Dragons Blood


"You're all fucking nuts...I'm nuts," he muttered shaking his head. It might have been Ian's apartment, but he suddenly didn't have the stomach to be around any of them. He needed a smoke. Ian stamped his feet, ignoring the fact that he really had seen what he thought he saw and slammed his apartment door behind him. The old man next door dared to peek out the door and Ian threw him a fierce look. The man pulled his head back inside and closed the door. Ian waited until he heard the tell-tale click of a lock before he walked down the stairs and across the street, pulling out a cigarette as he walked.

Ian watched his apartment as he lit up his cigarette and let it hang between his lips. He wasn't the kin d of person who had a very active or alive imagination. Actually, it would be said that he didn't have much of an imagination at all. Sure, he could be creative with get-aways and plots when he needed to. Magic though, that was something else. He hadn't believed in anything like that since he had seen his mother putting a gift under the tree when he was three. And then the other things in his life...no...he didn't believe in things like magic. And yet here it was trying to stare him in the face. He couldn't bring himself to believe it. It seemed too absurd.

What the hell are we going to do now? Ian wondered as he began pacing.

He would never admit it to everyone, but he felt responsible for all of them. Even silly little Rose and stubborn Melinda. They were the only family that he had. And who knew about this new guy and his sister. Who were they? If they meant danger to the other three, he had a find to get them away before someone else got hurt. "Shit," Ian muttered. His cigarette was almost dead by the time that he managed to make himself walk back across the street and up the stairs to his apartment.

"Luke...you and I need to talk," Ian said jerking his head towards the hall as he walked across the living room and towards the small, dimly lit hallway. "You girls stay here. Don't open the door for anyone alright? I really don't want to have to deal with anymore shit today," he half muttered as he walked to his room and waited for Luke before he slammed the door shut. "What the hell are we supposed to do now?"
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