Dragons Blood


His head was groggy and sore. He wondered how long he had been asleep that he would feel like this. Genoa and Ambroise were likely to tease him about this for months. The thought of his brother Ambroise had him sitting up and hissing. He remembered suddenly what had happened. He remembered the attack on the castle. He remembered hearing of his parents death. He remembered taking Genoa away so that she would be safe. He remembered flying and praying they would make it. He remembered claws raking into his body and then spiraling towards the earth. He had landed in water before he lost consciousness. "Hush Onan, it'll be alright now," a gentle voice promised him.

"Genoa? You're alright?" Relief flooded him at the thought. His head fell back against something upholstered and he hissed. That had hurt more than he had expected it to. He began to look around himself, his brow furrowing in confusion. Along with his sister, there were two other women in the room. One looked to be Genoa's age with dark hair while the other was a small child who was sitting close to his sister. I pray these are the children of the ones who guard the gateway. If we are to be aided by children...we may all very well die. The thought that the gate might have been forgotten and lost never occurred to him.

His sister's cool, gentle hand rested on his forehead. "I'm fine Onan. And so you will be too soon enough. I've healed you as best I can," she assured him. Onan took a deep breath and nodded. He hated being laid low like this. It had been for a good cause, but it wasn't something that he enjoyed admitting to. Warriors were supposed to stay strong and make it through everything. He was turning out to be a pretty pathetic warrior if that was the case. He was going to have to toughen up and soon. "I found you with these people and the two males who went off to talk."

"Did you see anyone else come through?" he demanded cutting her off. He wondered if any of the guards had managed to come through or if she had caught sight of an enemy. He could only hope that one of their siblings was crowned soon so that someone could be sent for them. He wasn't in the proper condition to be caring for his sister at the moment and who knew if the two males she mentioned could do anything of use.

Genoa shook her head and Onan let out a frustrated breath. A door nearby slammed open and Onan hissed as he tried to jump; Genoa put a restraining hand on his shoulder as two males came in the room.

"Damn he's alive...and awake..." the young dark haired man shuddered.

"Who are you?" Onan demanded trying to look fierce. He really didn't want to see how he fared.

"I'm Luke, this is Ian, Rose, and Melinda. We found you and brought you here," the lighter-haired male said.

"Found?" Onan's brow furrowed in confusion. "That does not bode well."
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Sorry this took so long my dears!

Comments? Subsciptions? BOTH?!