Status: I'm working on 'The Glass Wonderland' so I'm not going to update yet.

Skater Dawn

All Abbey and Shane know, is that

1)Avril has come from a different reality to kill Abbey,
2) Shane's life and Abbey's life are bound by the Guardian Promise Shane had taken, and
3)Abbey is somehow causing disruption in Avril's realm. But she doesn't know how...

Avril came to the ballet studio disguised, so she wouldn't be that suspicious, but she didn't expect to have to deal with Abbey's dream realm self. Now Shane and Abbey are on the lookout for any sign that Avril is getting closer to Abbey. Thanks to the Dream Abbey, Avril now has one problem with killing Abbey...If she killed Abbey, not only would Abbey die, and the destruction in her realm, but so would Shane....
  1. Dreaming-Prologue
    This is the prologue.
  2. Meeting Skater Boy
    Abbey Meets Shane Collins, as he is chasing after his English Mastiff Puppy, Cace.
  3. Ice cream? Okay.
    Abbey loves ice cream, so when Shane asks her to meet him at the ice cream shop on Saturday, naturally she agrees.
  4. Shane's POV Dream
    There is no [I] SHORT [/i] description
  5. Abbey's POV: Nightmarish Dream
    Abbey has a similar dream to Shane's but (read chapter to find out)
  6. Wake Up Shane!
    Abbey wakes up and realizes that Shane isn't awake yet. And He's in trouble!