Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Date Night Part 2

(Izzy's P.O.V)

"Okay people lets get everything set up." I ordered.

Jenny will be back from her date in a few hours. And when she gets back she will never know what hit her. Alex was nerves as expected, but if he wanted her back than this is something he will have to do.

This will be a night she will never forget.

(Jenny's P.O.V)

We arrived at the restaurant about 15 minutes after we left the house. The car ride was silent. Not an awkward silence, but the kind were nothing really needs to be said. Ethan help me out and I thank him as we continued into the restaurant. They seated us pretty fast because we had a reservations. We were seated outside under the stars. I didn't feel very comfortable at all. I mean this is way to romantic, and this is just a apology dinner right? I don't want to send Ethan the wrong message about us. So as soon as we sat down I try to make things clear, but he interrupted before I could say anything.

"I know this is just an apology dinner. I just want you to have a good time." He shrugged.

"Thanks Ethan, its just this place looks so expensive. You sure this is okay?" I asked. I still hating when people spent unnecessary money on me.

"Its fine trust me. Pick anything you want dinners on me." He flashed me one of he's huge grins.

I felt bad about taking he's money so I tried to order the cheapest thing on the menu. Which happened to be Chicken Alfredo one of my favorite dishes.

Dinner went pretty well I have to admit. I was expecting it to be awkward silences, and him trying to get with me. But he was the perfect gentlemen all night making me laugh at his jokes. And than he just has to bring up the guys.

"So I know this isn't any of my business, but how did you end up with those guys anyways?" I gulped great I have to lie to him. I hate lying to people.

Unless it was necessary of course..

"Well, after mine and Izzy's parents died Alexander was the only relative left so we had to come live with him, and with Mike who was living with him at the time." Short, and to the point.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about your parents. So Alexander is your cousin than?" I nodded and he smiled a knowing smile like he didn't have competition.

Boy was he wrong.

***House 10:04***

"I really did have a good time tonight, Ethan. Thank you for taking me out." I smiled at him as we stood in front of the front door.

"It was my pleasure really. Hey maybe we can do it again sometimes." He smiled pulling me into a hug, and headed to he's car. Im just glad he didn't try to kiss me. I shudder at the thought. I didn't want anyone kissing me unless it was a certain someone who isn't talking to me. I sighed.

I unlocked the door, and surprisingly it didn't look like
anyone was home. Which was weird I was expecting to be trampled on as soon as I walked through the door. I took a few steps in, and closed the door behind me. Where was
everyone it didn't even look like the maids were here.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I called out, but nothing.

I walked a few feet feeling kind of scared that no one was home. I accidentally stepped on something. I looked down, and saw flower petals all over the floor leading towards the back yard. Strange. I followed the petals until I came to the back yard and gasped. The back yard had been decorated with a whole bunch of lights in the trees, and I could hear the soft sound of music playing in the back ground. I walk around the garden trying to find the source of where the music was coming from.

And that's when I saw him. Well the back of him anyways, but I knew it was him in all his glory. I analyzed him from the back. His broad shoulders, his dirty blond hair that shines in the moon light. And the way he was dress, I will admit he looked even better than Ethan. But who could really compete with him? I walked a little closer towards him. Im surprised he hasn't turn around yet with how loud my heels are.

"Alex..." I said a little above a whisper, but he heard me.

He turned around to face me, with a big ass grin on his face.

And a single red tulip in his hands.

He remembered.
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Thanks for commenting everyone today is my birthday! :D march 19th I turned 17 xD im getting old or that's what my so called friends say anyway hope you enjoy the chap (:

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