Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I kicked Matt off me, and he rolled over next to me. He smiled at me, but I crossed my arms. I didn't have to take this. Maybe.

"You're lucky I don't kick your ass, Matty," I huffed.

"Oh, come on, Kara," Matt replied. "You know I was kidding."

He sat up and threw me that puppy dog look that I never could resist from anyone. I smiled and hugged him.

"I really did miss you," I said.

"Ah, I knew you would," Matt laughed. "You love me too much to be mad at me."

"I wouldn't go that far."

"Don't lie, Kara, I know you missed me more than you give me credit for." He kissed my cheek, and I hugged him again.

"So why are you living here? If you don't mind me asking."

"I just needed a place. Aron's like you. Can't say no-"

"Not true! I can say no anytime I want!"


"...shut up." I stuck my tongue out at him and gave his head a gentle shove.

He stood up and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hey, Matt?"

Matt, halfway to the door, turned around.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's on your mind, buttercup?"

I smiled at his pet name he had given me ten years ago. "You knew, didn't you?"

"About what?"


"I didn't know he was cheating on you-"

"I meant, you knew he wasn't right."

"Oh... Well, yeah. There was something not right from the beginning. He was always telling you what to do, and you'd do it. You weren't like the Kara I grew up with. We all could see it, but you told us you loved him. So we kept our mouths shut."

"I wish you wouldn't have. I never loved him."

"I'm sorry. About the whole thing."

I shrugged and said, "Well, good night, Matty. We should go to breakfast tomorrow."

Matt smiled and nodded, and he left my room. God, I loved that boy. Not, like, love love, if that makes sense. Just enough for me to care about him slightly more than the others.

He was my bestie, fo' sho'. At least, right after Meredith. I don't think I could ever love him like I would a boyfriend.

But if I didn't love him like that, then why did I have butterflies in my stomach?
I woke up to an obnoxious pounding on my door. There was too much noise for it to be just one person, so I reluctantly stood up. Clad in only my skin tight tank top and booty shorts, I opened the door. I didn't really care who was there, considering most of them had seen me with less on than this.

Standing in my doorway were Matt, George, and Jordan. Ugh, of course it was bestie, ex-lover, and horny-as-fuck standing there. I smiled pleasantly, but I was soon swept up bridal style by Jordan. I squealed, not expecting the sudden feeling of not being on the ground.

"Miss Kara, I see you are looking as bright and cheery as ever," said Jordan.

"Jordy, put me down," I commanded.

"Now?" he asked.

"Well, at least set her down with grace," said George, tickling my side. "Wouldn't want her breaking a bone or two."

Jordan smiled and set me back down on my feet. I punched his arm, trying not to look too mad that they'd woke me up so early.

"Where you wanna go for breakfast, beyatch?" asked Matt.

"See here, asshole," I said, poking Matt in the chest. "Don't be calling me names."

"Sure thing, punkin," Matt replied with an evil smile.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Let's just go to Manuel's."

"Ugh, Mexican this early?" George complained.

"Yeah, it's the best fucking breakfast in East LA," I said.

"Well, fine," sighed George. "I guess since you just got back, we can go where you want."

I smiled. "Awesome. Lemme get dressed."

"I can help you with that." Jordan began following me in the room, but George caught him by the shirt collar and pulled him back.

"Keep it in your pants, Jordan," sighed George. "We'll be downstairs."

I smiled as he shut the door behind them. Sometimes those boys could be so creepy, but at the end of the day, I still loved them. I ran my fingers through my rather short hair, sighing. It wasn't that I didn't like my hair. In fact, I loved it. I just wanted time to actually do something with it this morning.

Instead, I put on my Alexisonfire t-shirt and a pair of short shorts. I chuckled: my shirt fell so you could barely see my shorts. That was sure to catch a few eyes. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and put some ankle socks on. After getting myself freshened up (washing my face, putting on a little eyeliner, ect.) I went downstairs to meet the guys.

They were all waiting around anxiously for me, and I saw their smiles as I entered the room. Ah, Cali, you hold more than beautiful women and great entertainment. I put my oversized sunglasses on, and I stood in between George and Jordan, putting an arm around each of them.

"What say we paint the town?" I said.  
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty- whatcha think? I was informed by Lauren at Pride Clothing that the guys are working on a new record, and Da Kurlzz is supposed to sing more on it! This made my day!

If you can't tell, I like Da Kurlzz (^_^)
