Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I lay face down on the couch, Matt sitting on my butt and massaging around my shoulder blades. I still had a massive headache, and I didn't think it would ever go away. Hatebreed played somewhat quietly through the surround sound speakers, and I tried to focus on Jamey Jasta's killer vocals. That dude could sing.

It should have bothered me that Matt was my brother's best friend, and he was sitting on me very awkwardly. But it didn't. It should have bothered me that he was twice my size, mostly muscle, and his weight was crushing me. But the weight put a little pressure on the base of my spine that felt good.

Actually, the whole thing felt pretty good. Was it wrong that I liked the way his hands moved on me? Or that I didn't mind how close we were? Or that we were alone?

I had always liked the way Matt's hands felt- aggressive and strong, but gentle and caring. Just like him. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. I was enjoying this entirely too much.

He could tell. I heard him chuckle, and I felt the heel of his palms gently rubbing the back of my rib cage. He knew I was liking this, so I reached back and smacked his arm lightly.

"You know how dead I would be if George or Aron walked in right now?" Matt said in a low voice. I could sense the almost evil tone behind him, and I smiled.

"Does it look like I give a shit?" I replied.

"No, but neither do I," Matt snickered.

It was quiet for awhile more, aside from the changing of CDs from Hatebreed to Destrophy in the stereo. Matt's hands moved back up to my shoulders, and I involuntarily moaned. I opened my eyes, surprised at myself. He paused too, as if making sure I had really just done that, but he continued.

"So you ever hear back from Ashley?" Matt laughed.

"Yeah, we actually made dinner plans for tomorrow," I replied. "Which reminds me- I need someone to drive me."

"Don't you have your own lisence?" Matt asked.

"Got suspended."


"DUI. Of course."

"You are your brother's sister."

"You are such a dumbass." I looked up at him and grinned. He pulled the hair away from my face.

"So where you guys going?" he said.

"Angelini," I sighed.

"Holy Christ! On the first date?"

I nodded. "That was my thought too."

"You know he's just trying to get inside, right?"


"...get inside. In your pants. Take you to bed-"

"Jesus, Matthew, it was two guys- if even that! It doesn't happen as often as you think."

"I can name all five of them if you'd like me to. I remember them all."

"Please do, if you're so inclined."

"Luke, Brett, Cody, Seth, and Michael."

"What the hell do you do in your free time beside stalk what I do?"

"Look, I've just seen a lot of guys like Ashley. Many have come and gone through your bedroom door in the same twelve hours. One through your window- yeah, I know about Trent."

"Fuck off, Matt."

I was silent, and I turned back over into the couch. I heard Matt sigh and get off me, but I didn't want him to go just yet. I turned over on my back and looked over at him changing the cd. I propped myself up on one elbow.

"What's the matter? Don't like Destrophy?" I asked.

Matt looked back at me, looking a bit hurt. "No. Just don't wanna listen to cornfed hicks right now."

I frowned. "What's the matter?"

"You told me you wished I'd said something about Alex when I knew he wasn't right for you."

"Yeah, and?"

"I'm telling you Ashley's not right for you, and you won't listen to me anyway."

I stood up and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder, having to stand on my tip-toes to reach him.

"I haven't even had one date with the guy," I said.

"I could tell there's something not right about him, though," Matt grumbled.

I chuckled and ran my hand through his hair. He tried to ignore me by putting in a Bleeding Through cd, but I saw his smile. I smiled and kissed his cheek, but I walked away toward the kitchen. I heard the music come blasting through the speakers, louder than before.

When I came back from the kitchen, Matt was laying down on the couch. He smiled up at me, and I rolled my eyes. I put one hand on his cheek and leaned in close.

"Not on your life," I whispered.
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Wouldn't you like a massage from Matt? Oh yeah, I know I would :P

Comment! Might have another chapter up tomorrow.