Status: I'm working on 'The Glass Wonderland' so I'm not going to update yet.

Skater Dawn

Wake Up Shane!

I woke with a start and jumped out of bed, I was wearing my tutu... I went to sleep in my pajamas. I realized that if Shane wasn't awake, he could still be fighting the archer, and whatever happened in the dream happened in the real world. I grabbed a bottle of ice water from my mini fridge and raced out the door. I'm so glad I know how to ride a skateboard and I'm actually good at it I thought as I grabbed my skateboard and skated as fast as I could down the drive and towards Shane's house, hoping he was awake.

I got to his house and rang the bell, hoping Shane would answer, but it was Ana. "What's up Abbey? Need Shane?" She asked. "Yeah, I had a dream, I had to make sure he was okay, if he's awake I need to see him, if he's asleep, he's in danger still
." I rushed the words out trying to get her to understand. "Yeah, he's asleep, third door on the left up on the third floor, try the first door on the right on the second floor first, he has two rooms." Sh said pulling me inside the house and shoving me and my bottle of melting ice water up the stairs.
I raced up to the room and saw he wasn't there, so I ran faster than any mortal should, and made it to his room, and saw he was asleep, but thrashing around, his hand curled around a invisible sword, fighting and enemy only I knew of.

"Shane! Wake up!" I yelled into his ear. but he still wouldn't wake up, I went to my last resort when I saw a red line appear right above his eyebrow and end at the tip of his chin, when it appeared he winced. I opened the water and threw the contents on his head hoping to wake him up and wash away the blood.
His eyes jerked open and in a nano-millisecond he was hugging me, thanking me for waking him up, and for getting out of the dream first.
"Shane! I was so afraid you wouldn't wake up. I thought of the water right before I skated over here, I'm glad I did. We have to get those cuts cleaned out I can't be sure but possibily it's posionous ." I fretted over him, crying. I walked him to the bathroom, and started wiping the wounds clean. "I don't think you heard me in the dream before I disappeared?"I asked him.
"Heard what?" He asked me, curious. "I Love You Too, Shane" I told him smiling, the tears running into my mouth.

"I love you too. More than my immortal life." he replied.
I kissed him after I finished cleaning the cut on his face. I barely knew this guy who I now knew was immortal, and I was already kissing him. This week has started out perfect for me,
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. yes, Abbey likes dreams. That's why it's perfect for her, and the fact that someone from a different world is trying to become your best friend so she can kill you, isn't an everyday thing. ;P