Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

In This Alone

(Izzy's P.O.V)

Its now Sunday, and if your wondering what month were in its January the 28th. Just thought I let you know. Its been about three about to be four months since we've been here, and if your wondering where here is, Mike finally told me last night when he gave me this gorgeous ring. Anyways off topic, but where in California. Where in Cali? No clue he wouldn't tell me, but whatever I always wondered why it was always so God damn hot here.

Jenny slept in my room last night. She was too lazy to walk all the way back to her room so she settled with sleeping here in my room, in my bed, using my P.J's. I mean I didn't mind, but last time I slept in the same bed as Fer she kicked me in the face, but the thing is before we went to bed we were both near the headboard and she ended up with her feet in my face! How that happened is still a mystery to me.
It was about I'd say 10 something in the morning when I heard someone walk into my room. Im a light sleeper so if I hear something I automatically wake up no matter what. And that pisses me off because once I'm awake I can't get back to sleep no matter how hard I try. After I heard the door shut I didn't hear anything after that. A few seconds later someone was jumping on the bed, Jenny got so startled that she feel off the bed. It would of been hilarious if it wasn't so early. On a Sunday, when we should be sleeping in. Especially after all that went down last night.

"Come on! Wake up sleepy heads!" yelled a very energetic Camille. Both of us groaned. It was way to early. At least for our lazy asses anyway.

"Ow, Cam did you really have to do that?" Jen ask from the floor rubber her ass. I laughed at that and she gave me the finger, and I laughed some more.

"Hey, look on the bright side it can't hurt that bad your ass is huge." I feel back on the bed and laughed.

"Psh you should be one to talk." Jen muttered standing up.

"What was that?" I asked her grabbing one of my pillows.

"You heard me." She said walk over to me, and grabbed another pillow.

"oh, it is so on!" I shouted, and we started hitting each other.

We both knew this wouldn't last long. We could never hold in our laughter long enough to take it seriously. All I have to say is when it involves me and Fer never expect us to be serious we'll just make a joke out of everything. Cam just stood there the whole time doubled over in laughter she couldn't even stand up straight. I guess the guys heard us, and wanted to see what was going on. Once they walked in they had those 'what-the-fuck' faces on which only mad me, Jen, and Cam laugh harder if that was even possible. I have no idea why it was so funny I think we must of been on crack at the moment or something because that's how they were looking at us.

"Okay, okay nothings funny you can stop laughing now!" Mike shouted while we just keep going.

"Oh, Come on you two," Alex said. And still we wouldn't stop I mean we tried but we were gasping for air.

"Fine. Have it your way." Lex said walk over to the still laughing Jenny, and picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She screamed I guess because she wasn't use to be the high up I mean come on she's like what? 5'3 yeah I'd be scared too. Alexander headed for the door .

"Put me down!" she yelled pounding on his back and she kind of slipped and went lower so she hit his ass. That made me laugh again.

"Feisty are we?" Lex laughed,and continue his way to the door. Jenny Blushed like there was no tomorrow. Of course the laughing fit continued, but Mike joined in this time.

"Prude." I mumbled.

"Callate!"(shut up!) she yelled at me. I just waved her off.

"Go ahead Lex, have your way with her. She needs to live a little." I smirked evilly to them even though Alex couldn't see. Jen gave me the finger, and you could tell Alex tensed, but they headed out the door without another word.

"I don't think you should of said that." Cam giggled sitting on the couch.

I shrugged "she'll get over it."

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Im going to kill her. I can not believe she just did that to me. Its like she doesn't know me at all! if I have to scream it at her I will. IM NOT COMFORTABLE TALKING ABOUT SEX!!! Even if she didn't say the word she still implied it or other sexual stuff. God im so embarrassed. I know, I know im a prude. I guess she's trying to help but who's that helping? Definitely not me. I pouted still being over Alex's shoulder as he brings me God knows where! I hear him jiggling a doorknob, and opening it to a room, and when I looked around it was my room. He walked over to the bed and gently set me on it.

I looked up at him confused. He could of just set me down on the floor. Why the bed? And I then a saw a smirk form on his flawless face. I pointed a finger at him as a warning.

"Don't even think about it." He just laughed, and bent over to kiss me, but I turned away.

"Awe Come on!" he whined his face leaning towards my neck leaving a trail of kisses. I shivered.

"I haven't b-brushed my t-teeth yet." I stuttered. He signed, and sat down next to me. I know lame excuse but can you blame me? I mean this is all going a little too fast. We skipped the whole dating part, and went straight to marriage. I deserve a little time to adjust.

"Just go get ready. We'll be leaving soon." He told me.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked. He just smirked.

"Its a surprise." Ugh! This guy and his surprises. I groaned.

"I hate surprises. Just one more thing you didn't know." I stated. He just chucked.

"No, but I am learning." He kissed my forehead , and headed for the door.

(Izzy's P.O.V)

I was walking the halls of the house aimlessly. When I heard familiar voices.

"Are you ever going to tell her?" Cam?

"It has nothing to do with her. She doesn't need to know. so why should she know about it?" Alex?

"Doesn't need to know?! She's your fiance. She has ever right to know!" Cam shouted. But tried to keep it hushed.

What's going on? Lex sighed.

"There's no reason to bring up the past Camille. And since when is this any of your business? There's nothing going on between me, and her anymore." He said frustrated.

Her? What the fuck?

"Really? Then why is her number still showing up on your phone?" My mouth dropped.


"I asked you a question Alexander. So tell me the truth are you still talking to her?" I heard Lex sigh.

"No. I would never do that to Jennyfer." I sighed out of relief.

"Then why is she still calling you?" Cam said more calmly.

"I don't know. She was just a sad thing of the past. Nothing, and I mean nothing is going on between us anymore." He answered, and I guess it was the truth because Cam accepted it.


"Do you still love her?" she asked almost in a whisper but loud enough that I could still hear.

More silence.


And there went any hope of my cousin ever finding real happiness.

Maybe ever real love.

***later that night my room***

A few hours have passed since I found out that Alexander, Jennyfer's fiance was in love with another woman. I mean I didn't expect him to love Jenny.

Care for her? Yes.

Like her? Maybe

Love her? No

I didn't expect him to love her why would I? They were forced into this whole marriage thing just like Mike, and I. But to think of him ever hurting Jenny kills me. She's been hurt over, and over again. She deserves to be happy, and loved. If I ever found out about him cheated on Jenny with this mystery girl I will literally castrate him. No one fucks with my family. Especially my cousin. I just still don't want to believe that he would do something like this. Not that he is doing anything. Yet. But I know he's going to hurt her, I can feel it. And I can't let that happen. I have to tell her. And with that thought there was a knock at my door.
I got up from the bed, and open the door to reveal a bored looking Fer.

"Hey." She said walking into the room when I moved out the way.

"Hey. So what brings you here?" I asked walking over, and opening the balcony doors.

"Oh, nothing. I was hanging out with Alex, but his phone started to ring non-stop so he went to take the call, and I thought I'd chill with you for a little while." She told me smiling. And yet she has no idea who was calling him.
I have to tell her. I just can't keep something this big from her.

She may not love Alexander, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't have grow to love him she has to marry the man for God sakes. I sighed. I have to do what's right. She deserved to know.

"Jen, I have to tell you something." I said looking away from her innocent face.

"What it is Iz. You know you can tell me anything." She just making this harder.

"Its a-about Alex." Still not looking her way.

"What about Alex?" she said stepping towards me.
I was silent trying to think how im going to say this.

"entiendo que quieres hablar," (I understand the you want to talk) "habla." (Talk) she told me.

"Es que Ella todavia llama a El" ( its just that she still calls him.) I said best I could.

"Ella?" she said confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Okay, fine Look I was just walking around the house after we came home today, and I heard some voices. Camille's, and Alex's."

"And?" she pushed the subject, but I still couldn't look at her.

"They were talking about how someone-some girl keeps calling him. Cam thought you had the right to know about their past, Alexander didn't think so. She asked him if he was still talking to her," I sighed this is harder then I thought.

"What did he say?" she sounded curious.

"Que es nada y solo fue un triste pasado. Pero..." (that its nothing, it was a sad thing of the past. But...)

"Pero que?"(but what?) she asked her voice shaky I really couldn't look at her now. My eyes stayed glue to the floor or someplace else besides her.

"Dime.."(tell me..) I sighed its now or never.

"...pero he still loves her." I whispered.

"What?" she whispered back. That's when I finally looked up at her. Her eyes getting all glassy.

"He still loves her okay? I had to tell you! I couldn't keep that from you and I'll be damned if I ever let him hurt you!" I said pulling her into a hug. Tears rolled down her checks.

"I had to tell you I couldn't just let him do that to you I mean who does he think he is?! He's-"

"Ya! No digas nada ya por favor." (Stop! Don't say anything else please.) She whispered the last part. I just hugged her tighter.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

Im sitting alone in my room, in the dark. I know sounds so depressing, but to me its relaxing plus its raining which is even better because I can hear the pitter patter of the rain drops. Rain always helps me sleep, which would be great right now because the last thing I wanna do right now is think about what Iz just told me just a half hour ago.

He still loves her but who is she?

I know I probably hit rock bottom. I just got engaged to the dude, and I'm already claiming him as mine. Which is ridiculous because he's not mine, and I'm not his. Just the the fact that he can say she's in his past, and yet still loves her amazed me. I sound like a bitch right now, but I really don't care at this point. He said he was going to try and make this work. Still having feelings for a woman that's supposably in your past isn't really helping. I'm not in love with him, he's not in love with me, but at the same time I could of grown to love him, maybe as a friend, maybe more. Guess we'll never know will we? He never said he'd fall in love with me. He just said he'd try and make it work. He said he couldn't do this alone.

So why do I feel like I'm in this alone now?
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it was just getting happy &&. I brought it down but his past is important! &&. Besides it couldn't stay happy forever >= ) sorry if you didn't like it xD

Thanks for commenting Airheart.101,
K_atie, and Marie14D! = )

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