Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen


(Alexanders P.O.V)

"Who's fault is it?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

She looked up at me then, tears in eyes. I never knew she despises her father so much, maybe that why she was so afraid to tell us what she and Elizabeth are. Because she didn't want us to think they were freaks just 'cause she think they should of never been created. I signed. There was something else 'bout her eyes thought I could of swore they just turn red as she shouted her answer at me.

"Its our fathers fault. Its all their fault!." She shouted at me, and then we all smelt smoke.

"What the fu-" but Mike got cut off by one of the maids screaming.

Shit! I thought and ran out of the room with Mike on my tail.

We ran into the living room where we heard the scream, and saw one of the younger maid looking frantic looking for a way to put out the fire. The couch was on fire, and when I mean on fire I mean ON FIRE. That shit had flames almost reaching the ceiling.

Mike ran to get the fire extinguisher while I had to get the maid out the way- I think her name was Melody- but that not important right now. I got her out the way and Mike came back a second later with two fire extinguisher and we started to put out the fire.

Once the fire was out I let out a big sign. That was way too close. Shit the house could of burned down. Mike and I look at each other, and shake are heads.

"that was fucking close." He said. I just nodded.

"Come on. Lets get back to the girls." I said, and we ran off to the study again.

When we got back to the room Jen was still crying on Iz's shoulder saying it was her fault, and her fathers fault. I just hate seeing her like that its heartbreaking. Which is sad 'cause I don't have a heart, but I still have feeling and well she just seems to know how to get to me without even knowing it. I signed and walk over to her and sat on her right side. I guess she sensed I was there so she turned to me, and I wiped away the tears which I guess cause her cry even more.

"Don't cry everything is okay, Mike and I took care of it. Okay?" I said to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I-i didn't mean t-to I-" but I cut her off and hugged her to mine and her surprised she hugged me back and put her face into my neck and crying again.

"Shh everything okay, Sweetheart." I told her.

We were alone now since Mike and Iz just though we need to be alone and maybe to talk themselves too. She look up at me with one tear running down her cheek, but I wiped it away. I look up to meet her gaze, and the moment our eyes locked- I know this is gonna sound corny- but I felt whole, complete like I never wanted to let her go or let anyone every hurt her again. And was it me or was she moving closer to me? Nope not just me but I started to move in close too.

Are lips finally meet, and it was the best feeling just like when I first kissed her in her room that day. I mean it wasn't perfect but I don't care where it is as long as its the right person, and it is she has no idea how she makes me feel. The kiss started off soft as she moved her hands to my neck and I moved my hands around her waste to bring her closer to me.

We started to get really into it but she started to pulled away- no why is she pulling away?!- she did though and started to breathe harder. I signed and tried to go back in for another kiss, but it was a small peck and she kissed back. When we pulled away she had a small smile on her face. She put her forehead to mine, and signed.

She looked at me and I just stay there doing the same trying to take her all in. I mean how long do you think this is going to last? Ill never get to kiss her like this again.

She signed again and kissed me again I just smiled into the kiss and put my hands through her hair. But then she pulled away again.

"Thank you." She whispered, looking up at me and are eyes locked again.

"For what?" I asked in a whisper too.

"Everything-not freaking out, for not getting mad at me for almost burning the house down- just everything" she whispered and hugged me again.

"Of course I wouldn't be mad at you. It wasn't your fault. I should have never asked, it wasn't my business, and I'm sorry." I said pulling away from the hug and looking at her as she looked at her hands. I grabbed her hands which mad her look up, and smile a little.

"Are you okay now?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just I can't believe I let him get to me like that." She said. And when she said 'him' I knew she meant her father.

"Well, you have every right to be angry with him." I said in an annoyed voice. To show her I didn't think her father was such a great guy. How could you just leave like that, and let you our daughter go through that alone. I mean he doesn't know she exist but if he was around maybe she wouldn't be so upset right now.

I tighten my grip on her hands I was holding. She squeezed back telling me everything was okay. And that I now understand her hatred towards her father.

It was quite for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"Are you sure your okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She reassured me. But then she started to get up. So did I.

"You know your not as bad as everyone says you are." She said in my ear as she pulled me into another hug rapping her arms around my neck, and my hands around her waste.

"What do you mean?" I ask pulling away.

She giggled a little and pulled me back. Wow im really feeling the love- wait I mean shit!

"I just mean that everything I hear wasn't true, and I know your not dangerous like Ethan said you are. He doesn't even know you, and if you want me to stay away from him-I will." She whispered the last part in my ear which mad me shiver a little. Damn see what this girl does to me?

"What did you hear?" I asked pulling away this time.
She just smirked.

"Oh, don't worried about it." She said her hands still around my neck and my hands still around my waste. If anyone walked in right now their face would be priceless.

"Who did you hear this stuff from?" I asked again annoying. She just laughed and pulled me into yet another hug but her hands around my waste and her head on my chest so I rested my head there.

"The maids know everything." She said giggling and I froze. They didn't?! God I hope they didn't say anything about- damn what if they did but then if they did she would have ask right? Right?! Shit.

She finally let me go after a while even though I was kind of getting use to holding her close. She walked over to the door but turned around before she opened it.

"Thanks again, Lex. You know for everything." She said showing off her white smile, and showing me the dimples under her mouth that I never seemed to notice until now.

And then she was gone. I signed and walked over and sat on the big comfortable black leather chair at the desk.

I just sat there thinking over everything that happened, it was such a hectic day, and the weeks not even over yet!

I can't believe this all happened. And I definitely can't believe Jennyfer and I kissed again. I never thought that would happen again. I smirked just thinking about it.

But that quickly turned into a frown.

Can I really be falling for a human.....again?
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I would really love comments I'm not the type to say this many comments for the next chap but please guys feed back would be nice (: thank

I also added characters so just scroll up and click :D

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