Dragons Blood


By now, Melinda was thoroughly confused. She had concluded one thing and one thing only; Genoa and Onan weren't from here. She was in too much of a state of awe to say much of anything, simply stare and try to understand. She didn't know what she was seeing, or even if she really believed it. Had she really seen what she thought she saw? Had he actually just...been healed? She had never seen anything like it, now or in the movies or ever. She rubbed at her eyes and sat back, watching the two boys come in from where they had been otuside doing god knows what. She didn't want to understand.

She stood up and peered over at the younger girl who had been seated next to her. Just as Luke and Ian were her best friends, Rose was like a little sister to her. She adored the younger girl and tried to save her from the wrath of Ian when she could-- after all, he was kind of an asshole. Kind of a huge asshole. She didn't know why she found him so attractive when he was such a little fucker.

She laid her hand on Rose's head for a moment or two, brushing her hair back from her face as if to comfort and then looking over at Genoa and her brother. The girl looked a little bit afraid, and it tugged at Melinda's heartstrings. Poor girl, here in a new world where she clearly didn't know where she was and what was going on. It felt like a big science fiction novel, or maybe fantasy. She didn't know what she was going to do.

Edging closer to Ian, she wrapped her hand around his. She just wanted him to smarten up, remember to be nice. She squeezed. She wasn't afraid. That wasn't it. A little shudder ran through her. She didn't know what she was getting herself into, or getting the rest of them into. There was nobody to place blame on but it was surely a mess, a big confusing mess that just felt like a big, extensive dream. Maybe she was asleep. Dropping her hand, she pinched her thigh. Nope, not a dream. It was her reality, and she was totally lost.

She'd never been afraid quite like this. She tried not to be, but the newness, the fact that she was in deep and didn't know what to do, it scared her. She gave Ian's hand another squeeze and moved closer. She was sure he was going to yell at her, but right now she didn't care.
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