Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


Mer and I planned on a night out tomorrow, as I was tired beyond belief tonight (or so I told her). Really, I just wanted to spend a little time catching up with the guys- especially Aron- and getting settled back home. I knew they all had their own houses to go back to, but I was sure they would stay back for awhile.

When I eventually left Meredith and Dillon's, it was only around ten. I say only remembering how late the guys had a tendency to stay up, and I, myself, was guilty of it too.

As expected, Jordan, George, and Matt were all still there. Did they all live in the same place that they only had to take one car? I sat down on the back of the couch, behind Aron. He handed me a beer, and I gladly took it. Jordan and Matt were arguing and laughing at the same time, as they always had. I could never remember a time when they hadn't been like that.

George came back in the room. He smiled at me and put his hands on my shoulder. I looked up at him and smiled.

"So, boys, what's on the agenda tonight?" I asked.

"Why don't you tell us what you've been up to?" said Matt, sitting Indian style on the couch. He rested his head against my leg, making me smile.

"I haven't been up to much," I said. "Just working on some new designs."

"Designs?" said George.

"Yeah, remember? I went to school to be a fashion designer?" I said.

"You did?" said all the guys at once.

"Wow...take a joke, son." I laughed. "You know I just went and got a degree in English."

Matt nodded. "I thought so. I thought you hated those fashion people."

"Except Lauren and Jason," I said with a smile. "Cuz they bring the good stuff."

"Haha, of course," chuckled Aron. "Oh, speaking of Lauren, I told her you were back in LA, and she wants to hang some time."

"She can come with me and Mer tomorrow, then," I said.

"Where are you and Mer going?" asked George.

"Girls night. None of your business where, mind you." I glared up at him as he began to massage my shoulders. I smiled though and closed my eyes, laying my head back.

George and I have a weird relationship. If you walked in and didn't know us, you would think we were dating. It's not true though. Sure, I love George, but it's the kind of love you give a best friend. Though, at one point we did go out. Actually, it was a very long time ago. About eight years ago, I wanna say. I was fifteen, and he was eighteen.

It was kinda awkward at first, but we tried to make it work. We dated for two months, and he was actually my first real boyfriend. First kiss. First makeout. And, yes, even first sex. I suppose that's why we've been so close. They say you have a connection with the first person you have sex with, and I definitely have one with George.

I snapped out of my flashback when I felt someone latch onto my other leg. Matt was still leaned against my right, but now Jordan was holding my left leg. I smiled and patted his shoulder. I didn't realize how much I missed these boys hanging all over me until now.

"I missed you, Kara," Jordan laughed.

"Oh, believe me, I missed you too," I replied. I looked around and said, "Where's Jorel?"

"He might be hanging with Jason and Shane," said Aron.

I frowned.

"We didn't tell him you were coming home," Aron added. "It's not that he didn't wanna see you. He talks about you sometimes."

"It's fine," I said.

Jay didn't like me as much as the other guys did, but I still wanted to see him. He, too, had gone out with me, and that relationship was the reason I stopped dating my brother's friends. It didn't end well like me and George's had, and to this day, I feel terrible about some of the things I said.

Jordan kissed my knee, and I rolled my eyes. He stood up and said, "I better get going. Gettin' up early tomorrow. FML."

I reached up and hugged him. He kissed my cheek, making me smile.

"See you later, Jordy," I said.

"Ah, fuck, you're my ride," George sighed. "Guess that means I gotta go, too. Unless you got another room."

"With Kara here, I'm fresh outta rooms," Aron replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Matt lives here," said Aron, shoving Matt off my leg.

"You could always stay in my room," I said to George with a wink.

He chuckled, "I could, but your bro, here, might kill me."

"Then you could stay in Matt's room," laughed Aron.

Matt made a disgusted face. "Then I'm staying in Kara's room."

I caught Matt in a headlock and began violently rubbing his head. He laughed instead of fighting back, as I knew he would. He could never hurt a girl, even if the girl was just one of the guys, like me.

George kissed the top of my head and said, "See you tomorrow, KK."

I squeezed his hand gently as he left with Jordan. Finally, I let go of Matt, and he fell off the couch. Aron and I stood up, followed by Matt. I put an arm around Aron's shoulders.

"So, where's my room, big bro?" I asked.

"Oh! Oh! I know!" exclaimed Matt like an excited schoolgirl. "It's right in between me and his. Come on, I'll take you up."

He bent down, and I looked awkwardly at Aron. He shrugged, so I jumped up on Matt's back. He carried me up the stairs and dropped me on the bed. Aron said nothing, just shook his head and walked to his room.

Matt, seeing that Aron had no intention of saving his poor little sister, pinned me down. He sat over me, his curls falling near my cheek as he put his face near mine. I smiled up at him.

He pressed his lips to my cheek and whispered, "It's good to have you back, Kara."
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, Matty! Haha. Alright, now is when I can focus a bit more on this story :)

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