Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

New Friends...and Enemies

(Izzy's P.O.V)

Jenny and I headed to our lockers since it was only the warning bell that rang. We continued down the long white and green hallways looking for our lockers. We found lockers 1175 and 1179, and headed to first period math. As we were walking I couldn't help but think of Mike which made me get a big goofy grin on my face. I have never been away from him less then and hour this is going to be complete torture. I miss him so much already, I never been this happy before in my life, I mean yeah I had other boyfriends before but not like Michael. I sighed it so frustrated being happy when my own cousin who is like a sister to me won't just admit to liking Lex I know she probably misses him too just to damn stubborn.

We finally made it to our first class,and took a deep breath starting at a new school is tough I hate being the new girl, and I know its no walk in the park for Fer either. I turn to Jen before reaching for the door nob.

"You ready?" I ask her.

Jenny simply nodded a yes and We walked into the class, and once we did it got a whole lot quieter.

'Oh boy' I thought looking around and then back at the teacher.

"Can I help you ladies?" the teacher Mr.Kaplan, I assume ask us.

"Umm we're the new students I'm Elizabeth and this is Jennyfer" I said pointing to me and then Jen who look practically bored ready just wait 'cause it gets worse.

"Ah! yes, the Rodriguez girls I heard about you two, well come on in why don't you girls take a seat in the last row." he told us.

We just simply nodded not really caring Jennyfer and I both hate math basically because we suck at it. As we made our way down the rows. I can see the girls glaring already, and really come on why do girls have to be so bitchy like we going to take their guys I already have one thank you very much! I can also hear some of the guys whistling our way, and some winking at us we just rolled our eyes guys are such pigs, but not my Micky. I sighed as we made it to our seats and both sat down Jenny choose the window seat probably so she can daydream about you know who, I smiled at the thought. Jenny looked at me like I was on crack.

"What you smiling at?" she ask me her eyebrows narrow.

"Oh nothing." I said with an even bigger grin.

"Weirdo" I heard her mumble under her breath.

Its been at least 25 five minutes into the period and I'm tired of talking about Trigonometry, I mean who really give a fuck about math this class is so boring. The periods almost over thanks god as I hear some laughter coming from a few tables a head of us, I look and it's two girls laughing and lookin back at Jen and me. 'What the fuck is their problem' I thought.

(Jenny' P.O.V)

'What the fuck' was my first thought of why the two girls in the front rows laughing and looking back at me and Izzy. See this is why I hate being the new girl you get unnecessary attention when you just want to be left alone for the remainder of the day, but no two bitches who think they're the shit wanna start something when we just got here. This is the kind of thing that really gets under my skin Iz and I haven't done anything besides sit here and try to understand what the fuck the teacher is teaching us.

I start to glare at the two girls and I can tell Izzy is too. They just glare back at us 'Oh it is so on' I thought they really wanna start something when we just got here okay than done! One of the girls turns to look back at us one last time, she has long blonde hair down her back, brown eyes, and I can tell she's kind of prepay by what she is wearing. God I hate girls like that I mean I have nothing against what people wear they are who they are, but ughh! prep's get on my nerves just like the rest of the worlds girl population.

And I know how can I say they I'm a girl, but I don't try and act like I'm the shit like some people in the front row. I'm not chill with too many girls 'cause they talk to much. And I'm not into drama so I try to just stick with a few girl friends like I use to have back home. Me, Izzy, Bella, and Mellixa man I miss them, I wish life had a do over button but then again Iz wouldn't be so happy with Red, and me well I would have never gotten a friend like Alex. 'Yeah friend' I thought and sighed.

"Don't mind Nikki she can be a real bitch sometimes." A females voice came from the desk beside me.

I turned and saw it was a girl who was in the next row of tables. She had brown hair to her shoulders, baby blue eyes, and pretty cute hot pink glasses. She seems nice and her saying that the so called blonde chick 'Nikki' really did seem like a bitch.

"She really does, if she has something to say she can say it to our faces." Izzy said still glaring at Nikki and her friend who I still don't know the name of psh like I care. The girl beside us giggled at this comment but obvious she doesn't know that Izzy is serious because you never want to get on her bad side. And she says I'm the mean one Ha! yeah right.

"Well she acts real tough but I just think its an act, and umm I'm Charlotte by the way, but you can call me Charlie." Charlie said extending her hand out to me which I gladly shock as did Iz after me, and we did it with big smiles at least someone knows how to me nice around her, and not mean evil bitch, or a perverted guy who don't know how to keep their hormones in check.

"Hi, and I'm Jenny and this is Izzy." I said one again in case she didn't know when Izzy said it before to the teacher.

"Oh I know who you guys are everyones been talking about you guys since you arrived this morning."

"Really?" Iz asked surprised, but I wasn't who wouldn't talk about the new girls who just came to the school and brought along two very hot guys to drop them off? I sighed that all they ever care about. Charlie just nodded her head.

"Of course mostly the girls because of the guys who drop you guys off, and the guys too because well I mean look at you two," she giggle a little "But there was one guy that you got the attention of, and well thats why I know about you guys and of course the rest of the school." Charlie added, and said it directly at me wait huh?

"What?" I asked confused.

She was about to answer but the bell rang telling us that 1st period was over. She told us that we should sit at lunch with her and her friends, and that she would tell me then. I told her ok and Izzy and I headed off to our 2nd period class which mine was science and hers was science too, but just with a different teacher which totally sucked but the classes are right next to each other so we can head to 3rd period together after words, man this was going to be a very boring day.


Izzy and I are so tired we just want to collapse on the lunch tables. 5th period was finally over and we were now headed towards the cafeteria. And as soon as we entered everything got really quite

'Okay awkward' I thought, and looped my arm with Izzy's and lead her to the courtyard. I let out a breath that I was holding as did Iz. It was really beautiful out in the courtyard it was kind of breezy but the sun was out which was nice. I look around trying to find a empty table when I spotted Charlie with her hands in the air waving like a maniac. I smiled at her and Iz and I walked over.

"Hey guys!" Charlie said a little to giddy, I just smiled and Izzy laughed a little because if Charlie's excitement.

"Hey." Izzy and I said.

"Okay well let me introduce you to my friends that's Sony," she said pointing to A very pretty girl she has shoulder length brown curly hair, green eyes, and a very bright smile, we said our hi's and Charlie continued.

"That's Adriana but you can call her Adri" Adri had short dirty blonde hair like a pixie, hazel eyes, and finally Charlie introduced the boy who was at the tale with his arms crossed. Looks like he didn't like being introduced last, I tried to keep from laughing.

"And this is Giovanni but we just call him Gio" she finally finished and told us to sit down I sat across from everyone, and they sat in front of us. I finally got a good Look at Gio he had very short hair the kind were it seems he didn't have hair at all, but I could tell it was brown, he has the most amazing eyes they were green and grey.

"Why you gotta introduce me last Charlie gosh how rude." he said to Charlie who just rolled her eyes, and Gio turned back to us.

"hello ladies!" he said to Izzy and I.

He has both of his hands under his chin while he eyed us with a big smile on his face. We just smiled back they seem really nice I can tell we will become great friends.

"Don't mind Gio his such a drama queen." Adri said and everyone else laughed except Gio who crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"Gio's gay is you haven't noticed by the to tight ass guy jeans and the very feminine gestures." Charlie said copying what Gio had done with his hands under his chin and fluttering her eye lashes.

I laughed and so did Izzy. Lunch continued with us getting to know each other more, and having a lot of fun joking with Gio. I was poking at my food and looked around the courtyard and caught the eye of a boy who was sitting with his friends laughing and having a good time and then he notice me staring back he smiled, and I smiled back he was pretty cute sandy light brown hair wearing a varsity jacket with the schools colors white and green, and from what I can see from where I sat he has deep green eyes. He was pretty hot. I turn back to everyone and remember that Charlie was suppose to tell me something.

"Hey Charlie, what were you going to tell me before?" I turned to her and asked.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot! thanks, and I was going to tell you that the only reason Nikki doesn't like you guys is because she heard her boyfriend saying that you were pretty and that he couldn't stop staring at you since you got here." she said with an evil grin. I just gave her a confused looked. I just got her and all ready someone is eyeing me that's just wrong especially since he has a girlfriend. But I wouldn't wanna be with Nikki either. ha ha.

"Wow that's it that's why she doesn't like us because she thinks Jenny going to take her man?" Izzy asked, Charlie just nodded her head, and I sighed great I just got her and already on the Queen Bees bad side, and I'm dragged Iz down with me. Why couldn't her boyfriend fall for someone else ughh! I have enough boy troubles I don't need more.

"Who's her boyfriend?" I asked getting a little curious of what he look like, but Its not like I'm going to end up liking him.

I'm not the kind of girl to steal someone boyfriend that's just wrong in so many ways, and besides I use to be the main girl in the relationship I know how it feels when someone takes you boyfriend, and I experienced that way to many times to not know how it feels and it hurts, hurts like hell.

"His names Ethan Knight, and his right over there his on the football team." Gio said pointing towards the same guy that smiled at me, and when I turned to look at him he was still staring at me and smiling and I blushed a little. damn it. Oh no! his getting up from his table and saying something to the jock in jacket number 23 and walking over to our table, this is just great.

"Shit! his coming over here." I said trying to hide my face into Izzy's arm but she just pushed me away.

"Damn Jenny chill you act like you never had a cute boy approach you before." she said calm as a cucumbers. Is she crazy? and then he finally made it to the foot of the table with his hands in his pocket and a white smile, and he was staring right at me.


he said still looking at me and all I could do was stare back as something formed in my throat.

Why was I acting like this? I thought only Alex made me feel this way? great now I have images of Alexanders face and how he would look if he saw the way Ethan was looking at me. Wait why would he care were just friends right? so he shouldn't even be mad his my 'cousin' now but it still wrong to flirt with someone boyfriend even if she is a coldhearted bitch. As those thoughts ended Izzy elbowed me right in the ribs.

"Ow! Iz the fuc-I mean hi." I said to Ethan who still had a smile on his face which made me smile.

"Er-I'm Ethan, you Jennyfer right?" he asked me, and how did he know damn word gets around fast in this school.

"Um-yeah but just call me Jenny, and this is Elizabeth." I said, they said there hellos and he went back to looking at me right in the eyes, and was it me or did the table get really quite and everyone in the courtyard is staring at us.

"Well I was just wounding you know if you ever need a tou-" but he got cut off by a really high pitch sound of someone calling his name.

"Ethannnn!" I heard Nikki, and saw her running to him and throwing her arms around him and trying to make out with him right in front of us, but it seemed more like he was trying to pull away. They finally pulled apart and then Nikki turned and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Sweetie why don't you go back to the table I'll be there in a few." she said to Ethan who obeyed like he was some type of dog. After he was gone her and her groupies turned and glared at us and when I mean us I mean mainly me.

"You listen to me if you ever go near my Ethan again I will make you time at this school a living nightmare, got it?" she said to me, and I just narrowed my eyes at her and got up from my seat at the table and went right in front of her almost all up in her face, but she didn't back down.

"No, you listen because I'm not going to be bossed around by some heartless bitch who think that the new girl is trying to steal her man, and I don't know if thats the way you treat everyone else around her but I'm not gonna take your bullshit!" I said right to her face because no one tells me what I can, and can not do, and I'm not even gonna waste my time with her so I looked her straight in the eyes, shook my head in disgust and turned grabbed my books and walked away. She is not even worth my time.

"So what thats it you just gonna walk away?!" I heard Nikki shout at me. I really did want to go back there and give her a piece of my mind, but like I said before she aint worth my time, or getting suspended on the 1st day of school. So I keep walking until I reached a tree away from everyone, and somewhere where no-one could see me, and sat under it. I sighed 'What a great first day' I thought sarcastically.

"I hope that's not what you call a great first day?" A familiar voice said from beside me that made me jump.

I looked up and saw the last person I thought I would see..well until I got home anyways. Standing with one arm on the tree looking down at me was non other then Alexander. God just saying his name makes me get butterflies. damn it.

"God you almost game me a heart attack! what the hell are you doing here anyways?" I ask still trying to get my heart to its normal rhythm. he just laughed lightly. and sat down next to me.

"Well I just came to make sure you girls were okay, but from what I heard I'm sure you can handle yourself" he said with the gorgeous smile of his as I look up at him because even if we both sitting down his still taller than me.

And I laughed just because I get what his trying to say. That I'm small and that he's surprised I can take care of myself. I may be small, and I guess that's what people underestimate my size. I may be short but if you mess with me you will get burned, and I do mean that literally.

"Yeah well I just got here and already I have an enemy I think I just made a new record." I said and sighed looking down at my sneakers.

"Why doesn't she like you?" he asked me picking at the grass.

"She thinks I'm going to steal her boyfriend, and I mean like come on he was the one staring at me it's not my fault he don't want to be with a coldhearted bitch." I said with a little laugh but Alexander wasn't laughing his hands were in fist staring straight ahead at something, so I look up and see that his looking straight at Ethan who I guess came looking for me.uh-oh.

"Him?" Alexander asked still staring at Ethan who seems to be staring right back at him. I just nodded feeling kind scared to answer. He was starting to scare me so I gently put my hand on his closed fist and he seemed to relax at my touch.

"Alex, are you okay?" I ask, and he looked at me his eyes were turning a black color, and I remember him telling me something about his eyes changing colors but I have no idea what black means. he looked at me than closed his eyes opened them again and they were back to the beautiful green/blue eyes that I seem to sometimes dream about. he stood up fast like he really need to get out of here before he does something he regrets.

He was getting up but pulled me up with him because I was still holding his hand. He looked down than back up at me, and he looked...sorry for some reason.

"Are you okay?" I asked once again

I was not letting him go that easily with out an explanation for why he was acting like this. But than he smiled down at me and than looked at our hands, and I blushed a little and than let go. he frowned at my gesture.

"I'm fine I just have to get back to the house, and Mike he will come pick you girls up after school okay?" he said

"Okay, but you better tell me what happen just now when I get home." I said crossing my arms but not covering any of the words on the shirts which he finally noticed, and smiled then leaned down to whisper something in my ear.

"You do that's true right? Only a Vampire Can Love You Forever he'd be crazy not to." he whispered in my ear and I can feel his breath on my neck, and the heat rising to my face.

He stepped back looked me right in the eyes and...walked away? Are you serious? I just stand there watching him walk away from me. And what did he mean by 'they'd be crazy not to?' there is nothing special about me. just then the bell rang for the end of the lunch period, I sigh I was so rapped up in Alexander I forgot I was still in school.

I guess so far today wasn't so bad I meet and made some really nice people, and some not so nice people, but I never did expect that on my first day there would be so much drama, and there is so much more to come, but the best part of the day was getting to see Alexander, but it was weird to I never expected him to show up but he did make me forget about it well until he was gone.

As I sit in 7th period Global I can't help but replay the last events with Alex, but what really hurt was he just walked away without saying goodbye. He doesn't know how many people have walked away from me before and how much they hurt me, and I just don't want him walking away from me, or out of my life...

Little did Jennyfer know that she would be the one walking away...