Dragons Blood


Third period had just started, the bell ringing out to signify the beginning of class before everything fell silent. Luke loved the silence, especially the way his footsteps echoed in the empty hallways. He wasn't entirely sure where his friends were just yet, only that he was meeting them out in the courtyard for a smoke in a couple of minutes. Waiting till lunch was just a pain in the ass, especially since third period was just so perfect to skip. Mrs. Hannil would never know he was missing. Hell, she couldn't even remember his name most of the time. She'd proably be relieved to teach a class without his smartassed comments anyways.

He checked the door open with his hip, leaning against the wall outside to light up his cigarette. Where the fuck was Ian? His smoke buddy, as he called him. The girls just seemed to tag along, get involved with the messes he and Ian got themselves into. Sometimes he felt a little bad when Mel and Rose got dragged into stuff that they weren't really involved in, but it was their own problem. If they didn't want to wind up in detention, they shouldn't roll with the big boys.

He wandered out into the courtyard, growling at a couple of froshies as they scurried by. Luke loved to pick on froshies. They were always so intimidated by him, even though it wasn't as if he was going to hurt them. He was a lot of things, but violent usually wasn't one of them. Of course, he'd been in his fair share of fights, but he couldn't be bothered to beat up froshies. He simply didn't care that much.

Luke blew out a stream of smoke and looked around impatiently for Ian. If that dick didn't come out like he said he was going to, and bring Mel and Rose with him, he was going to be pissed. What happeed to the adventure they were supposed to have?

His annoyed little thought was interrupted by a loud splash. He whipped around to look at the fountain in the court yard and see some idiot floundering around in it. Moron, why the hell was he in the fountain? The guy floundered for a moment, limbs flailing, and then seemed to go a little bit limp.

"Ahh shit," He growled and ran to the fountain, feet pounding the pavement. He reached into the fountain and dragged the guy out, laying him out on the grass and pressing on his chest until water spurted out of his mouth. "What the fuck are you doing, ya moron?!" Luke hissed, then he saw the blood staining the grass. "Whoa..whoa. What happened to you?"

It appeared this was more serious than he thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
-points finger of blame at Cho-