Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

The Truth


Then the door behind me opened

'So screwed' I thought

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I turned around and saw Izzy, and watched as she took a seat across from me. I signed. Well here goes nothing.

"So what's up." she asked me. A little confused expression on her face.

"I just wanted to ask you something.." I trailed off trying to figure out how I'm going to tell her this.

"Okay... Shoot." she said crossing her legs Indian style. Waiting for me to continue.

"Uh well... Ugh! fine I'm not gonna try and sugar coat this.. So... Alex know we were hiding something, and he wants to know what. And I kind of told him that we would after we were done talking." I put my hands up in front of my face because I know how violent she can be. I looked from in between my fingers and just saw her sitting there with her mouth wide open.

"Ho-how could you d-do that.." she was at a loss for words, and I removed my hands from my face and looked at the floor. My head hung in shame.

"I-I won't keep my mouth shut. Not anymore," I told her.

"I can't.." I whispered.

(Alex's P.O.V)

After what seemed like forever they finally came out of the study. Mike and I stood up from our seats in the living room as they approached us.

"Maybe we should take this outside." Elizabeth said to us. Both her hands were behind her back. Both her and Jenny's eyes were puffy and red. Had they been crying?

If I'd known this was going to affect them like this I would have never asked. But we need to know. We have a right to know. No more secrets. I'm tired of them, I feel like my life has enough secrets, and I don't need anymore. The one secret I hold the deepest is so painful It's enough that I could handle anything they dish out to us today. Hell if they turned out to be Vampires too, witches , Werewolves. I don't care as long as there's no more secrets between any of us.

We went out through the sliding glass doors in the kitchen, and walked farther back of the yard were there was only grass. All four of us stand opposite of each other. Elizabeth in front of Mike, and Jennyfer in front of me.

"What's this about?" Mike asked them. I feel like were in some old western showdown the way we were opposite of each other.

"You wanted to know, but if we told you you'd probably think we were crazy. So we're showing you." Jenny explained.

"Showing us? Showing us what?" I demanded

"This," Izzy said, and made a hand motion to an empty patch of grass.

Whatever we saw astonished and amazed us. In that empty patches place a bed of red tulips started to appear.

Earth I thought Still shocked.

Then Elizabeth looked around and spotted the water fountain just a few feet away from us. She squinted her eyes and made an upward hand motion this time, and water squirted out of control. Now Mike's mouth dropped.


We looked back at them expecting Izzy to conger up another element, because I have a feeling I know what they are, and thats definitely not human. But she looked over to Jennyfer who seemed hesitant, but izzy nodded to reassure her. She took a deep breath then looked up to look at Mike, and then lastly me, and when she did I saw fear in her eyes but why?

She took a deep breath closed her eyes and released the breath. The wind started to wine up, and leaves scattered at my feet. That when I realized that Jennyfer was doing it! She finally stopped, and the wind died down.


She opened her eyes us all starting at her. She signed looking at Izzy, and Izzy reached for a tulip from the bed of flowers, and handed it to her. Jenny held the flower to her nose and smelt it. It was silent for a moment.

"I love tulips." She whispered into the flower bud. She looked back up at us.

She held it out in front of her, never taking her eyes off our face expressions. And then the flower erupted into flames as she dropped it at her feet.

"Fire." I whispered.
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