Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

You Don't Care

(Jenny's P.O.V)

"What the fu-" but before I could finish he dragged me inside and before I knew it I was in his bedroom.

"Okay what the fuck is your problem?" I asked pissed off.

"My problem? MY PROBLEM?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Im not the one who took that fucking ring off your fucking finger and I'm sure ass hell not the one who came home smelling like another fucking guy!" he yelled.

"Oh my God. Your still pissed about the ring thing? Get over it! I didn't want people questioning me about it, And smelling like another guy? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"What the fuck am I talking?! Okay fine I'll explain it to you. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SMELL LIKE THAT ETHAN KID?" he shouted in my face. I stayed silent looking anywhere but him.

I can't fucking believe him I really can't. He does whatever the fuck he wants, love someone else sure he's not dating her or going out with her, or maybe he is who knows, but ill be damned if he thinks he can control my life. I am NOT his property. I am no ones property. He can't control who I talk to or hug or anything like that. Im not his wife.yet. But even then what the fuck would that mean?

Nothing that's what.

"What are you jealous?" I asked looking at him. His mouth dropped.

"Jealous? Why the fuck would I be jealous of a fucking slayer?" he scoffed. Crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hmm lets see one: he's NOT a slayer remember, and two: I guess if your not jealous you won't mind me going on a date with him this Friday." I smiled at him. He looked at me stunned.

"Date? Are you fucking kidding me?! What gives you the right to go on a date with anyone?! Especially him!"

"You don't own me Alexander! And I don't recall you ever asking me to be anything more than your wife, and even that was forced!" I yelled tearing begging to escape my eyes, but I would let them. I refuse to let him see me cry.

"So what now your just going to go out on a date with him like I mean nothing?" he asked in disbelief, and some hurt.

"Like I ever meant anything to you." He looked at me stunned.

"You have no idea what you mean to me." He said looking almost about to cry, but I knew he wouldn't. I scoffed.

"Right I actually mean something to you, and yet you don't have the balls to tell me you love some other women. Yeah I mean a whole lot to you," I said heading for the door but he pulled me back into in. "Let me go!" I said tears escaping. Damn him!

"No! Look at me!" he said pulling my face to look at him, but him being stronger he won.

"What?" I spat.

"Who told you that I loved someone else?" he looked shocked but he wanted to know. I shook my head I wasn't rating Izzy out.

"Why do you care? Why should you care about what I do, about who told me, and who I date. Why?!" he was gonna say something but I stopped him because I already knew what he was going to say.

"And don't you dare say because you care, because that's a load of bullshit, and you know it."

(Alexanders P.O.V)

I can't believe what I'm hearing. My soon-to-be-wife is going out on a date with my enemy. And on top of that she knows about the girl that I still love. I feel like an asshole because she really thinks I don't care about her. How could she think that? Of course I care about her would I be willing to marry her if I didn't?

"See you can't even tell me." She got out of my grip, and walked to the door, but turned back before she opened it.

"I just want to know one thing," her hand still on the knob, but facing me. "Do you really still love her?" she asked. I sighed.

"Yes..." she held back more tears in.

"That's all I needed to hear." And than she was gone. She didn't even let me finish what I was going to say. Yes I still love her.

"..but I'm not in love with her." I whispered to the empty room.
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Yea I see I dropped the F-bomb a lot in this chap xD can anyone tell me how many I put in this chap? If you tell me ill update 2 chaps next time not one

Thanks for commenting Airheart.101,
K_atie, and Marie14D! = )

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