Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

First Day

----Outside Study----

(Izzy's P.O.V)

Yes! finally their back to talking. Even though it was only for one day I couldn't stand the silence and neither could everyone else. I can tell those two like each other just, one doesn't want to get hurt and well the other one I have no clue but I plan to find out one way or another.

Finally Jenny and Lex came out of the study looking happier than when they were in there that's for sure. I really want those two together I mean they're made for each other, but I know Fer she just to damn stubborn and Lex is to God damn hard headed. They walked over to me and Mike who had big smiles on our faces, Jenny sighed probably exhausted from such a dramatic day.

"So what do you guys want to do now it's like only 5 O'clock?" I asked looking at my invisible watch, than Jen's stomach growled.

"Well I guess that answers it, I'm starving over here!" Jenny said patting her stomach, We just laughed and agreed.

We all headed out to eat dinner and a movie, and than a trip to Starbucks after wards. We all laughed and enjoyed ourselves, for such a hectic day it turned out being a blast. I mean no more awkward silence or tension between them it was great. I just wish they would see what me and Mike see, they laugh together stare at each other like its love at first sight and while we were walking back to the car some old couple were walking by and complemented on how cute of a couple they were, and when Alexander corrected them on their mistake the old couple said it was a shame they would make such an adorable couple. finally someone agrees with me!, Jenny just blushed and Lex let out a nervous laugh.

Soon after that we headed home and about this time it was 10 O'Clock and Jen said she was headed to bed and so was Alexander, So it was only Mike and I. He had his arms around my waste and his head on my right shoulder, he was walking me to my room.

"I just don't understand why they can't just be together and get it over with the suspense is killing me?!" I asked Mike once we were in front of my door.

"Well it's their decision of they want to be together or not,baby its not as easy as it was for them like it was for us." Mike said with my hands around his neck and his hands still around my waste.

"Yeah your right, I guess we just have to wait and let the pieces fall were they may." I said gave him once last kiss and said goodnight.

----One Week Later----

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Ughh! I have been dreading this day ever since Mike and Alex told us we were going to be attending Huntington High School. I'm so over the whole being the new girl again because when I was younger I had to move 3 times which meant I had to go to 3 different elementary schools. But whatever nothing I or Iz can do about it now, today is our first day and the hardest thing I had to do it get up this morning.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ughhh! I hate school!" I said rolling over on my stomach and putting a pillow over my head.

After my little fit I accidentally threw the alarm clock out the window, oops looks like they're gonna have to get me a new one. Anyways after about 10 minutes of that annoying beeping noise I finally got up,went to the bathroom washed my face with cold water and got undress and ready to take a nice warm shower. I took about 20 minutes in the shower, got out , rapped a towel around my body and headed out the door and into the closet. Now let me tell you my closet is huge! and beautiful. After looking for an outfit I finally found the perfect one, I had a black and red shirt on that said 'Only a vampire can love you forever', a pair of dark bullhead skinny jeans, a guitar necklace that is also a watch, and finally a pair of Jordans.

I have to say I looked pretty good In the outfit not to be conceited or anything, I hate conceited people they always think they are better than everyone else. I went back to the bathroom and blow dried/straighten my hair, brushed my teeth,and then for the final touch I put my hair over my shoulder in the front so they were over the front of the shirt but not covering the words and than put a black beanie on. Than I put on some lip gloss and some eyeliner and mascara I don't like to put to much makeup on I don't wanna look like some doll. I was finally done and decided to go down for breakfast.


I walked into the kitchen to find Mike and Izzy at the table and surprisingly Alexander cooking. I didn't know he could cook but whatever it is it smells great. I walked over to sit down at the table with Iz and Mike and thought I poke some fun at Alex.

"Hey Alex, we're not gonna get food poisoning are we?" I asked and can already hear Izzy trying to hold back her laughter.

"Ha ha very funny." he said while bringing us our plates.

"You know I think you would make a great house wife Lex." I said while taking a bit out of the pancakes which were really good, and that was it Iz nearly chocked on her eggs. Alex just rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on I'm just playing with you Alex its the least I can do for you guys sending us to are very own hell."

I said he just nodded. Once we were all finished we put our plates in the dish washer and headed out to the car since we don't have a bus. and once we were walking out of the kitchen I happen to notice what Izzy was wearing. She was wearing a grey, orange and white shirt with some design on it, light blue skinny jeans, Jordans as well but they were orange white and grey, and she was also wearing a necklace that looked like a lock with a key which was also a watch, and lastly her hair was curled with hair gel. I had to admit it was a really cute outfit matched her personality too. Me on the other hand just dresses how I'n feeling that day. We reached the front door and grabbed out Jansport book bags which my was black an hers was grey. weird huh? we headed out to the car.

"Hey Iz, nice outfit I guess we were both feeling the Jordans today huh?" I said with a small laugh.

"thanks, I like your outfit too, oh and loving that shirt! I guess great minds think alike." she said giggling as we both open the back doors of Alexanders black BMW, sat down and we were off.

----At School----

We stopped at the entrance at school and it seems that everyone has already notice the new arrivals of the two new students ugh! did I mention how much I hate school? well I do I mean I was excited in the beginning but now I just want to go home and go back to sleep. Izzy got out first and I followed right behind, and than the guys go out too I don't know why though probably just to say bye, but I really wish they would of stayed in the car 'cause now they're aren't just the guys eyes on us but the girls too. I looked around and this place wasn't that bad pretty big has a nice landscape and from what I can tell a lot of different cliques. I just rolled my eyes I hate cliques back in my old school we didn't have them everyone hanged out with who they wanted, and never got judged because they were a little different but I guess that was then and this is now I have to deal with it weather I liked it or not. I turned back around to face the guys and so did Izzy, I really didn't want to be here right now but hey couldn't hurt to try it right? I sighed deeply.

"So I guess this is it, just go to the front office to get your schedule and your all set." said Alexander to the two of us, we just nodded our heads.

"Awe come on don't be such babies you'll do fine." Mike reassured us then grabbed Izzy's hands and put them around his neck while he put his arms around her waste, awe young love, at least someone's happy. and then they started to make out great!

"Oh come on I get enough of this at home I don't wanna see your PDA here too!" I complained then they just pulled apart and Mike glared at me and I just sent him an innocent smile. He gave her one last peck then she stood by my side again. I looked over at Alex who been a little quite then notice I was looking at him and gave me a week smile, which I gratefully returned.

"Well we better get going." Iz said and we all just nodded said our goodbyes and started to walk to the entrance of the school. I would still feel peoples eyes on us which was really annoying me, and I have temper so in this case it got the best of me.

"Is there a problem?!" I shouted at some boy who were passing by eyeing me and Iz up and down, they walked off quickly and I could hear Mike should out at me.

"HEY JAY, STOP BEING SO MEAN!" he shouted from the car.

"DON'T COUNT ON IT RED!" I turned around and shouted then continued to walk. I can hear him and Alexander laughing and everyones eyes still on us.

Iz and I walked into the school and found the main office very easily and walked up to the secretary who had a big smile on her face.

"Hello, how may I help you girls?" she asked us.

"Yes, we're new here," was all I said, she just nodded and as us for our names. "Jennyfer, and Elizabeth Rodriguez," I answered, she just nodded again and typed on her computer.

"Ah yes, here you are let me just get your schedules." she answer got up and started to look in a filing cabinet beside her desk.she returned and handed us our schedules and maps of the school, we said our thank you's and left.

"So what does your say?" asked Iz

"Uhh.. 1st Math, 2nd Science, 3rd Studio Art, 4th Spanish, 5th English, 6th lunch, 7th Gym, and 8th Global, you?" I asked

"Wow we have like 5 classes together except for science and Spanish!" she said excited and I was too.

"Thank god I don't have to suffer this alone," and after I said that the bell rang."Come on Iz don't want to be late the first day now do we." it was more of a statement them a question. than we hurried off to 1st period this was going to be a long day...
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