Dragons Blood


"Guys you're scaring Rose!" Melinda yelled at Ian and Luke before smiling down at the younger girl. Rose flushed. She hated that they saw her as weak. She wasn't weak, she was just mostly deaf. There was honestly a very big difference between the two.

"I'm fine," she muttered scuffing the toe of her shoe on Ian's shag carpet. Someone knocked on the door and they all froze. Rose bit her lip, uncertain of what to do. It was Luke who ended up moving and cracking open the door before opening it all the way. The girl at the door was pretty with dark hair and pale eyes. She looked...regal. She reminded Rose of a princess, though usually they didn't look like they were covered in dirt. Despite that, she still seemed to glow. Rose and everyone else were kind of dumbstruck.

"Good day," she nodded politely, her voice soft. "I believe you have something that belongs to me-- my brother."

On one level, Rose was shocked to hear the news, but on another level, she could see the resemblance between the two. The others didn't seem so quick to catch up. Rose moved to the front of the group and reached out her hand, tilting her head to the side so that her hair covered her hearing aids. "I'm Rose Carter, nice to meet you. Would you like to come in?"

The princess (as Rose had dubbed her) gave her a gracious smile and took her hand. "You can call me Genoa," she said after a moment's consideration.

Rose heard Ian give a frustrated sigh. "Sure, why the hell not!" he muttered flinging his hands into the air. "Let's have more strange people come into Ian's house to see how fucked up we can make his life."

"Stop being such a pussy," Luke said rolling his eyes. "Look, I'm Rose's brother Luke. We just found your brother and brought him here to see what we could do for him. We weren't sure if we should take him to a hospital you know how things can be."

Genoa gave him a blank stare and Rose giggled. "I don't think she sees." Rose and Melinda exchanged a look and grinned. Rose looked back over her shoulder to see the princess had moved and was kneeling by the other man, examining him.

"What the fuck is she doing?" Ian muttered to Luke watching her carefully.

Rose tilted her head to the side as she moved around and watched the princess carefully. "I-I think she's healing him. Are you magic?"
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