Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen



(Izzy's P.O.V)

Damn I was really hoping this wouldn't of happened. I could hear all the screaming and arguing going on upstairs between Alex, and Jenny. I shook my head, and looked at Mike with a worried expression.

"What're we gonna do?" I asked.

"Baby, what can we do? Let them work this out okay," He told me bring me into a hug. "They have to work this out by themselves."

***Next Morning***


I woke up at the regular time, got ready, and headed to Jen's room to see if she's okay. I approached the door and knocked.


I knocked again.

Still nothing. Okay what's her deal?

"Jennyfer Maria if you don't open this door I will go in there and kick you ass! Don't think I won't do it." I threatened.

And she knows I'm serious if I use her full name. I heard a click come from the door, it opened and all I saw was Jenny's back side because she turned around to the bed as soon as she opened the door. And what surprised me was that she only has underwear, and a shirt one. Not a sight I want to see this early in the morning. But what shocked me is she wasn't covering up. She wasn't being a prude. Wow I guess this stuff with Lex really did get to her.

"Sweetie, you okay?" I asked sitting next to her on the bed. Her face was in the pillow, and covers over her head.

"Just peachy." She said annoyed.

"Come on Jen, we have to go to school."

"I don't wanna go." She whined. I sighed.

"Well, you can't stay here."

"Why not? Not like I'll miss anything important." True. I sighed again.

"Fine, but just for today. Ill be back later. Please try not to burn the house down." I pleaded.

"No promises." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

I walked out her room, closed the door behind me. I made my way down the stairs, and towards the kitchen. As I walked in things got silent. Alexander, Mike, and even Cam was there. I gave Mike a quick peck than sat next to him at the kitchen table.

"Where's Jay?" Mike asked.

"She doesn't wanna go to school today." I told him glaring at Alex, he just rolled his eyes.

"Come on lets go." Alex said getting up from the table, and headed out the kitchen. I groaned. Great I get to spend a whole ride with him.

The ride to school was silent as expected. But once we stopped at a red light I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. But can you blame? He's being a complete asshole. And an inconsiderate asshole at that.

"I really can't believe you." I mumbled looking out the window.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"Oh don't act like you didn't hear what I said. Do you have any idea how much you've hurt her?" I glared out the window.

"Ha! How much I hurt her? What about me? Huh? I'm not the one going out with someone else." He sounded piss at the thought of Ethan, and Jenny's date.

"Well, if you didn't love someone else you wouldn't have this problem." I mumbled again. That did it. He slammed on the breaks it was lucky I was wearing my seat belt.

"What the fuck Alex?!" I shouted.

"It was you! You told her about me loving someone else! How could you do that?!" he shouted at me.

"How could I? Are you fucking serious?! Do you really think I was gonna let you hurt her like that?" I shouted right back. Car behind us were beeping, but I told them to fuck off, and to go around us.

"I would never hurt Jennyfer! And how could you tell her I loved someone else when I don't." He said calmly.

"Really becua-wait what?"

"I don't love anyone else-well at least I'm not in love with anyone else."

"What's the difference?" I said still pissed.

"Just because you love someone doesn't mean you in love
with that person." true.

"So your not in love with this girl anymore- I mean it is a girl right?" he chucked.

"Yes, she is a girl, and no I'm not-at least not anymore." I sighed out of relief.

"So there's no way what's so ever that your still in love with this Mystery girl?" I asked just making sure.

"There's no way in hell that I'm still in love with that 'Mystery girl'" he stated.

"Shit! I really fucked up didn't I?" I asked feeling this is all my fault. If I hadn't told Jen before talking to Lex maybe none of this would of happened.

"Yeah kind of. But there is something you can do to make up for it." He told me. I look at him curiously.


"Help me win her back." He asked with pleading eyes. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Deal." We shook on it.

I really hope this works.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chaps like I promised (:
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and Marie14D! = )

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