, I heard him shout, "Matthew! Kara would like to fuck you now!"

I fell back onto my bed, shaking my head, but a few minutes later, my door shut. I looked up and saw Matt. He smiled at me, climbing back on top of me. He poked my nose, and I giggled again.

"Where were we?" he said, beginning to slide his hands under my shirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
N'aww! :}

Well, how do you think this is gonna end? Will you have to wait long for the sequel? Probably not. The ideas are churning like butter. :D