Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen


(Jenny's P.O.V)

Izzy and I just looked at each other and she gave me the are-you-sure-about-this look and I just nodded my head. I mean what is the worst that can happen we already got kidnapped by vampires what else can go wrong. We turn back to face Mike and Alexander even though I really don't want to be around him right now after the whole kissing thing it feel very awkward and I can sense that everyone in the room can feel it too.

"Fine" Izzy and I said in unison.

The guys looked shocked the we didn't put up a fight into not going back to school, but truth be told I'm excited sure I hated going to school before but if it means getting out of this house and away from these guys then hell yeah! I'm going to go back to school make some new friends at least finishing school so I can have my diploma,and I know Izzy feels the same.

"So when do we start?" Izzy finally asked.

"In a week, we just have to talk to the headmaster about you girls enrolling in their school" Mike answered.

I sat back down thinking about this, I mean how are they going to enroll us into school when they look like they're early 20's how are they going to explain that to people? Its not everyday you see two teenage girls with two grown men. How are they going to explain that we live with them? I can already feel peoples eyes on us already gossiping about how we live with hottie's, god I don't want to think about how many girl will fake being nice to us just to get to them just like some girls did back home to get to my brother even though they know he was so not interested. I was still in my little thinking bubble when Mike broke my thought,and his conversation with Iz.

"And what about you Jay what do you think about all this?"he asked me, and why did he just call me Jay? I guess pay back for always calling him Red ha ha!

"Huh? Oh I'm just thinking about how we are going to explain this to people?" I said making a hand motion to all four of us.

"Oh well we already made an excuse for that so don't worry."

"What kind of excuse?" asked Izzy as she sat back down on the black leather chair.

"Well that both of you families died in an accident, and that you had no other siblings or family members that you are close to, besides Alexander and that he is now you legal guardian so you came to live with him."

"Hmm okay, but how come just Alex and not both of you?" I asked just looking at Mike and not Alex, and I'm pretty sure he notice that to so that's why he answered before Mike did.

"Well since Mikey and Izzy are a couple we found it strange to have them be related." Alex replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Okay, then what are you to us then? who do we say you are?" I asked him but not looking at but around the study which I really need to come back to because of all of these books wow ok kind of getting off topic.

"Umm...well I don't know let say a cousin I guess twice removed it doesn't really matter as long as it's some part of your family."

I just nodded in understanding then it was quiet for about 5 or 8 minutes until it got really awkward then Izzy and Mike decided it would be best if they left but I really didn't want to be left alone with him so I got up also to leave but Izzy stopped me. Damn her!

"And where do you think you going?" she asked me but stopped me from answering damn her again!

"Ah no, your staying her because I think you two should talk." she said in a whisper even though you know damn well they could here her.

"I think not." I said trying to get past her but she stopped me again!

"No now sit!" she ordered me to do and I did, I may be older but Iz can be scary sometimes.

"Good girl," she said patting my head like some damn dog."come on Mike." and she dragged him out which left me and Alexander alone.

'I am so gonna get her for this' I thought as he still stood in front of the desk. We stayed in silence for a good 10 minutes until I just couldn't take it anymore! I hate awkward silence!

"So are you going to talk or are you just going to stand there?" I asked in an annoyed tone as I stood up and faced him, and looked him right in the eyes. Those gorgeous eyes 'Ugh! damn him they still make me weak even if he did just use me' His head shoot up when I thought that.

"What? I never used you!" he shouted at me.

"Oh really?! then what do you call kissing me and feeling me up than huh?!" I shouted right back, he wants to yell I show him yelling. He sighed deeply closed his eyes and clenched his teeth and the desk he was leaning on.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, not looking into your eyes but the floor, I just sighed deeply. "-but I would never use you like that, I would never hurt you." he said bring his head up and looking me in the eyes to show me that he was not lying and that he was truly sorry.

"I just want all this awkwardness and the tension between us to be gone, I want my friend back that is if we were ever friends?" he said in an unsure voice looking at me for the answers, and truth be told I had no idea what the answers were.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked.

I just stood there thinking about if you just forgive him or not I mean he did say he didn't use me and, that he was sorry and truly meant it. 'but can I really trust him?' you asked/thought to yourself, I can't avoid him forever no matter how hard I try. I sighed and close my eyes trying to think this threw, it would be so hard to stop talking to him I thought we had started a new friendship I thought that was enough for him and me . I don't know what to think anymore it's all so confusing but even if we did have the same feeling we could never be, we have to pretend to be 'related' no way in hell could we ever be together now. But that doesn't mean we can't fix this thing we call our 'friendship' right? God I'm going to hate myself in the morning for saying this but I forgive him, I mean everyone deserves a second chance right? what harm could it do? we have to live together and deal with each other so might as well do it as friends.

I re-opened me eyes and walked over to him and looked him straight into his eyes, I took a big breath and sighed.

"I forgive you." I said in a whisper but loud enough so he could hear.

"Look I understand if you don'- wait what?" he said still confused and I giggled a little by his slowness.

"I. forgive. you." I said a little slower so he would understand.

"Seriously?' he asked still a bit skeptical.

"Yes, god what more do you want from me?!" and as soon as those words left my mouth I was pulled in a cold embrace since his skin is ice cold and his rock hard body. He soon figured out what he was doing and let me go and apologized.

"Its alright, just no more trying to kiss me okay?" I said still laughing because his face turn a slight shade of pink, and he chucked nervously.

"Right, sorry about that again so...friends?" he asked while putting one hand out for me to shack in agreement.

I hesitated for a few seconds, but agreed anyway.


I said and took his hand and shook it, and still looking into each others eyes. After that we heard cheers outside the door, I laughed and so did Alexander. We were still holding each others hands and as soon as he noticed he let my hand go and put it into his pocket, I hadn't notice before but when we touched I could feel warm of his hands which was weird because they are always cold I can't help but want to hold his hand again and for him to just hold me. But I now know that can never be because we are now supposably 'related' so I guess friends is all were ever be if only he knew I wanted to be so much more than just his friend...
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