Dragons Blood


He had already loaded and shot two bolts from his bow before she knocked him in the head. "Idiot!" She hissed, snatching the rest of the equipment from his hands. "That isn't them. Don't waste your arrows on humans, we're going to need those when we track them down." Laying the bow and arrows down, she gave him another smack to the back of the head for good measure. "Don't do anything moronic, Donovan."

Sitting down on the grass between the bushes they were hidden in, Donovan rubbed the back of his head where she had smacked him. "We can't just sit here waiting forever, Anissa. We already lost them once, and you know those humans had something to do with that."

The raven haired woman shot him a look, hands alight with a dark glow. He could smell the magic coming off her in thick waves. "You are an idiot." Her voice was crisp, and he cringed a little as if she had struck him again. "Killing them is only going to draw attention to us, especially with the arrows. Can't you see this world isn't like ours? Don't make a scene. I don't want us to be in more trouble with the humans. We get in, kill the prince and princess and get out, you understand? If any of the humans can be of help, we will capture them."

Donovan nodded glumly. She was the boss, the chief, she had all the power. The last place he wanted to be was in trouble with her, especially here. He didn't want to be left behind in this odd place. Pushing back his blond hair, he frowned. He wanted to get a move on. They had lost the prince and princess when they had come through the portal, landing in that odd thing...the big cement thing spilling water everywhere. He didn't know where the water came from, but it was pretty. Annissa had smacked him then, too, for getting distracted. She wasn't very nice, and she was incredibly on edge..and mad at him. After all, he was the reason they had missed the prince and princess through the portal. She had assured him he would be severely reprimanded when they got back-- he wasn't looking forward to it.

"Come. I smell magic. We follow the humans, and you shut up." Anissa shot him a poisonous glance and he swallowed the word that had been on the tip of his tongue. He didn't want her to hit him some more. For such a petite woman, she sure didn't play nicely. He had bruises from the last time she lost her temper on him.

Getting up off the floor, he dusted off his armor and followed after her in the shadows. He had asked her why the humans dressed so strangely, but she had yelled, so he kept his mouth shut as he slunk through the darkness after Anissa. Sniffing the air, he could smell the magic too. Healing magic. One of them was hurt. Smirking, he caught up with his commander. The kill was his favorite part.
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Different pov for a changeee