Status: Completed

Hunted by Shadows


“This has been a disappointment,” the hunter said a slight frown on his otherwise emotionless face. I shivered when I saw that his eyelids were sewn closed yet it was clear that he knew exactly what was going on around him.

“I expected a much longer hunt than this,” he continued, walking towards me, holding Wtvu’s body by his neck. I stifled back a cry of shock and took a step towards the odd pair. I could hear the faint screaming of Wtvu’s sister in the distance as she ran away in terror. But I stood where the fear and anger had rooted me, not caring about the sizzling of the wet marshland plants around me.

“I’ve enjoyed this hunt so much, so let’s make a deal, whatever you are,” his voice had lowered to a dangerous purr but my attention was averted from him. All I could see was the limp broken form of Wtvu.

“Eyana,” I whispered. “Eyana, Eyana...”

“I’ll give you a few hour’s head start, how does that sound my little Scorcher?” the hunter went on and dropped Wtvu onto the ground as if holding Wtvu disgusted him.

“Eyana,” I said finally looking up at his face. I felt the sun, strong on my back. And I felt the heat of it race along my skin, to cause sudden flickers of light at my fingertips.

I took a step towards my little star boy, my hands trembling. But the hunter blocked my way, no the Monster blocked my way, he dared to stand in my way.

“Are you a mere animal little Scorcher? I wonder if you can even understand me?” he glanced behind him at Wtvu and sneered. “Just how many human’s lives like his have you ruined with that wonderful power of yours?”

“Move,” I commanded my terrifying anger on the point of bursting. Once again children’s screams came to mind along with the picture of a flame haired girl standing in a cracked and dried up fountain her once clenched fists now loosened, her eyes searching for forgiveness. For someone to explain.

I couldn’t let this anger consume me. Consume me like my flames consumed everything around me.

“I should just destroy you right here and spare us both the trouble. Take my offer before it’s too late,” the hunter growled and moved towards me menacingly. But he drew back, shock flickering for a few seconds clearly on his face.

I knew that the very air around me was stifling hot. But I could not take advantage of my hunter’s brief lapse; if I even attempted to avenge Wtvu the anger would begin hungrily to lap at my senses.

With a silent cry of suppressed rage and sorrow I turned and fled cursing myself for what I was.

The Slaughtered turned a mildly amused face towards the empty eyes of the dead child. “What a beguiling mystery. Where is she running to? Well, I better find out then shouldn’t I?”

“Others even worse than me will soon be on your path Scorcher!” he shouted at her retreating form. “Your weaknesses will soon be your undoing!”

Softer he said, as he bent to crush a cindered plant between his thumb and forefinger, “And the undoing of others.”

I did not care anymore about the beauty around me. I did not care about the desolate sadness of the mighty desert I had entered at some point, nor did I take note of it’s amazing sunsets.

The last time I had thought of ending my life was on that horrible day when I saw the charred remains of my keeper’s home. But now I considered it once again. I gave audience to the creeping darkness in the pit of my soul, let it whisper sublime nothings into my ear. Whispers that held promise of a death that could end my suffering... and that of others’.

But how could I keep listening when I thought of my keeper’s words, on one lazy peaceful afternoon? “Your life is very important Tania,” he had said while writing something in that strange journal of his. “It does not only encompass my life’s work but many others that went before me. They had the same goal in mind. If you lose your life, the lives of many other’s would’ve been for nothing. Do you understand me Alice? Nothing. And if you continue to live you can save and help many more lives. You may forget everything I’ve ever taught you but you cannot forget this. Ever.”

But why was I created? For what purpose do I exist? So far I’ve only destroyed lives and will continue doing so until something ends my life for me. How could I possibly save lives when just coming close to others spelled their deaths?

I finally sank down into soft sand. The sun in this desert was strong but at night all its warmth disappeared. I hugged my knees to my chest as questions clamoured for answers in my mind.

But the most recurring question of all: when can I stop running?
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I'm sorry that these updates of mine are so irregular and short. I really really respect this story so I want to make it as perfect as possible. But in order not to make mistakes I'm going slowly with this. Please be patient.

I have a small request: I want to post character sheets but I'm finding it really difficult to find images that match the Slaughterer's description...and Eyana's. So if anyone is willing to help me out in this, it'd be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment and subscribe. ^_^