Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen


(Jenny's P.O.V)

It has been 4 days-it's now Friday-since we have told the guys our secret, and things aren't as weird as I thought they would be. They still treat us the same-besides making sure I didn't lose my temper just in case- but other then that everything was okay.

I know a lot of you would think I would regret, or would be trying to ignore what happen with Alex. Actually him and I are a little bit closer then we were before, but we aren't together. I guess I just got caught up in the moment- yeah I know what a lame excuse- but I can't get myself to regret it, because I don't.

I'll admit I like Alex, but just like him. I mean who wouldn't. He's gorgeous, funny, has a little of a sensitive side, and he knows how to be a friend. Which is all im really asking of him. I don't expect him to come running into my arms and be together just because we kissed-more then once- but still I doubt someone like him would fall for someone like me. Im nothing special besides being able to create and manipulate Fire and Air.

Face it me and Lex we just weren't meant to be together. We come from two separate worlds. Besides why would be want to be with me? When he could have any one he wants. Out of all people why would he choose me?

He wouldn't..

I signed looking up at my bedroom ceiling. My alarm went off 5 minutes ago and I feel like I've been laying here thinking about me and Lex forever. I finally just decided to get up for school.


"He's staring at you again" Gio sang.

I signed this has been happening ever since we last talked obviously he doesn't get the hint that I don't want to talk to him.

"You know what? I don't really care anymore. If he has something to say than he can come talk to me." I said annoyed that I have to talk to him first in order to start a conversation.

And if you haven't figure out who were talking about its none other then the infamous: Ethan Knight. Ugh! Just saying his name ticks me off.

See let me explain after Ethan explained to me about Alex everything went down hill the next day. I tired to keep my word to Alex and just stay away from him, but he found me and wanted to talk about it, but of course I didn't. We got into this big fight which I really don't give two shits about because I knew him for what? A day! And he tried to tell me that I should be careful about who I hang out with! That's not gonna work for me. I can see now why Alex wanted me to stay away from him. He's a total asshole, just like a bunch of my other Ex's. Thank god I never feel for him. Now that I would regret.

If there is anything I do regret its that I really didn't give Alexander a second look. I mean sure he was an ass in the beginning, but I guess that's how he always is and I guess that had something to do with be being human or at least half human.

Lunch finally ended and I was just praying for this day to be over already!


I was doing my homework-which is a surprise- in my room while bumping to my Ipod which I still have-thank God!-but unfortunately Izzy and I didn't have our cell phones which sucks ass.

I continue to bump to my favorite band ever: All Time Low. I started to sing along to a song off their new album: Nothing Personal called Walls.

"I'm gonna break down these walls,
I built around myself
I wanna fall so in love
With you and no one else..."

I sighed at that because I guess I do have my guard up ever since me and John broke up. Been up ever since dunno if ill every let anyone that close to hurt me again.

I sighed again and ran my hands through my hair. Just than there was a knock at my door. Me being the lazy ass I was didn't wanna get up from my lying position to answer the door so I just shouted.

"Come in!" whoever it was heard me and walked in and closed the door behind them. I felt the bed sink in at the foot of the bed as the person sat down.

"I never know you like that band." Alexanders voice came from the foot of my bed which mad me jump because I wasn't really expecting it to be him.

"Well there's a lot you don't know about me." I smirked sitting up by back to the headboard. He just smirked back which mad me get butterflies.

"Well than I guess I can always learn more about you tomorrow. I mean if you want to hang out?" he asked still smiling.

"Uhh..sure, but what about Iz and Red?" I asked not wanting to leave them out.

"They have plans of their own tomorrow, and I thought maybe you would want to hang out with me for the day?" he looked uneasy asking me this. Which I find really adorable.I giggled a little.

"Um okay sure, Not like I have anything to do tomorrow." I said. All my friends had plans.

He smiled, and this one actually reached his eyes. He got up and headed for the door, but before he reached it he turned around. I guess both of us have smiles on our faces now.

" its a date! I'll uhh come by tomorrow by noon. Alright? Bye." He said and like a flash he was gone.

I just keep smiling to myself, but then it feel once I remembered what he said.

Date? Wait did he just ask me out on a date?!

I could only think one thing;

Oh Shit..
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Airheart.101 for the comments! = D
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