Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Asked Out

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I've mad up my mind. Alexander can love whoever he wants. See if I care, which I don't. I know I'm no longer single, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun either. And no not that kind of fun you perverts. I mean that I've gotten plenty of offers for dates, and me being me I always said 'no'. But that's going to change if anyone asks me out I'm sure to say yes. Well it depends. I have to have some stander. Wow that sounded so shallow. But anyways if he can love someone else then I can date anyone I want. He has no say in the matter. I don't belong to him.

I figured this all out last night, so I got about maybe five hours of sleep. I was prepared to ignore any attempts of Alex touching me or kissing me, because I feel like he is trying to force feelings were they don't belong. And I also didn't want him picturing kissing her while it was me he was kissing. I still don't know who she is, but at this point in time I could care less who she is.

I got up in a better mood this morning so I thought I would blast some music while I got ready. I plugged my Ipod into the speakers, and pressed shuffle. The song I Don't Need A Man blasted through my speakers, and I laughed at how ironic that was. I just shrugged it off, and went to take a shower.

I got out fifteen minutes later with a towel hugged around my small frame. I danced a little on the way to the closet, and sang the next part of the song. Which I thought were just right if you asked me.

"I don't need a man to make it happen, I get off being free
I don't need a man to make me feel good, I get off doing my thing
I don't need a ring around my finger to make me feel complete
So let me break it down, I can get off when you ain't around, oh!"

I sighed, and looked down at the ring. If I wore it to school there would be a lot of talk. Oh well ill just take it off for today, and figure out what to do about it later. No need to start something out of nothing.

While getting dressed I looked at the tattoo on my lower back. His name will forever haunt me now. I still don't know how it happened. Me having his name there, it made no type of sense at all. I didn't even know the guy back then. Is his name on my skin suppose to mean something? And if it does what? But right now I refuse to look at it any longer. I got some make up, and covered it up. I truly refuse to be reminded of this guy when he doesn't even know about it. Sure I've told him, but he doesn't know who's name it is. Guess he'll never know.

He'll never get to see underneath these clothes.

(Izzy's P.O.V)

I was up, and ready way before Jenny, so I was in the kitchen just sitting at the island with a green apple. Mike soon trailed in wearing nothing more then pajama pants on. I blushed, and Jenny wonders why its hard for me to keep my hands off him. Damn my teenage hormones! He walked over to me, and kissed my forehead.

Alexander soon walked in after ten minutes, and tried hard not to roll my eyes. He looked at me weird, but continue to make his coffee. Now all we were missing was Jenny. Why is she taking so long? Damn! She never takes this long. Maybe she's still a little upset about yesterday. He's hurting her, and he doesn't even know it. What an asshole. We were all silence, and that's when I heard the music blasting through the house. I suppressed a laugh. I guess it didn't affect her after all. Go Fer!

"I don't need a man to make it happen, I get off being free
I don't need a man to make me feel good, I get off doing my thing
I don't need a ring around my finger to make me feel complete
So let me break it down, I can get off when you ain't around, oh!" she sang.

Alexander looked confused I can tell it was written all over his face. But that's what he gets. He doesn't deserve Jen, she's to understanding sometimes, and if she found out the whole story she probably would understand.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I walked into the kitchen to two confused faces, but I knew Iz knew what was up with me. Of course the guys wouldn't understand. I grabbed an apple from the table, and took a bit. I could feel eyes on me. I was right of course Alex was staring at me from across the room looking at me curiously.

"Are you we gonna go or what?" I asked annoyed that everyone was quiet. I guessed Mike wasn't coming with us today since he looked like a bum. I hugged him goodbye, and Iz of course being herself attacked him. I laughed walking to the front door.

"Are you sure you should be wearing that?" Came a voice from behind me, which he probably got a perfect view of the angel wings tattoo I had since my hair was up.

"I think its fine for this kind of weather." I said not turning to face him. Arms eased there way around my waist, and I tensed. I turned around to face Alex. Are faces where so close.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey." Okay this is awkward.

"I really wish you wouldn't have picked that." He groaned.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because all the guys will be looking at you." He started annoyed. I laughed then rolled my eyes.

"Well deal with it. You can't expect me to wear jeans everyday in this weather did you?" I asked. Unwrapping his hands from my waist, and moving away a little.

He was gonna say something, but I stopped him pointing a
finger at him again.

"Don't answer that." He sighed then looked at my hand.

"Where's your ring?" taking my left hand, and looking it over like it would magically appear out of nowhere. I pulled it back.

"I took it off." I said looking away from him, and heading for the car.


"He's doing it again." Gio sang. A smirk on his face.

"Why don't you just go, and talk to him?" Sony suggested.

"..Maybe I will." I said getting up from my sit, and headed for the for the football player. I could hear a chorus of "what's" coming from the table. The loudest one coming from Izzy. I just ignored them and keep walking till I got to his table.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked Ethan, and he looked surprised that I asked, but agree nonetheless.

"So what's up?" he asked nervousness showing all over his face.

"I was about to ask you the same question," I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Your the one who's always staring." I stated. He blushed, and looked down.

"Okay. Look I feel bad about what happened, and I don't really care anymore about how your hanging out with those guys. Your still here so is Elizabeth, so I just wanted to ask you something, but never had the courage to because I though you hated me." Ethan explained. I sighed.

"I don't hate you Ethan. I'll admit you constant bugging was getting on my nerves, but I could never hate you." I said a smile on my face. He looked, and smiled back.

"So does that mean you'll say yes to going out with me." My smiled dropped.

"What? As in l-like a d-date? But what happened with Nikki?" I tried to fight the urge to roll my eyes at her name.

"We broke up, and only if you want it to be. If you want to can we can think of it as a apology dinner." He had so much hope in his eyes. I hesitated.

"Okay, yeah sure that sounds good."

"Great! Um I'll pick you on Friday than?" I nodded. and he walked back to his friend, but not before giving me a bone crushing hug.

I slowly walked back to my table where everyones eyes were on me.

"What?" I ask picking up my fork.

"What do you mean what? What was that?" Iz almost shouted.

"It was nothing." Looking down at my food.

"Didn't look like nothing." Charlie mumbled. I shot her a
glare. She just smiled back at me.

"Well he just askedmeonadate." I said fast as I could.

"What was that?" Adri asked.

"He asked me out okay! Gosh."


"And what did you say?" Izzy asked.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Huh?" Gio said like he couldn't hear me.

"Yes! Okay I said yes." I put my head on the table.

More silence.

I looked up, and Izzy, looked at me shocked. I sighed. Like she didn't see this coming. Did she really expect me to let Alex love someone else while I just sat there and took it. No I don't think so. And then she did something I didn't expect: she smiled.


Mike picked us up after school saying something about how him and Alexander, where going to switch back and forth-I don't know something like that but I stop listening after I heard Alexanders name. I wonder how he's going to take the whole dating thing with me and Ethan, I mean im not gonna tell him, but who knows what else he can do with his vampire abilities. I was the first to get out the car, and ran up the steps to the house, and before I could reach the door it swung open with a very pissed off Alexander standing there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Izzy's outfit
Jen's outfit

Thanks for the comments
K_atie, and Marie14D! = )

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