Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


My head was pounding, and I knew I'd had too much to drink last night. I opened my eyes and sat up as slowly as possible, yet my head still did circles. I couldn't remember how much I'd had, exactly, but I did remember Matt coming to pick me up. And Dillon picked Mer up. I remembered Ashley, and he gave me his number. Shit, where'd that go?

I got out of bed too fast, and I fell to the floor. I held my head and curled up in a little ball. Fuck hangovers. I didn't have the greatest tolerance, either, which didn't help me.

I heard a knock at my door, and Aron opened the door. I tried to smile at him, but I failed miserably. He shut the door behind him and sat down on my bed.

"Well, sis, just like old times, right?" he said.

"Ugh, shut up," I groaned.

"At least you're old enough now," Aron chuckled. "Last time, you were underage."

"Listen here, Mr. Come-Home-Drunk-Every-Night," I said. "You have no room to talk to me about underage drinking."

"I know," Aron said. "You remember anything after you came home?"

"I remember Matt picking me up, but after that...I don't know. Why?"

Aron just smiled at me and stood up.

"Aron?" I said. "What did I do?"

"Maybe you should ask Matt," Aron laughed.

"Fuck you, too," I snapped as he left the room. I threw a shoe after him, and it hit the door. I groaned at the loud noise it made, and I stood up.

I left my room in my barely-fitting pajamas and knitted slipper boots, and I started down the stairs. On about the third step, I tripped over myself. Someone reached out and caught me before I could hit anything, and I looked up. George.

"George, why are you always here?" I asked.

"If I wasn't here, you would have just fallen down all these steps," George said.

"And why do you always have to be right?" I replied. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up. "Fuck, my head," I said.


We both looked over and saw Jordan standing a couple steps down. I rolled my eyes and said, "Only you would find something dirty in that."

"Oh, no, I found something dirty in it," George said, "I just didn't say it out loud."

He grinned at me, but I was not amused. This hangover was not making either of them any less annoying. I let go of George and pushed past them. I was hungry, and I didn't want to deal with either of them while I was hungry and hungover.

Aron and Matt were standing at the counter eating a breakfast pizza. They grew silent as I entered the room, and I figured it had something to do with what I couldn't remember from last night. I smiled sweetly and took a piece of the pizza.

"Will you guys just tell me what I did?" I asked.

Aron patted Matt on the shoulders and walked out of the room. Matt shoved the rest of the piece of pizza in his mouth and took a long drink of water. I took a bite of my own pizza and looked at him expectantly.

He finally smiled at me and said, "You kept calling me sweetheart and kissing me."

I choked on my pizza.

"Made that bartender pretty jealous, too," Matt chuckled.

"Ashley? Aw, shit-"

"His name is Ashley?" snorted Matt. "Holy..." He tried to hide his laughter, and I shoved him off his chair.

"Fuck you, asshole," I said. On the inside, I was laughing though. Matt was right. Even I had thought it stupid to date a guy with a girl's name. But that body...damn.

"So, anything else I should know?" I said.

"Yeah," Matt replied with an evil smile. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and added, "I have Ashley's number."

"You little-"

He took off running, and I chased after him. I followed him into the living room, but I didn't see anyone there. I looked around thoroughly, and eventually I saw a pair of feet sticking out under the curtain. I casually sauntered over to the curtains, but I quickly drew them back. Matt stood there, smiling like a maniac.

I got close to him, our lips barely touching. I ran my hand down his arm, and he got even closer to me. Just as he was about to kiss me, I took the paper from his hand.

"Thanks, darling," I giggled, walking away in triumph.

I glanced back at Matt, who was smiling in defeat.
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Ahaha, poor Kara. Can't catch a break from anyone, can she? Not that I'd mind kissing Matt ;) How about you guys?

Comment! I had time to write while I was home sick :(