Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

I Told You So

(Jenny's P.O.V)
----My House At 6:05----

It's been two days since I said I would go with Izzy to Pilgrim. Ever since then my fears and nerves still haven't gone away. Today's Friday and I'm here laying on my bed thinking what have I gotten myself into this time. I sighed and looked at my alarm on my nightstand it read 6:05A.M 'great now I have to get up'. Today's the day I've been dreading the most. October 31,2009.

I'm still feeling lazy but got up from my bed. I headed for the closet to pick out my cloths for today, I picked out a black and purple shirt, purple skinny jeans, black boots, and a purple sweater, oh and of course some underwear which happen to be black and purple also. I hopped into the shower for a good 15 minutes, got out and dressed. I didn't feel like straightening my hair today so I curled it instead with hair gel. Once I was done I grabbed my bag and headed out to school.

----School at 2:45----

It felt like school dragged on forever I swear when will it end! It's 8th period and seems like everyone about to jump out of their seats no-one could wait until the bell rang. I how ever could care less because time was the only thing keeping Izzy and I from going to Pilgrim tonight. The bell finally rang and everyone jump out their seats and headed for the door. I was the last one out the class, I didn't want to get stuck in the door way like everyone else did because they couldn't wait till the weekend I how ever could. I went to my locker to put my things away, until my phone vibrated. I looked around to see if there were any teachers in the hall and then checked who send me the text. Of course who else would it be but Izzy.

'Hola Fer I'll meet chu @ da gate kk'- Iz she text.
'yeah Okay' - Fer I replied.

I put my phone in my back pocket and started my walk to the schools gate. I waited for about 5 minutes until Izzy finally came out looking all giddy and excited

'God help me please' I thought to my self looking up to the sky.
"You ready Fer?" Izzy asked me. I looked down to see her holding her overnight bag over her shoulder. I sighed this is going to be a long night.
"yeah lets go."

We continued to walk to my house because it wasn't to far from our school. You're probably wondering why Izzy has a overnight bag, well we're going to have a 'sleepover' when really we're going to sneak out the house when my mom goes to a costume party her friend's having since Izzy and I have the house to ourselves. The whole walk Izzy would never shut the fuck up about how much fun we're going to have how excited she was, she continued to go on and on when I suddenly froze and stopped walking. I looked around having this weird feeling that someone was watching us. I got that that knot in my stomach again, Izzy finally noticed my sudden stop and walked back over to me.

"Are you Okay Jenny?"she asked, but I didn't answer.

"Hello Earth to Jenny, anybody home?" she asked me again knocking on my head like I was some damn door, but I finally returned my attention back to her.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine so you were saying again?" I said because I didn't want to worry her.

She sighed rolled her eyes and continued talking until we finally made it to mi casa.

----My house at 10:00----
"Nena I'm leaving now you sure you and Elizabeth are going to be Okay?" my mom asked in English, she still had the Puerto Rican accent.

"si ma todo esta bein." I said (yes mom everything Okay)

"Okay well I'm going then call my cell if anything bye hija bye Elizabeth." she said kissed Izzy and I on the cheek and walked out the front door to her car.

Izzy and I called out our bye and closed the door
"Bye ma." and "Bye tia Myrna."

----My house at 10:30----
"Okay I think It's safe for us to go now, come on." Izzy said while getting off the couch and tried to pull me with her, I groaned.

"Do we have to? I mean I just got into the movie." I whined to her hoping it will work.

"NO! now come on it's gonna take us at least a half an hour to get there. So get you fat ass up!" she said to me with an attitude. I rolled my eyes and got up from watching "the Craft". We got our flash lights from the kitchen turned off all the lights except for the t.v because we wanted people to think we're home, locked the doors and almost headed out the door until I remember to get something first.

"Oh wait! I need my ipod." I said and ran up stairs to my bedroom.

"Oh God, Jenny come on do you really need to bring that thing everywhere you go?" I came back down from upstairs, and gasped

"It's like you don't me at all. How could you say that? you know I never go anywhere with out my phone, or my ipod so stop complaining and lets go." I said and walked out the back door and locked it behind me.

"Wait you have your phone right?"
"Ugh Yes, it's right here now come on stop trying to stale!" Izzy said in frustration.

----Gates of Pilgrim State 11:00----

I was frozen in my place again just staring at the old abandoned hospital.
"Oh My God, Fer stop being scared it's nothing we're just gonna walk around for a little being our stupid self's, and then leave no biggie." Izzy said like it was just like riding a bike.

"Izzy I don't know about this anymore, I mean it looks so I don't know there is just something not right about this place." I said in a scared tone, and I know I'm older and all, I should be the one reassuring her but I can't do it now something is just off.

"Oh come on, Jenny we're not going to be here that long just a little while Okay? And then we can leave. aren't I suppose to be the younger one come on have some back bone!"

I signed she's right I shouldn't be scared there's no need to be right? so I just nodded and we stared to walk in the direction of the woods behind the buildings that were still standing. We've been walking for about 20 minutes and it's pretty dark but I love the view of the sky at night. I just always feel like there's something more out there then just us. The stars look beautiful as does the moon, it's full tonight with little gray clouds around it, it would be a great drawing to add to my sketch book.

'Maybe I'll draw it when I get back' I thought still looking up at the sky, it's kinda cold but the cool air feels good on my face. Izzy and I are just acting stupid talking about random shit when she asked me something I haven't thought about in while, well until now.

"So when are you going to get back on the horse?"she asked.

I looked at her confused "Huh?" I said

she sighed "I mean like when are you going to get back in the game? It's just you and John have been over for a while. Don't you think you should find someone new someone who deserves you, my cousin?" she asked again putting her arm over my shoulder. I was silent for a minute I didn't know how to answer her, I mean how does a girl who thought she was in love answer that? especially since her hearts still somewhat broken. I sighed and tried to find the right words as we continued to walk.

"I don't know Izzy, I thought I loved him but he just turned out to be a complete asshole. Besides who would want to be with a girl who's broken anyway?" I answered her looking down at my feet as we walked some more.
she let out a loud sigh

"Jenny if there is one thing I know about you it's that you're not easily broken, you're stronger than that and you shouldn't let one bad relationship get you down."

I sighed this time "I know, Iz,but maybe I should go back to the way I use to be." I said now looking straight ahead trying not to meet her gaze.

She gasped, and step back from me and looked at me like I just escaped from the funny farm.

" Oh no,no,no you are not going back to that, that 'Maybe if I don't let anyone close to me no-one would hurt me in the first place' shit no, Jenny I don't want you to just give up on love just because of one guy." she said looking at me right in the eyes.
She was going to continue but I interrupted her.

"Yeah, but that's the point Iz its not just one guy, its all of them. All the guys I've ever gone out with. I get played time and time again. I think its just pointless I might as well give up on love. I mean it's already given up on me." I said walking away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Jenny I don't want you to give up on love. I see the way you look up at the stars and the moon and I understand that you think that there is someone out there for everyone, and I know that there is someone out there for you too, I just don't want you to give that up. Someone like you deserves to be happy and find someone to love you and for that person to loves you back, not all theses dumb-ass guys who think that they can cheat on you and betray you like they did."

she keep looking into my eyes when she finished that long speech and I'm not going to lie I was on the break of tears and so was she. I sighed and tried to hold back the tears.

"You're right Iz thanks, I do believe all that...but I'm not going to look for love anymore because once you go looking for something you never seem to find it. So if I am really meant to find love then it can come looking for me because I'm done." I said and walked away.

Izzy fallowed behind me and I know don't why but I felt better knowing that I don't need to stress trying to find love anymore. I was feeling kinda happy since that talked I had with Izzy and I felt like singing, so I took out my ipod and choose the song "4ever" by The Veronicas. Izzy and I sang along with it, I had to admit thought I had a pretty good voice and so did Izzy so we didn't sound so bad.

Here we are so what you gonna do
Do I gotta spell it out for you
I can see that you got other plans for tonight
But I don’t really care
Size me up you know I beat the best
Tick tock no time to rest
Let them say what their gonna say
But tonight I just don’t really care
Come on baby we ain't gonna live forever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you (yeah yeah)
With you (yeah yeah)
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last forever
I've seen it all I’ve got nothing to prove
Come on baby just make your move
Follow me lets leave it all behind tonight
Like we just don’t care
Let me take you on the ride of your life
That’s what I said alright
They can say what they wanna say
'cuz tonight I just don’t really care
Come on baby we ain't gonna live forever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know I wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
With you
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last forever
Lets pretend your mine
We could just pretend, we could just pretend, yeah yeah
You got what I like
You got what I like, I got what you like
Oh come on
Just one taste and you’ll want more
So tell me what your waiting for?
Come on baby we ain't gonna live forever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know I wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
With you
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last forever
Come on baby we aint gonna live forever
Let me show you all the things that we could do
You know you wanna be together
And I wanna spend the night with you
With you
Come with me tonight
We could make the night last forever

We started bursting out laughing so hard that I thought we were going to cry or pee our pants. We continued laughing and walking until we heard something break a twig of some sort. Izzy and I looked at each other wide eye and I gave her an 'I-Told-you-So' glare and we just walked backward until we bumped into something hard but we didn't dare turn around we just looked at each other once more and ran like there was no tomorrow and if these people caught up to us I don't know if there will be a tomorrow for Izzy or myself...

----While Izzy and Jenny were singing----
(Alexander's P.O.V)

Mike and I continues to feed on these two drunk bastards who thought they could take us on ha! shows them to mess with vampires. I finally finished and Mikey was done few seconds after, I wiped the remaining blood on my sleeve as did mike. Just then with with since my ears where sensitize to sounds I started to hear someone singing or maybe it was more then one person. I listen again and hear another voice yup two people or should I say two females. I got a big smirk on my face as did Mike when I looked over at him.

"What do you say we have a little fun huh brother?" I said with a smirk still on my face.

"Yeah sure come on, race ya." With that he was gone.

"HEY NO FAIR YOU GOT A HEAD START!" I yelled out to him then ran off as well.
when we finally reached where it is the voices where coming from I saw mike just standing there in aw.

Whats with him? So I went up to him to ask him when I turned my head to look at what he was staring at then back at him but did a double take to look at what he was staring at or whom he was staring at. Just then they finished singing

"Come with me tonight We could make the night last forever uh oh- " They started bursting out laughing and I swear Mike and my jaws dropped to the floor I never heard a laugh sound so beautiful and sweet as hers did and I'm guessing mike hasn't either with the other one.

I never seen a human so beautiful as she was with her black hair blowing in the wind and her wide smile on her goddess like face. I finally sniffed the air for the first time since we got here and that's when I finally smelt it or her. Her blood smelt so delicious I've never smelt a humans blood that smelt like hers before not even... I'm getting of track but the point is I wanted her, I wanted to suck her dry right here and now and it seems like Mikey over there can't wait to sink his teeth into the other one so I say to him

"So what are we waiting for? let go!"

He smirked and nodded his head and we were off and behind some trees that were behind them and Mikey being the dumb ass he his started to walk and broke a branch that was on the ground in front of him. I looked up at the girls there eyes went wide, the one with the amazing blood running threw her veins gave the brown head a nasty glare like trying to tell her something.

They started to back up and keep looking straight ahead, I nodded to Mike and he nodded back showing he understood and we went up to them but from behind. We were right behind them in a mill a second and once their body's collided with ours they freaked, looked at each other wide eyed and ran off. If it's like they expected it or something but no time for that theory. Mike and I ran after them and it wasn't that hard to catch up to them besides they were after all only human...

----Woods 12:34----
(Jenny's P.O.V)

I was scared shit-less I wanted to to hide under some rock but what good would that do. Izzy and I continued to run but what good would that do us we both knew how it was going to end so I stopped running and I guess that shocked Izzy because she looked at me stunned.


We just stood there for a minute looking at each-other tears in each-others eyes.

I signed and said "Fine if we're going down then we might as well go down with a fight."

So we continued to run as fast as we could even thought we both knew there was no way getting out of this and just like deja vu Izzy tripped. I stared at her wide eyed ran back to help her up and said In a whisper so they wouldn't hear even thought I had a feeling they could.

"Remember if we're going down we're going down with a fight."

she smiled at me and nodded and she looked over my shoulder. I turn around to face the main reason we were running them once again but I wasn't scared this time and I don't think Izzy was either because she stood right beside me and not behind me. I found the strength to open my mouth and say something but was caught off guard when Blondie once again was all up in my face but this time his body was closed to mine with my back to a tree.

"what do you want?" I asked in a whimper because his body was almost crushing mine there was literally no space between us what so ever. I finally looked up and into those beautiful green blue eyes that I dreamed about almost every night. He probably stared at me for about 5 minutes until be finally answered.

"You know what I want." he said in a deep cold but seductive voice and of course he sniffed my neck.

"You know what? I do know what you want, but your not getting it from me or my cousin." I whispered into his ear, he stayed sniffing my neck probably confused so I did what any girl would do I kicked him where the sun don't shine as did Izzy with red over there. Both of them screamed out in pain and Izzy and I ran of again hearing

"You stupid bitch!" and "Get them!"

Izzy and I just ran for our lives until Mr. grumpy a.k.a Blondie hit me and I flew into a rock and hit my head really hard and I could feel bloody coming from the back of my head the last thing I saw was Blondie standing kneeling beside me and whispered in my ear

"You should have never done that sweetheart." and he smirked, but the last thing I heard was Izzy screaming my name
" JENNY!!!!"
And then complete darkness...
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