Dragons Blood


Mel resented the way Ian treated her. Ordering her around and shoving her when she didn't move fast enough for him, what a huge jerk. She didn't know why she put up with his bullshit, let them drag her around and get her in trouble for stuff that she had absolutely nothing to do with. Like when they'd been drinking and Luke and Ian egged someones house and got HER arrested as well? That was just not cool at all. Her arms were crossed, mouth set in a sulk while she kept watch dutifully. Sometimes she wondered why she had such idiot friends, but then she remembered how much she enjoyed the adventure that came with it. Running from the cops was a thrill and a half, even if she hadn't done anything.

She listened to the boys bicker behind her until Luke consented to help Ian take the guy back to his apartment. It sounded like a messy ordeal to her, but she just went along with it. When Luke told her to come back and help him carry the guy, she snapped to, helping him support the guy. He was semi-conscious, talking a little bit in an accent she couldn't understand. "He sounds foreign," She nodded.

Luke listened for a second and nodded. "Yeah. Can't place where though."

She shrugged, helping the guy up the street. It wasn't far to Ian's, she'd been there with him many times after school or sometimes when they were just cutting class. It was convenient, seeing as there were no parents to bitch about them screwing around.

Getting up the stairs with the guy was a bit of a struggle and took her and Luke a few minutes, Rose following along after them. The frosh had been rather quiet, following her brother more than anything else. Mel didn't mind having the little girl around. She was kind of cute, and it was adorable the way Luke watched over her.

She helped lay the guy out on the couch and collapse on the floor beside him. "Somebody get some bandages or something, he's still bleeding a little. Maybe we should take him to a hospital...?"

"No." Luke and Ian cut her off simultaneously.

She would never understand those idiots.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor guy, all bloody and dragged around.
