Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen



(Alexanders P.O.V)

"We need to talk. Now." I said, and they followed us to my study.

"What is this about?" asked Jennyfer when her and Elizabeth took their seats.

"This, ladies happens to be about your little friend," I said annoyed.

"Who?" they both said at the same time.

"Ethan Knight,"


(Jenny's P.O.V)

I sat there shocked. Ethan? what could this have to do with him, his just a human. right? God I hope so I can't deal with anymore fantasy creatures right now. I mean two vampires okay, but knowing there might be more out there, and that Ethan can be one is making me even more nerves to find out what Alexander and Mike want to tell us.

"What about Ethan?" I found the courage to ask.

"We don't want you girls being friends with him." Mike said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why not?" Izzy asked.

"Because we don't, do we need a reason?" asked Alex with a really bad attitude.

"Yeah actually you do. Why should we stay away from him when you guys wont give us a reason why?" I asked

"Because his dangerous, there ya happy!" Alex practically yelled at us.

"Funny he said the same thing about you." I heard Iz mumble, which means if I heard it they heard it too.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked her, and than she looked at me and so did Mike and Alexander waiting for an answer. I just sighed, why do they always look at me for answers?

"Ethan said the same thing about you, that you're dangerous, and that we should stay away from you." I answered looking at Alex, and he just narrowed his eyes at me.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Mike said amusement in his voice.

"Yeah 'cause im the threat here." Alex mumbled under his breath looking pissed.

"Will you guys just please explain to us what's so bad about Ethan?" Iz said getting impatient.

"Fine you want to know the truth?" Mike asked us, and we just nodded.

"He's a slayer," Alex answered with his back turned to us, looking out the window.

"what the fuck is a slayer?" I asked. They really just need to get to the point.

"A vampire slayer." Mike said simply.

"you mean like Buffy the Vampire Slayer?" Iz asked almost ready to laugh, who's ever heard of them being real.

"Something like that Elizabeth, but more dangerous." Mike stated.

"Okay so you guys are telling us that Ethan's a 'slayer'?" I asked.

"Well not exactly, he's not a slayer but his family is, have been for centuries." Alex answered.

"So why is hanging around him dangerous if he's not a slayer his family is?" I asked getting annoyed. They have no right to tell us who we can, and cannot be friends with.

"Because if he find out you two live with vampires don't you think he is going to tell his family? I will not take the chance of us being exposed and tracked down because you want to befriend the slayers son, and if we are in danger you two are in danger I will not have you two in harms way!" Alexander shouted now face us.

We just sat there be wild I never knew he cared so much about our safety. I never imagined I would say this but I kind of like the overprotective side of Alex; It shows that he actually cares about someone other than himself, and it shows that even though his an 'all powerful vampire' he still has some human emotions that gives him the power to care about someone, and to love someone. And I never thought I see that side of him.

Just than his eyes started to turn black just like they did today at school, but he tried to hide it. By closing his eyes and calming himself down he reopen his eyes and they where back to their regular color. At least I know what black means now. Its when he gets protective.

"Now will you guys just please, please try to keep a safe distance from him?" Alex asked looking from me and Iz.

"Okay" I heard Izzy say. then they all turned to me.

"Fine, whatever. Can we go now?" I asked

"Elizabeth can, but you stay here with me." Alex said, and then Izzy got up from the chair and left with Mike.

"What now?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I mean it when I said I do not want you anywhere near Ethan Knight, Jennyfer," he said like he was my father or something, which would be imposable because I have no father. I sighed.

"Yeah, yeah I got it the first time Lex,"

"Good, now is there anything you want to tell me?" he asked looking me straight in the eye, and leaning over the desk.

"What's there to tell?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"The truth. I know you and Izzy are hiding something from us," he said, and as soon as those words left his mouth I swore my heart just stopped. But I just stayed quit. Just looking him right in the eyes, and I felt like he was reading me like an open book. I am so screwed.

"What are you hiding?"
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