Dragons Blood


It was always rough to travel though portals, especially when you didn't have time to prepare for the landing. She had gone flying through, transforming into her human form mid-fall and slammed down into the grass, rolling down beneath some bushes. She had hit her head on the ground with sufficient force to knock her completely unconcious. Genoa's body was hidden by the thick brush, and by the time she started to come around she was covered in dirt. The sound of soft voices caused her to turn her head and peek out of her hidey hole.

There were several people, two males and two girls, one of them smaller than the other, and they were all gathered around Onan. The sight of her brother and all the blood, soaking wet made her gasp a little and it was hard to restrain herself from going out there to get him. Her poor brother. She didn't know where they were, either. The surroundings were strange, it wasn't at all where they were supposed to land. It made her afraid. She hated not knowing, being lost. Especially when her brother was so hurt, being prodded at by humans.

She eavesdropped, rubbing at her sore head and sitting up a little. God it hurt, felt like somebody had whacked her with a sledge hammer right in the center of her forehead. The sting brought tears to her eyes but she pushed that down, looking instead at him. It was killing her to see him like that and not help, especially when they picked him up and carried him away. She couldn't let them take him.

Emerging from the brush, Genoa followed. She was far behind them, but she kept a close watch. Her brother was hurt, that much she knew, but she could feel that he was okay. He would be okay--but she needed to get to him. She needed to see where he was hurt so she could try and fix it. She had always been gifted in healing and such things, she just needed to get her hands on him.

Why had they landed there? It wasn't where the portal was supposed to lead. It was far too dangerous for a landing, and far too populated. She watched them disappear into a door and shut it behind them. She didn't want to just throw the door open and insist they let her in-- not when she didn't know what manner of people they were. Instead she listened, ear pressed to the door as she tried hard to overhear their conversation.

She heard snippets. Bits of words, sentences. That was enough to tell her she couldn't afford to waste any more time. Genoa knocked on the door, waiting patiently until somebody opened the door; a tall blonde boy, the one they had called Luke. "Good day," she said, nodding politely. "I believe you have something that belongs to me-- my brother."
♠ ♠ ♠
Genoa wants her Onan (:
