George the Ant Two

The King

"Grr,' The kind said as the fiary and George came into the kinddom.

"Whats wrong Mr. King?" George asked.

"I popped in my diaper." The king whined.

George turned to the fairy and asked, "Why does he wear a diaper?"

"Because he is really four years old, just a big four year old."

"How is a four year old a king?"

"Because everyone else in the family died."

"Sucks for you," George said turning to the king.

"I will do mean things if you dont leave me alone."

That made George run away crying, and the fairy chased after him.

"George, George,"

"Leave me alone, I wish I never died. I hate being fairy and this kingdom and the king and everything."

"George, he is a four year old king, you are a 103 year old ant. Get over it!"

"Is another rule not to make the king mad?"

"Pretty much."

"I will keep the in mind."

George took out his notebook and typed in: dont make the four year old king mad.

When he was finished they wnet to his fairy house and had some tea.