Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I lay on my bed, listening to the other line ring and ring. I sighed and hung up. Second time, and he still hadn't answered. Fuck guys, I'm done. Should have been done after a few days ago. I closed my eyes and saw Alex behind my eyelids, which caused me to quickly open my eyes again.

"Ding dong!" said a fake, high-pitched voice from the other side of my door. "Housekeeping!"

"Come in," I groaned.

My door opened, and Jorel peeked around the door frame. I smiled as he came in. I sat up, and he sat next to me.

"Heard from Lo you were back in town," he said.

"I kept meaning to call you- I really did," I explained. "I thought Aron had told you, so I-"

"It's fine," Jorel said. "I'm glad you're back." He wrapped his arms around me, and I hugged him back.

"I've missed you, Decker," I said softly.

"So why are you back?" Jorel asked.

I groaned, "I knew you were gonna ask that."

"I'll kick Alex's ass if he did anything."

"Well, he did do something, but I'm not broken up about it. I didn't love him anyway. It was just an excuse for me to leave him. I would have awhile ago if I had known he wasn't in love with me too."

"What happened?"

"I caught him in bed with some neighbor chick. She was barely 18, so I knew he was just waiting to get her for awhile now."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault, hun. How are you and Ashlee doing?" I chuckled to myself. Ashley.

"We broke up about a month ago. Wasn't working out."

"Oh, that sucks. Any particular reason?"

"Just didn't click, I guess."

In my head, I thought, Good riddance. Nobody liked Trashlee, anyway. but I didn't say that out loud. Jorel already had a bad past with me. I hugged him again, and he smiled.

"I'm taking you missed me too?" Jorel said.

"I always miss you, Decker," I said.

My phone began to ring, and we looked over. I saw it was Ashley- the man- calling, and Jorel looked awkwardly at me.

"Guy I met at a bar," I said.

"You shouldn't give guys at bars your number," Jorel laughed.

"Whatever, King of Bars. You are notorious for that shit."

"Just answer your phone. I'll be downstairs."

He left my room, cackling. I threw one of my pillows after him, but it hit the door. I picked up my phone, hesitated, then answered.

"Ashley! Hey, I thought you'd forgotten me," I said.

"A girl like you?" Ashley laughed- Damn, that sexy laugh! "I couldn't forget a pretty face like yours."

"Aw, well thanks," I said. "Look, I'm sorry about last night. Getting drunk and all."

"No, we're just lucky your boyfriend came and picked you up."


"Yeah, that curly-haired guy. You seemed pretty close to him."

"Matt? Oh, no, he's not my boyfriend. Just a very close friend."

"Very close."

"I swear, I'm not dating anyone. On my honor."

"Then, you wouldn't mind coming to dinner tomorrow?"

"Sure, where can I meet you?"

"How about Angelini Osteria?"

"Holy- um, sure!" I couldn't believe that's where he was gonna take me. That was some high and mighty fine dining.

"Seven sound good?" Ashley asked.

"Of course," I replied. "I'll be there."

"See you tomorrow, Kara," said Ashley before hanging up.

I hung up as well and sighed. I flopped down on my bed again. I hadn't planned on an east LA bartender to take me to such a fancy place. Damn, I was lucky.

This was either a good thing, or it was a very bad thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm...think he's got something planned?
