Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

What If It Wasn't Just A Dream?

(Jenny's P.O.V)

As I soon as I walked into school I went straight to my locker to get my books for class. I continued to walk until I felt someone out their arm around my shoulder. I looked up and see my ex John. I can describe him in two words. Man whore.

"What do you want?" I asked in an angry tone.

"Oh come on baby are you still mad because of that kiss? I mean come on it was nothing" he acted like it was no big thing.

I stopped, and stared at him wide eyed. Are you serious? Just a kiss? Let me tell you it was more than that that's for sure. Now I was pissed.

"KISS?! KISS?! you slept with that slut, and I caught you with her in you room! How is that nothing John? tell me? cause it's not. What is IT'S OVER don't you get? I never want to see your face ever again so leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled and walked away from a very surprised John.

I never yell at him like that, but he was pissing me off so I had to. As I continued down the hall I could hear people cheering who saw the whole thing saying things like "oh shit." Or "your suck an asshole." Mostly that one from the girls. I just smile, and went to my locker to see my other two best fiends Mellixa ,and Anabella.

Mimi as I call Mellixa was a short 5'2 with green eyes, brown/orange haired girl, and a heart of gold. She was always the person I went to for advice, and stuff. She's a great person. Anabella is a not a very tall person, but tallest of are group at 5'6, she has brown eyes, black hair to her shoulders, and a beautiful caramel completion. Oh and if you ever call her Anabella she probably punch you. She likes to be called Bella.

"What's wrong Jeje?"(Gigi) Mimi asked that was her nickname for me, and she was the only one aloud to call me that.

I smiled at her, and Bella
"Oh it's nothing just that man whore tried to talked to me again that's all." I sighed and started to open my locker.

"Are you serious? Do you want me to beat his ass for you?" Bella asked. She was always the violent, but loving one.

I laughed at this and said " Nah it's okay, Bella I think I finally got threw to him." hopefully' I thought as I got my books from my locker and closed it.

"Okay if you say so, but if he ever tries anything again tell me I'll handle him." she gave me a wink. I laughed I might take he up on the offer.

"Yeah I'm sure" after I said that my phone vibrated.

'Already here meet me at yur locker becuz I gotta ask yu && da grlz sumthin -Iz.

I read it, and replied 'K we'll b waitin` 4 yu - Fer I pressed SEND and looked up at two confused faces.I signed and said,

"It was Izzy she said she wanted to tell us something." I shrugged and put my phone in my back pocket encase a teacher came around.

Just than Izzy came storming in, and came running up to my locker jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. We all laughed at this I put my hands on Izzy shoulders and told her to calm down and tell us what she was going to tell us. She took a couple deep breaths.

"Oh out with it already women!" Bella said, did I forget to tell you she is very impatient? Well now you know.

she sighed and said " Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, I know what we're going to do this Friday for Halloween!" she said excited. We all laughed at her excitement.

"Okay, then care to enlighten us on what that is dear cousin?" I said with a smile, she smiled back.

"Yes I will, we're all going to Pilgrim State!" she said jumping up and down again. Okay someone has to much coffee this morning. "So are you guys in or are you gonna be pussy's?" she asked us.

Pilgrim State is an old abandon mental hospital. It's said to be hunted by the people who died there years ago and some of the buildings where demolished. And now it's just this really huge empty land with knocked down buildings, and some kids still go there to hang out like dumb-asses and say they have seen stuff.

"Um Iz I would love to go because it sounds pretty cool, but I can't I already got stuck babysitting my cousins, sorry." Bella said.

"Yeah, Iz sorry. I can't go either you guys know how my mom is she probably won't even let me out for trick or treating" Mimi said in sad tone.

"Well we got to get to class we'll catch up with you two later, bye loves" Bella said dragging Mimi with here, she just waved bye.

"BYE AMOURS!" Izzy and I call out.
Okay great now its just me. note the sarcasm. Izzy turned to me with that infamous smirk of hers.

"So are you in or are you gonna make me go alone?" she asked putting her hands on her hips.

I sighed " You know I would never ditch you yeah I guess I'm in... but what about that dream aren't you worried that something might happen, I mean what if it wasn't just some dream?"

"Oh my dearest Fer," she said putting her arm around my shoulder and continuing "Nothing's going to happen. Don't worry every thing's going to be fine I promise. And believe me it was just a dream stop being such a worry wart."she said.

" Fine,Fine. I give in. We'll go, but if I get a weird feeling where out of there got it?"I said.

"Yeah,Yeah got it, and besides with what we can do I doubt anyone can mess with us." she said and winked at me smiling evilly.

"Ugh Izzy... whatever I don't have time to yell at you for that I have to get to class. Bye" I walked off to first period math and just hear her yell out.


I waved over my head, and walked into my class room. I sighed, and sat down.
'I swear that girl doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut! Doesn't she know what will happen to us if anyone found out? God!' I thought to myself, A minute later I felt my phone vibrate again and took it out to look at the text from Izzy again. Since there where no teacher in the classroom yet, I took out my phone and it read.

'Dnt wrry Fer nuttins gonna happen its goin`to b so much fun! - Iz
I signed loudly and had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach

'what if something bad happens?' I thought to myself
I tried to get over the feeling, but it just wouldn't go away...
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