Staring Back to Happier Times


“So, what are we going to do?” Alex asked. The sight in the small room was worse than a funeral.

“Well, we’re all going to end up getting interviewed now. Or they might see it as an accident,” Ed said, gesturing to the police sitting at the desk outside.

“Well I thought that travel lodges were meant to give you a good night’s sleep, and not make you have nightmares,” Vikki sniffled, and laughed slightly.

“You watch too much television,” Ali laughed.

“I do not! I only watch a little bit every night,” Vikki smiled, despite the situation.

“Mr Davies? Can we speak with you?”

A police officer entered the room, followed by Inspector Short.

“Um, yeah, sure,” Alex nodded. Ed scowled as soon as the Inspector left the room with Alex.

“That stupid git had better not arrest Alex,” He muttered.

“There are no grounds to arrest him on. They can’t prove he did anything to the setup, and he was in the room with us when Caryn…well, you know,” Micki said uncomfortably.

“Hate to interrupt this conversation, but I really need to go piss. I don’t need someone to go with me do I?” Ali teased, looking at Vikki, who had earlier suggested that everyone go around in pairs.

“I didn’t mean you had to go piss with someone, Alistair,” Vikki muttered.

“Good. Going to piss, be back in 5 minutes,” Ali laughed, walking out of the room.

“I might go piss after him, I didn’t go when we were at the hotel,” Ed laughed.

“Lovely. We didn’t need to know that Ed,” Micki grimaced.

“You never needed to know that Ali needed to piss either,” Ed pointed out.

“Point taken,” Micki replied.

“Dan, you’re unusually quiet,” Teddy commented, staring at his younger brother.

“Just thinking,” Dan said slowly.

“That’s never good,” Ed commented.

“Shut up Ed, this isn’t a time for your sarky comments,” Gary announced, walking into the room.

“Sorry,” Ed sighed.

“The police are holding Alex overnight,” Brian announced.

“They can’t do that, can they?” Teddy asked in concern.

“Apparently they can. They’re holding him on the belief that he’s going insane. He has to go see a psychiatrist tomorrow,” Brian frowned.

Ed opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again after seeing the look on Gary’s face.

“Alex isn’t mental though,” Vikki said in confusion.

“They think he is. I mean, come on. The whole thing does sound a bit weird,” Brian yawned.
“I guess,” Vikki muttered.

-----------------------------------10 minutes later-----------------------------

“What is taking him so long?” Ed asked.

“Maybe he needed a shit as well?” Brian suggested with a smirk.

“He’d better fucking hurry up,” Ed muttered, doing some sort of weird dance around the room.

“I’m taking that you need the toilet really badly?” Dan asked, attempting to hold back his laughter.

“Just think of flushing meadows,” Micki grinned.

“Not helping!” Ed whined.

“Fucking hell, just go and see where he is? He’ll have fallen asleep or something,” Vikki muttered over the magazine she was reading.

“Fine, I will,” Ed muttered, leaving the room.

“I sometimes wonder how he manages to function normally,” Brian muttered.

“He doesn’t,” Teddy laughed.


“That sounds healthy,” Micki said, her face going pale.

“Let’s go see what he wants,” Brian sighed. The small group walked around to where the toilets were located.

“He won’t open the door, and he won’t answer when I knock!” Ed said, worry clouding his face.

“Ali? Ali, are you in there?” Teddy yelled.

“Oh, move out of the way!” Micki sighed, before ramming her shoulder against the door. The lock came straight off, and the door sprung open.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Vikki whispered in shock.

Ali was lying on the floor…or at least part of Ali. He was there from the torso down, but there was nothing above his neck, which was a bloody stump on top of his body.

“That’s fucking disgusting…” Teddy whispered.

“Someone needs to get the police dude,” Dan said quietly.


The room was totally silent. No one dared to talk, and no one dared to stand up. The only sounds that could be heard were the sniffling of various people, and the occasional shuffling as someone moved.

“Excuse me?”

Everyone turned to look at the door, where a tall policewoman stood, with Alex standing beside her.

“We are suspending all enquiries. I’m sure you all need some time to…get over the unfortunate circumstances,” The policewoman said, eyes lingering on Ed’s tearstained face.

“About bloody time,” Gary muttered under his breath, but then nodded.

“You’ll all have to stay in the vicinity though. We need to be able to contact you at all times,” The policewoman explained.

“Ok,” Dan answered quietly. The policewoman left the room, leaving Alex with the rest.

“Is he really…” Alex started, but bit his lip before he could finish. Ed nodded quietly.

“This is real, then,” Alex sighed, “We’re in for one hell of a ride.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Firstly....apologies for the lateness! I've been having a major laptop problem, as in, my laptop has been turning itself off. This keeps getting cut off halfway through, and this is my best attempt. I've been having to do it a little bit at a time.
Secondly, the next update might be a while. Micki's interwebz are down (boo!), so i'll have to get a copy of this to her, and then get her to write her chapter out on paper, so i can type it up, if my laptop allows, and put it on here under her name.
So, we both apologise for that, it's matters that neither of us could have foreseen.
Thankyou for your patience, and thanks for reading ^_^