Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen


(Izzy's P.O.V)

Today has been a very long day I just want to get home and take a very long nap. The day is almost over just a few more minutes and I will be home free! and I get to see Mike. Just the thought is making me want to get out of here faster. I know Jen can't wait to get out of here already it's been a very rough day for her. I really wish I could beat Nikki's face in but I know Jennyfer can handle herself, but still she has no right to act that way when we just got her. New flash Nikki NO ONE WANT YOUR MAN! so I don't know why she acts like someone does besides her ass.

We have 3 minutes left until the bell rings and Jenny's leg shaking is really getting on my last nerve. I look over at her and she just gazing out the window. I don't know if she was nerves, or just thinking about stuff, but if I was her I would not stress over this Nikki thing, she is nothing worth stressing over. Now Ethan that's another thing, and I don't know how Jenny really feels about him I mean I don't expect her to be head over heals for him already, but if she does want to be at least friends with the guy she is going to go through mad shit, but she will make the right choice I know she will.

Finally the bell rings and everyone is out of here before the teacher says 'you may be dismissed' psh like anyone listens anyway. We get up from our seats and wait until the door gets unjammed by all the students who were in a rush. We make our way to our lockers grabbing everything we need, and put everything we didn't need away.

"Finally this day is over!" Jenny says closing her locker and turned to me with a big grin.

"You said it! and, hey you're okay right? I mean with the whole Bitchy Nikki thing?" I laughed a little at my joke.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? she's nothing I cant handle." she said pulling her bag over her shoulder and we started to walk to the front doors of the school.

"I know that its just ughh! I just wish you would have sucker punched her!" I said throwing my hands up in the air, and she just laughed at me.

"Chill Iz. Seriously though I was not going to waste my time on Miss. Queen Bee she is so not worth my time." she said opening the school doors, with me following behind her.

We finally mad it out of this hell hole everyone calls 'school', and we continue to walk and look around for Mike in the parking lot. I finally spot him, and he looked completely perfect if I do say so myself. I just wanted to run over there, and kiss him full on but I tried to control myself. Jen just looked completely bored like always when she is around Mike and I, I just think she doesn't like the PDA too much. We where going to walk over when someone called out Jenny's name, and when I turned I wish it wasn't HIM, and when I mean HIM I mean Ethan but guess who it was. Ughh does this boy not give up, I kind of got tense and defensive when I saw him walking towards Jennyfer and I. Then he finally got to us he completely acting like I was invisibly just like the first time we meet.

"Hey guys...umm Elizabeth do you mind if I talked to Jenny for a minute?" he asked me, and finally noticing I was even there. I turned to Jennyfer I'm not to sure if she wanted to talked to him or no.

"Its fine Iz, go ahead to Mike I know you both have been dieing to see each other anyways." she told me. I just nodded and walked off towards Mike well more like ran but oh well.

I ran straight into his arms hugged him than he brought his head down and kissed me like he hasn't seen me in days, which is what it felt like. We finally parted catching our breath, and I didn't care who was watching. We just smiled at each other, and separated, he keeping looking at me and than was looking around like something was missing.

"Where's Jay?" he asked me. and I just pointed to where she was. then his eyes narrowed.

"what?" I asked

"Who's that she's talking to?" he asked referring to Ethan. than I looked over to them and it looked like Jenny was kind of uncomfortable from the way she was looking at him with her arms crossed.

"Oh, his just some guy." I said like it was no big thing, and it really wasn't.

"Hm," was all he said "Come on Jay we need to go!" he shouted to her, she looked over with a grateful smile said goodbye to him, and practically ran to us.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou" she said, and gave Mike a hug, then got in the car. I just look over to him, and he had a smile on his face and just shrugged, and I have him the 'what-the-hell' look and got into he car and drove home.

----house 15 minutes later----

When we finally got to the house the first thing I did was drag jen inside and to my room we need to have a little chat. We stepped into the house she's complaining about how she can walk herself blah blah blah Lex saw us and was looking at us like I was crazy, but I ignored him, and dragged Jenny upstairs and to my room. We finally made it to my room I open the door threw my stuff on the floor and pushed Jenny onto the couch, and she landed with an "umph" and she just glared at me.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

"Izzy what the hell?!" I shouted at her when she practically through me on the couch.

"Talk. now!" she nearly shouted at me, and I just sighed I knew she was going to ask sooner or later.

"Fine, but all he was doing was apologizing to me about the whole Nikki thing, and well..." I trailed off not wanting to say what he said to me because well it has nothing to do with him. It's non of his business.

"And...?" she said with a hand motion telling me to go on. I just sighed.

"Well remember when I told you Alex came to school? well He saw Ethan and they looked at each other like they hated each other like they knew each other. And well when I was talking to Ethan he told me that I shouldn't be hanging around Alexander, and that I shouldn't be friends with him like he was dangerous or something. I had to get out of there fast and I guess Mike notice and thank God for that."

"Wait, so Ethan said you shouldn't hang out with Lex because he thinks his 'dangerous'?" she asked me and I just nodded.

"Well did you tell him he was our 'cousin'?" and I shook my head no.

"I didn't have a chance to I just wanted to get out of there." I said

"But why would he say that to you? unless he knows something we don't. Besides the fact like we live with vampires, and of course our little secret." she said with an evil smirk. I just smiled at that too, and its true the guys still don't know about our power, and I hate to hide it from them, but I think it's best that they don't know.

They don't have to deal with two elementals right now, or two teenage elementals either, and maybe one day we will tell them but right now is not the right time. I just don't want to be a freak in there eyes. But I guess I will have to deal with it one way or another they will eventually find out, but when they do find out they going to be surprised. Just like I was when I first found out, when I was 15 years old. as did Izzy a year later on her 15th birthday. But I don't really want to get into all that now, maybe some other time right now we have to figure out what is with Ethan and Alexander. Just than there was a knock at the door. and Izzy and I both looked at each other and she went and answered the door.

(Alexanders P.O.V)

Mike and I need to talked to Jennyfer and Elizabeth about this right away so we made our way to Izzy's room, and I guess we got there in the middle of their conversation because all we heard was them talking .

"But why would he say that to you? unless he knows something we don't besides the fact like we live with vampires, and of course our little secret." I heard Elizabeth say and I could already see the smirk on her face, but what are they talking about?

I look over at Mike and he just shrugged hmm I guess that conversation is for another time but right now we need to talked about something more serious. So I knocked on the door and Izzy answered it and they both looked at us curiously.

"We need to talk. Now." I said, and they followed us to my study.

"what is this about?" asked Jennyfer when her and Elizabeth took their seats.

"This, ladies happens to be about you little friend" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Who?" they both said at the same time.

"Ethan Knight"
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