Staring Back to Happier Times


“So why exactly did Ed come into our room and wakes us up last night?” Micki asked impatiently.
“He wanted toothpaste” Replied Vikki, shifting uncomfortably.
“And?” Caryn raised her eyebrows.
“And I wanted to show him the stuff I had been researching,” she replied hesitantly, “I think I might know what happened to Alex, and if I’m right then it means two things. Firstly, there’s more to come and secondly, it’s gonna get a whole lots worse.”
“Exactly how bad is worse?” asked a nervous Micki.
“Weill if I’m right, and lets face it, I always am,” she said with an abrupt laugh, “then all of our lives might be in serious danger! Even Brian and Gary and the rest of the crew who survived the fire. They two girls gaped at their best friend as if she was a mad woman
“W-what? Why? When? Where? What?!?!” they said in unison, both equally scared and confused.
“I’ll explain later, we have to get the boys and everyone first cos I’m not explaining it all again after this. It’s too complicated for that.”

--------------------------------------------- Later that day --------------------------

Everyone was huddled into the girls’ tiny, dinghy hotel room. Vikki was sitting on the double bed with her laptop perched on her knees and Ed was cuddled in next to her with Micki and Caryn on either side of them. Teddy, Alex, Ali, and Dan were squashed together at the end of the bed, Dan lying on Micki’s feet and Alex on Caryn’s. Everyone else was sitting wherever they could. All eyes were on Vikki, or rather the laptop she was hiding behind, as she read out the information she had let Ed read the night before. As she lifted her head and gazed around the room, she saw everyone with their eyes open wide with terror. There was an eerie silence that was finally broken by Micki shouting, “OH MY GOD! I’m too young to die!” with tears in her eyes.
Everyone started talking at once. Some wanted to know what they were going to do, others wanted to know who would be first. Dan was frantic, “what if my hair gets ruined when I die?” he asked hysterically. All of a sudden everyone stopped talking and burst out laughing.
“You would say that Dan” said Ed in-between fits of laughter, “it’s always about your hair.”
“Emm, speaking of hair, can I please borrow someone’s straighteners ‘cos us three girls all forgot ours and my hair is quite frankly doing my head in!” Micki said with a cheeky grin on her face. Everyone gave her and Dan funny looks. “How can you two think about your hair at a time like this?” gasped Vikki. They both looked at her in mock-horror.
“Ill have you know that hair is very important at a time like this,” stated Dan very matter-of-factly, “what if we drop dead? We don’t want our hair to be a mess do we? Then that would be everyone’s last impression off us! And you can borrow mine Micki.” He smiled at her softly.
“Well I’ll get them for you cos all of the munchies are in the guys’ room and I’m hungry.” Caryn stated as she stood up, gently moving Alex out of the way before she did so. She walked out of the room, stretching as she went. They heard her noisy footsteps padding their way to the room next door and heard her clattering as she looked for food and the straighteners.
All of a sudden there was a loud bang, a crash and a high pitched scream.
“CARYN!!!!!!!!!!” Micki and Vikki yelled in unison. They ran next door, closely followed by Alex and they rest of the band. The crew followed behind them.
As they stepped into the room they were hit with a cold breeze. They small hotel window was smashed and beneath it sat a bag that belonged to Dan. In front of it was a cable linking to a mini fridge. Vikki ran to the window and looked down. Sure enough, lying on the ground in a bloody mess 5 floors below was Caryn’s tattered, lifeless body.
“NO!!!” screamed Vikki. Behind her Micki’s knees fell from under her. Dan caught her and she cried in his arms.
“Why did it have to start with her?” Cried Alex, his tears falling freely.
It had begun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im so so so so so so so so sorry guys!!!!!!! Ive taken FOREVER! First I wasnt happy with it, then my laptop was being a poo, then I had so much school work to do, then I lost my draft! Any ways enough with the excuses. It's here. And to make up for the ages I took to write it ill make up the outfits for this chapter tomorrow and put up the links. :D

Comments get cookies and Subscriptions get my mums home-made chocolate fudge cake :P be nice please :D
And again I'm sorry :D
loves Micki xxx