Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


When we pulled up to the bar, Lauren was already waiting. She was at the front leaning against her car. I got out of the passenger side, and she stood up. She waved at me, and I waved back. Meredith got out, and she watched as I ran to greet Lauren. I could tell she was hoping this would just be us two. I felt bad, but at the same time, I hadn't seen Lauren longer than I'd been away from Meredith.

Lauren's about as tall as I am, maybe a little taller, with hair so unrealistically long and blonde it was surreal. I had always admired how well she took care of her hair, no matter how long it was. Today it was hanging down, not really in any particular style. She grinned when she saw me, and I put my arms around her.

"Hey, girl!" she said.

"Oh my gosh! Your hair is blonde now?" I said. I touched her hair and smiled at her.

"Yeah, things change over a year and a half," Lauren replied. She waved at Meredith and said, "Hey, Mer! How's Dillon?"

Meredith smiled politely and said, "Same as always, I suppose."

I knew Lauren and Meredith didn't really get along too well, but I was determined to make tonight a good one. So I said, "Who's up for some shots?"

Lauren put an arm around my shoulder and said, "I like the way you think, m'dear."

The bartender was a young guy, probably a little older than us, but he was rather muscular and toned. He smiled a bit when he saw us.

"Ladies, what can I get you?" he said.

"My good man," said Lauren, pulling her hair to one side of her head, "two shots for each of us. Tequila."

Meredith sat down at the bar, and I did the same, sitting in between the two of them. The bartender handed each of us a shot, and we slammed them down while he filled three more. I felt the cold burn of the tequila against my throat, and I shook my head to get rid of the buzz. I hadn't drank hard liquor in awhile.

I threw back the next shot with better ease than the last one, and I turned to Lauren.

"So I hear you lived with Jay for awhile," I said.

"Yeah, just for awhile," Lauren replied. "I guess just to get a little time to recollect myself."

"Yeah, Miss Mommy!" I said. "How is the little girl?"

"Oh she's good," Lauren sighed. "She's crawling around like a little monkey."

Meredith chuckled, "I wish I could have one of my own."

"Jay tells me you and Dill are getting along nicely," Lauren replied. "I think you guys will have one of your own."

"Thanks," said Meredith with a smile.

The bartender handed us each a Stock Market Crash- a drink with Jack Daniels, Yukon Jack, and a bunch of other drinks. He smiled sweetly at us and said, "On the house, ladies."

Lauren took a drink of hers and replied, "Thanks, hun."

He smiled at me, and I blushed. I turned away from him, feeling my face growing hotter.

"Lauren," I said. "Pride's taken off. How come I haven't got anything?"

"You want something? I can hook you up," Lauren said.

"Ooh, get the long sweatshirt," Meredith added. "Dillon got me one for my birthday last year, and it's awesome!"

"Sounds good," I said. I took a drink of my SMC. It was sweet and strong, and I liked it. God, I've missed alcohol. See what dating a straight-edge does to you?

"He keeps looking at you," whispered Meredith. She nodded toward the bartender, talking with another man.

I looked over at him and smiled. I put a strand of hair behind my ear as he waved at me. I blushed, but I waved back. He flashed me a smile, and I turned back to Mer and Lauren.

"What do I do?" I said in a low voice.

"You are going to give him your number," instructed Lauren. "He clearly is interested."

"When do I do it?" I asked.

"Next time he comes over," Meredith replied.

He began walking over, and I panicked. "What? What? Oh, god." I hid my face in my hands.

"You ladies need anything?" asked the bartender.

"No," I began, "no, we're fine-"

"This is Kara," said Lauren. "She's single. What do you recommend she have?"

"Hmmm...single?" repeated the bartender. "Well, I'm Ashley, and I'm also single. I recommend you stick to anything that has rum or vodka. Not too many shots or you'll get wasted." He winked at me, and I bit my lip.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

He walked back to the other side of the bar, and I exhaled loudly. Meredith rested her chin on her fist and tipped her head to the side.

"Ashley, huh?" she said.

"That's it," I groaned. "I'm not dating a guy with a name girlier than mine."

Lauren poked my side and giggled, "Screw his name. Look at that ass."

He did have a nice ass... But his name is Ashley! What the frack! No way I was dating a guy named Ashley. Maybe. No- what was I thinking?

"So you want me to go out with Ashley because he has a nice ass?" I said.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Lauren replied.

"And look at those muscles," Meredith breathed. "Orale. We're both taken, but you- you're single. He's single. What's wrong here?"

"His name is Ashley!" I hissed. "That's like Aron dating a girl named Pete."

"Look, I've met many guys named Ashley and not one girl named Pete," Lauren said. "At least give it a shot."

I looked Ashley up and down, and I sighed. "Goddamn his good looks."
♠ ♠ ♠
A guy named Ashley? Oh, you gotta know the guys are gonna make some jokes about that.

Yeah, I know a few guys named Ashley. It's kinda weird, but hey, whatever.
