Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen


(Jenny's P.O.V)

I woke up the next morning at 10:13 I didn't really get a good nights sleep. I was still freaking out about if this is a date with Alex or if its not. I mean yeah he said it was a date, but I honestly don't know what to think. Maybe I should just go along as if it is just another day. Yeah, yeah just another day..

I got out of bed grabbed some clothes and underwear and headed for the shower. I took a good half an hour because I had plenty of time before I had to go out with Lex. Unlike some girls I don't take hours to get ready. I mean I have no one to impress I mean psh its just Alexander, and yet that still freaked me out.

I put on regular skinny jeans with rips on the thigh and knee areas, fully black Vans with laces, and what else but an All Time Low T-shirt.

Than I went back to the bathroom and curled my black hair with gel, and straighten my bangs to the left side. Finally brushed my hair and put some coconut spray I got from Bath and Body Works.

I headed downstairs for some breakfast since it was only 11:20 and I still had time. Once I was in the kitchen I saw Izzy and Red making out and this wasn't any ordinary making out. No. they were all up on each other, face to face, hands in the hair, Red even had her on the counter top! Oh God I am so not in the mood for breakfast anymore. I back up slowly not trying to bother them and turn and walk-no run back upstairs but than I ran into to someone-literally. I feel on my ass because this person was like made out of fucking stone I swear.

I look up and saw Alexander with an side way smile half trying not to laugh and the other feeling bad for making me fall on my ass. He extended his hand to be, which I gladly accepted and stood up.

"Sorry 'bout that. You really should watch where your going though." He chucked a little at my clumsiness.

"Well I'm very accident-prone. just another thing you don't know 'bout me." I laughed a little and dusted off my ass. He just nodded like he was gonna find out more stuff about me sooner or later. He headed for the kitchen but I stopped him before he could be scarred like I was.

"Um...I wouldn't go in there if I were you Lex." I called after him. He turned around with a confused look. I coughed.

"Well just'll lose you appetite." I smiled. He finally caught on and had his mouth open like a big "O"

"Well how about we just get breakfast on the way? Its not to early" he suggested, and I agreed.

We had finished breakfast and were on our way to where ever Alexander was taking us. He wouldn't tell me where just saying "its a surprise" psh whatever just something else he doesn't know about me. I hate surprises. It just gets on my nerves when someone says its a surprise and everyone else knows expect you! Its took us about 20 minutes to get wherever we where going when I let out a hight pitched squeal. Yes a squeal. Alexander just laughed at my reaction and pulled into a parking space.

"I can't believe you brought me here! How did you know?!" I practically screamed once we were out the car and I pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Although I doubt that hurt him.

"Well, Iz told me how much you've always wanted to go to a live match and I thought today was the perfect opportunity." He smiled down at me.

I know your all wonder where he has taken me. Well Lex brought me to a Boxing Match. I know I know! Why would any girl be happy about that? But im not like most girls remember? Boxing was my sport when I was back home. It helped me with to control my anger better so I wouldn't burn things or cause a wind so strong it would knock a tree down. And I got Izzy into it too. And I've always wanted to see a live match to see how the pros do it.

Alexander lead me into the large stadium with a big ring in the middle. I only know one of the boxers who are fighting but that's all I need to know because he's one of the best. Miguel Cotto. He awesome! Great fighter when I've watch him on t.v. But imagine how much better he is live and in action?!

The match what finally over after what seemed like forever, but it was worth it. Miguel Cotto won! As expected. I really didn't expect anything less of him. Anyways after the match Alex thought we should go grabbed a bite to eat so we stopped at this little restaurant not to far from the house.
Once seated we order our food and talked while we waited.

"Oh My God that was great! We really need to go see another match sometimes. I mean on T.V they're good, but when your actually there! Wow..." I said breathless, and speechless. Lex just laughed and agreeing we should do it again. Our food finally arrived a few minutes later.

"So tell a few things more things that you claim that I don't know about you." Alexander said looking at me as I sipped my soda.

"You see that's no fun! Why can't you figure them out on your own?" I said with an evil grin plastered on my face.

"Fine. But I will warn you. I'll probably know more about you then you do yourself." He smiled at me with those big green/blue eyes which always make me want to melt. I just smirk.

"I really doubt your that observant, Lex." I giggled.

"Oh you'd be surprised." He mutter into his drink.

"I really did have a good time Alex." I said once we where at the door steps of the house.

"Yeah me too. We should definitely do this again sometimes." He smiled and you could see that cute dimple on his left cheek. I blushed and looked down noticing I was staring at him.

He brought his right hand to my chin and moved a piece of hair off of my face with his other hand. Okay so now I was really blushing which is weird because I barley ever blush. I never even blush when John use to do that, but when he did it felt more forced then just doing it because you really feel something for the other person.

"You know its okay to stare. I was doing it to." He whispered his face coming closer to mine.

"I don't know w-what your T-talking about." I said trying to keep from stuttering like a damn fool. It Wasn't working out so great. He just keep getting closer.

"Oh I think you d-" but he was cut off by the front door swinging open, and a really high pitched voice.

"OH LEXI!" and I heard Alexander growl under his breath.
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Comments? (:
Thanks again Airheart.101!

:D © 2010 xXLovesTheRainXx. All Rights Reserved
sorry if you don't like coconut but I love them but if you want to change the spray to something else that's fine.