Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

To Young For This

(Alexanders P.O.V)

I feel like a total asshole. I can't imagen how she feels right now. It hurts to see her cry over something that wasn't even her fault. Its my fault, its Mike's fault we were so rapped in our own little worlds that we forgot the rules. I feel like a fucking idiot and on top of that I feel horrible. I don't want her to have to do this, but its marriage or her life. I mean it won't be that bad all we have to do is pretend that we love each other, and get married, then the council will leave us alone. I hope.

"Im so sorry." I said pulling her into a hug.

We feel into a few minutes of silence.

"Can you explain it to me. Why we have to get married?" she asked pulling back and looking at me.

"Well, in the beginning the rule for humans knowing about us was death. But after a member of the council fell in love with a human he fought for them to change the rules, and so they did. They keep the death part because if the human refused the council thought they would expose our secret so the people who refused were sentenced to death,"

"And as for the marriage part of the rules. Vampires who did tell a human it was merely because they loved them, and it was happening more and more often that the council decided that they would to be married because they thought it was headed that way anyways. As for the humans and vampires who did not love each other but did fool the council into believing that they were got married and had to deal with each other. And for other vampires who did not care for humans let them die even when the human agreed. They let them die!" I said hugger her again tighter this time.

"I won't let them hurt you." I whispered in her ear

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I was scared shit less. I didn't want to get married I was to young to get married. This is all their fault! There is so much emotions I'm feeling right now. Relief, anger, sadness, and sure its Alex's and Mike's fault but they're trying to make up for it. Alex doesn't have to marry me if he didn't want to. He could of refused to marry me and I would be good as dead, but his trying to make up for it by helping me stay alive even if it does mean him giving up being single for me. But how can I marry someone I don't love? I mean yes, I like Alex but not enough to marry him. Right now all I know is that I am going to go through with this whether I like it or not. We have given up everything we even knew and everyone we ever loved because of them. And they're repaying us by keeping us alive.

"Okay." I whispered. And he pulled back to look at me.

"Okay what?" he asked.

"Okay..I'll marry you." I said.

He just look at me with the are-you-sure-about-this face and I just nodded giving him a peck on the lips and hugging him again.

***later that night Izzy's room***

"So how you feeling?" Iz asked me eating a spoonful of ice cream.

"Like shit." I replied eating a spoonful of my favorite ice cream Butter Pecan.

"Well, that's expected. I love Mike, and I want to marry him, but I hate seeing you having to marry someone you don't love." She told me sitting next to me on the couch and putting her feet on my lap.

"Yeah, me too. But there's nothing we an do about it. Im just going to have to deal with it." I said continuing to stuff my face.

"You know what I've been wondering?" she asked me and I shock my head 'cause I had to much ice cream in my mouth.

"I've been wondering if we would have to sleep in the same room as them," That made me look at her funny.

"what? If were going to marry them do you really think the council won't keep on eye on us? Who gets married and doesn't even sleep in the same room as that person." she had a point.

"We'll just because we have to sleep in the same room doesn't mean we have to do anything with them." And its true just because we have to doesn't mean we're going to have sex with them.

I continue to eat the ice cream when I notice Izzy stayed quiet. I look over to her and she was just playing with her ice cream not eating it. I also notice a small blush rise in her cheeks. That's when I realize something. She didn't. Did she?

"Iz, you didn't..." I trailed off not wanting to say it.

"What?! No. Of course not!" I let out the breath I was holding in.

"...but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about," Oh God here we go. "I want my first time to be with him, Jenny. I wouldn't be right with anyone else." She said looking into space. I sighed.

"You don't know what could happen Iz." I told her.

"I know that, but a girl can dream can't she." It wasn't a question. I just shook my head at her and she laughed.

"So...what about you?" she asked a grin on her face.

"What about me?" I asked narrowing my eyebrows at her.

"Well have you ever thought about doing anything wit-" but I cut her off before she finished that sentence.

"No!" I said looking away and blushing like mad.

"Yeah okay. I see the way you look at him!" she said
laughing and she feel to the floor. That cause me to laugh and blush even more.

"Whatever, Izzy. I don't look at him in the way that your referring to. And why would I do that with him? You remember my rule." I said.

"Yeah,yeah I know you'll never have sex with someone that you don't love blah blah blah," she said making a hand motion of someone mouth opening and closing.

"But you do need to get laid!" she said and I almost chocked on my ice cream. I just turned redder. She just laughed at me.

"Your such a prude Fer." She keep laughing and I continued to blush and sink into the couch.

Izzy knows how I feel talking about sex. Im not comfortable talking about it whether it be with her or someone else. And she's right I am a prude. Im not comfortable talking about the male body, watching movies with nudity in it, or a guy touching me in places only I've seen naked. Thinking about sex in general just makes me turn red and makes me feel weird. I know sex is a natural thing, but just the though of having sex with Alex just makes it ten times worst. He is gorgeous, and God knows any woman would kill to be with him, and I'm not saying I don't want to be with him. I'm just saying I'm not ready to be with him that way.

Silence filled the room as both of us think this through well as Iz thinks this through. There's nothing for me to think about I'm not ready to give myself to anyone let alone someone I'm forced to marry. Not that I regret saying yes to Lex because what choice do I have? He's saving me but is that really worth giving him my most precious gift? The one thing I actually have left, that once its gone I can never get it back?

I really didn't have time to answer that question because there was a knock at the door. Izzy got up off the floor to answer it. There stood Alexander with his hands behind his back. He looked up from the floor and looked straight at me and I could of swore my heart skipped a beat. Why does he have this affect on me?

"Can I talk to you? It will just take a sec." He asked.

I got up from the couch and followed him out back to the gardens. We headed for the fountain and sat on the edge of it. He took my warm hands in his cold ones and took a deep breath in from his nose and out through his mouth.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Moving my hand to his forehead, but what did I really expect he was ice cold. He took my left hand and looked at it.

"Im will be...once I give you this," he said reaching into his pocket.

"Give me what?" I asked. Than gasp when he open the box he was holding in his hands.

"This...I mean you don't have to wear it or anything you can put it on your necklace..."

"Its beautiful, Alex." I said.

Taking the box and looking the ring over. it was an engagement ring. It has a silver band, and three circular diamonds. It was absolutely stunning and it looks really expensive which I'm not sure im okay with I hate taking other peoples money.

"Like I said you don't have to put it on your finger, but it would be nice if you wore it. If not on your necklace or left hand. if not than maybe on the right whatever you do is fine with me." He said smiling and showing those cute dimples. I couldn't help but smile back he was being so sweet.

"Thanks, Lex it really is beautiful. But don't you think its a little much?" I asked looking the ring over again. He just chucked.

"Nah, I think its perfect." He said talking about the ring but he was looking at me which caused me to blush and look down. But he lifted my chin for me to look at him, and we locked eyes again. It felt like there was no one around but us.

"I know this isn't how you pictured getting engaged and all, but I'm going to try and make this work. But I can't do it alone." He told me moving some hair out of my face. I nodded understanding. He leaned in for a kiss and it was sweet not forced and for once I actually felt happy. But what I think really made his day was when I slipped the ring on my left ring finger.

***Izzy's room***

"Oh my God that ring is gorgeous!" Cam said taking my left hand and looking over the ring. It was the first thing she noticed when I walked in.

"Nice to see you to Cam." I giggled at her eagerness.

"Sorry, its just I can't help it. You guys are getting married!" she nearly yelled. Me, and Iz just shook our head and laughed.

A few hours passed and Cam said she wanted to go to sleep because she was a little jet lagged. Iz and I stayed up talking, and I found out once I left with Alexander, Red came and gave her a ring to which was just as beautiful as mine. It was the same style just with three square diamonds.

"Can you believe it?" Iz asked. We were sitting out on her balcony wrapped up in blankets looking at the stars.

"Believe what?"

"We have fiancee's," she said looking down at her ring which she as well put on her left ring finger. "We're getting married." She whispered. Looking up at the stars again.

Yeah, married I though looking down at my ring.

I should be excited to be able to have someone like Alexander, but it was still so hard to accept the fact that I'm 17, and I'm marrying a vampire.

Oh joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Izzy's ring
Jenny's ring
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