Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

The Dream

(Jenny's P.O.V)

We were running for our lives and the light from the moon was the only thing guiding us.

"Come on keep going!" I cried to Izzy.

She didn't hesitate she just continue running, we needed to get out of here and fast before something bad happens. We continued to run through the woods going as fast as we could manage. And of course Izzy being the clumsy person she is tripped over a root of a tree, and feel. I turned around to face her on the grounds bleeding because she scraped her elbow. I sighed.

"Izzy come on we need to get out of here fast!" I said in frustration that she had fallen even thought I know it wasn't her fault.

I ran back to her she held out her hand so I can help her up we really need to get out of here before something bad happens. But it was to late to keep running because as soon as we turned around we faced the main reason we were running in these wood at 12 something at night,'Them'. We just stood there surprised. How did they catch to us so fast we had a head start? They were just a few feet away from us. I told Izzy to get behind me, and she did as I asked. I know what your thinking your crazy, if that was me I would have ran and left her, but I wasn't going to do that to Izzy. No, she's my cousin I would never let anyone hurt her, and if these dude's wanna try then they're going to have to go threw me. I love my family and no one messes with my family. No one.

I started to analyzing these guys, One had dirty blond hair, and was taller compared to the other one. The other guy had red hair not like orange red, but like blood red, and he was a few inches shorter then the blond one. That all I could really see the moon was my light so I really couldn't see there faces. The red head started sniffing the air which I thought was weird. Finally he stopped, and turned to stare at Izzy. He had a smirk on his face. Okay if he thinks his going anywhere near her he's crazy, and better think again. We stood there in silence for a moment until Red over there finally spoke up and said,

"Do you smell that?"

I'm guessing he was talking to Blondie over there because he got a big smirk on his face and turned to me and said,

"Sure do. What do you say we have a little 'snack' before we head back?"
He continue to stare at me, and Red at Izzy

' What the fuck? do we look like a' snack' to you fuckers?' I thought to myself still protecting Elizabeth.

they both started laughing, but not like this is hilarious type of laugh, but in a cold dark way like they knew what I had thought. Weird. They both began to come closer as Elizabeth and I as we continued to back up. In a split second Blondie was all up in my face.

'Hello every heard of personal space?!' I yelled pissed off in my head.

This had him chuckle a little. Okay I still think that's kind of weird. But hey on the up side I got a better look at his face, but didn't really pay attention to it because I was lost in his lily pad floating in water eyes, damn he had gorgeous eyes. I continue to stare but wanted to make sure Izzy was still there, and when I turned around a little she was gone! I was scared shit less where did she go? I heard a small whimper come from in front of sexy eyes here, and saw Red had his hands around her waste. Her back to his chest, sniffing at her neck. Okay that dude has some serious problems. I wanted to run over there and kick his ass for touching my little cousin like that, but right when I was about to Blondie here stopped me

"Ah ah ah where do you think you going?" I was gonna give him an answer that would probably piss him off.

I was stunned when he put his hand on the back of my neck, and put his face into my neck and sniffed me.

I was shocked. He brought his head up looked up into my eyes, but returned his face back to my neck, and bit me! Yup that's right, bit. I screamed out in pain, and fear when I heard another scream. I knew where it came from...Izzy. I was trying to get out of his strong grip, but no use I screamed out in pain once more

"No!" I woke up in a cold sweat and heavily breathing because that nightmare felt so real.

I put my hand on my neck, but felt nothing I sighed,
"Oh thank god it was just a dream." I said out loud.

I looked over at the alarm it read 6:14
'Great time for dumb ass school' I thought and went through the daily stuff you do to get ready.

I choose to wear black skinny jeans, a red plain shirt, a black sweater, and red flats. I was just finish up my hair when my cell rang "oooh baby...I know sometimes it's gonna rain but baby, can we make up now 'cause I can't sleep through the pa-"

I ran I picked it up from my bed because it can be loud.
"Hola que paso?" I already know who it was the one and only Izzy.

"Hey Fer!, and nothing much just called to tell you something. Oh My God you would not believe what kind of dream I had last night." I stopped right in my tracks as I walked out of the house. There is no way she had the same dream as me or did she?

"Um...Izzy was your dream about us by any chance and getting I don't know bit too?" she was silent for a minute, I signed yup definitely the same dream. she took a big breath and finally answered.

"Okay first of all that's just weird. How you know about my dream, unless you had the same one. did you?" I sighed again.

Man I love Izzy and all, but damn that child can be slow sometimes. I mean I have my moments but hers go on for a while. I finally answered.

"Yes Izzy, I did, and I know it's weird believe me I'm freaked out to what are the odds?" I keep walking when I was at the gate at school.

I couldn't walk in with my cell because they would probably take it away, and I am not letting them take my baby. she sighed on the other end and finally answered.

"I don't know all I know it it was weird but kind of awesome too. I mean those guys where HOT, and don't lie you know they were." we both stared laughing.

"Yeah your right they were, but remember they aren't real. Anyways I have to go I'm at school. I'll meet you at my locker later when you get here just text me okay?"
"Yea okay I got you bye love." I laughed lightly and sighed.

"Bye loser." We hung up I sighed once more, I couldn't help but think about those eyes again, but reminded myself of my very own words.
'They aren't real' I thought, and I sighed loudly and walked into her school a.k.a hell one earth.
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well its back and i have new chaps just had to delete it to fix some of the misspelling and mistakes :D © 2009 xXLovesTheRainXx. All Rights Reserved