Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Date Night

Date Night Part 1


(Jenny's P.O.V)

Well let me just start with the fact that since Monday Alex hasn't spoken to me. Not that I care its just strange he always has something to say. Tonight is my date with Ethan, and I'm surprisingly nerves. Not because I like him or anything like that its just I was hoping for a different reaction out of Alex. He hasn't talk to me, and he doesn't seem bothered by the fact that I'm going out with someone else tonight which I admit pisses me off. I know this might sound wrong but I wanted to make him jealous.

This date is a one time thing. I know me and Alex aren't on speaking terms, but we did agree on this marriage thing,
and I was never one to back down or be unfaithful. Even if he may love someone else or whatever. I still have feelings for him even though I have no idea what's going to happen between us. I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him. Maybe not think of him as my fiance but my boyfriend. But I really doubt that's ever going to happen. I have no idea were we stand, and that really suck to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

Izzy, Cam, and I all went out on Wednesday to go dress shopping. Why? I don't know. I thought Cam would totally be pissed at me for accepting to date her cousins enemy, but she said that it was alright to go on a date with him as long as I didn't do anything else. Which I wasn't planing on doing. No matter what an ass Alexander has been. I would never cheat on him-if you can say I'm cheating on him-you know what are whole relationship is complicated I don't even know were we stand anymore.

I was in my room when Cam, and Izzy came barging in.
"What the fuck. Ever heard of knocking?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes, but we just wanted to help you get ready for your date tonight." Cam said.

"Its like 5 o'clock my date not till 8." I stated.

"Yeah but its gonna take you awhile to get ready."

"3 hours?!" I asked astonished. I never take that long to get ready.

"Yup now come on!" Izzy said shoving me into the bathroom, and told me to take a shower.

I took about 20 minutes in the shower, and once I was out they double teamed me. They told me to put on my dress, and started with my hair. My hair was in some what of a mix of curls, and waves which I really liked. They let it lose so it wasn't tied up or anything. Next was my make up. They did mascara, eyeliner, and some light pink eye shadow, and some clear lip gloss. I didn't want to have heavy make up on, and they understood that because I don't really like to cake on my makeup.

We finally got done about a half hour before I was suppose to get pick up by Ethan. And I know what your thinking why would he pick up at the house when Alexander might just kill him, but Cam told me he'd be on his best behavior. Cam, and Iz were looking at me in awe once they were finished.

"Damn girl! you looking sexy!" Cam laughed while taking my hand, and spinning my around.

"Really? You don't think you guys went a little over board?" I asked trying to pull the dress lower. It was revealing a lot of skin which I don't normally do.

"Nope you look great!" Izzy beamed. I sighed.

And than the moment I was hoping would come later rather then sooner. The doorbell rang. My breath got caught in my throat. I'm not nerves about what Ethan will think, but of what Alex would. I know im not going on a date with him tonight, but I wish I was. I could hear the guys talking downstairs. Great they're going to kill him before I even go on this date.

"Jay! Your date is here!" Mike yelled from downstairs, and he didn't sound so pleased either.

I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. The girls tried to make me calm down or else they would drag me down the stairs themselves. I exited my room, and made my way to the stairs. I slowly mad my way down because with the heels I'm wearing I just might break my neck.

Once I was at the bottom of the stairs everyone was looking at me. I ears started to turn red I could just feel it. I look up, and saw Ethan with a big grin on his face. I tried to return it best I could. I looked over at Alex and Red to see their mouths dropped to the floor. I giggle and looked away.

"Wow you look amazing." Ethan complemented me.

"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself." He was wearing a stripy baby blue bottom down shirt with some black pants.

"Why thank you. So you ready to go?" he asked. I just nodded, and linked my arms with his as he lead us to the door.

We said our goodbyes to everyone before we left, and I took one last look towards Alexander before we left. He still looked shocked, but still slightly hurt for the most part. He must of felt eyes on him because he looked up to meet my gaze, and gave me a weak smile. Before the door closed I saw him mouth something to me:

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:D © 2010 xXLovesTheRainXx. All Rights Reserved.

Jen's hair

Jen's Outfit