Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

So Screwed

Recap: "What are you hiding?" He asked me

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I am so screwed so, so screwed. Now what am I suppose to do? Just come out with it? No That would be stupid. I mean I should at least make him work for it (Me: okay that sounded so wrong) Hm, but it is an idea. Innocent never work for me with my friends, but hey its worth a shot, and besides guys can be so gullible.

"I don't know what your talking about. I have nothing to hide." Lets see how that works.

He just gave me a little amused chuckle, and leaned back into his chair.

"How gullible do you think I am? We both know you're hiding something, but the question is are you going to tell me, or just try to lie your ass off? Which will it be?" he asked

'I rather lie my ass off' I thought looked up at him and he was smirkin' like he just won.

'damn vampires!' I thought and hope he heard that!

"Sweetheart we can be here all day, I mean I do have the rest of eternity, but you? on the other hand... times running out." he said still with that damn smirk on his face that I just want to smack off. but he was right, I sighed.

Yet I would never tell him my secret, and not because I'm scared of his dumb ass. No, its because it not only my secret to tell. It's Izzy's too. But then again I don't think it would be that bad to get exposed to them. We didn't freak when they told us about their secret, and besides what's worst Vampires, or Elementals?

And we didn't freak when they told us they were bloodsucker's, and even thought it would be kind of weird to tell someone the truth I still feel like they have a right to know in some way or another.

I just hope they don't freak, or that Izzy gets mad that I want to tell them our secret. The truth hurts, but lying to them is worst. especially if it comes between Red's and Izzy's relationship. Well I guess there really isn't any other option is there? I sigh. After keeping this secret for 2 years, and keeping not only from my friends but my family too. I'm about to tell this person that I barley even know, and yet I still feel safe telling him, and Mike too. Because I know its the same thing Lex and Red go through everyday, pretending to be someone they're not, or better yet what they're not.

"Fine. You want the truth? okay, yeah we are hiding something from you..But I'm not saying anything until I talk to Elizabeth first." and he knows its serious because I never call her by her whole name.

Alexander just nodded, got up from his seat and exited out the door behind me. After he left I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in, and took of my beanie and ran my fingers through my long black hair.

'God what have I done? What if she never wanted to tell them wh-what if....' my thoughts trailed off as I was becoming frantic. My hands were shaking so bad that I held on to the arm rest for dear life.

Then the door behind me opened.

'I am so screwed' I thought..
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