Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

His Heart

His Heart


(Jenny's P.O.V)

"Birth control?!" I nearly shouted when Iz told me about Mike wanted her to go to the doctor.

"Yes, birth control. I would really mean a lot to me if you would go with me?" she asked in a little voice. I could tell she was nerves just talking about it.

"Fine. But seriously birth control? Don't you think that's a little extreme? I mean hello! ever heard of a condom?" she sighed.

"Mike said condoms don't really work with vampire, but for some odd reason the pill does." She shrugged.

We were silent for a few minutes just sitting on my bed facing each other, but in our own little worlds. I sighed running my hands over my face. I'm not sure I like the whole idea of Izzy giving it up to a vampire, and Red said it himself he doesn't know how to control himself in that kind of position. So who says things won't get out of hand?

"Are you sure about this? Like 100% pos-" but she cut me off.

"Fer! Yes, I am very sure about this. It may hurt, it may not be the best experience, but as long as its with Mike I could really care less." I sighed there's no changing her mind once its made.

"Okay. Just please for me be careful. I don't think Red will live very long if something were to happens to you." I space out thinking of ways he would get hurt if something does happen to Iz.

She just laughed at me, and gave me a hug.

See that's the thing about Izzy, and I. No matter what happens where always there for each other. I mean even when we lived back home I hated one of her old boyfriend, but I learned to live with the fact that I'll always be first to any one of her boyfriend. I'll always be there to pick up the pieces, no matter what people say blood is thinker than water, but I don't really mind stepping down being first because I know the person taking my place will never do anything to hurt her. I guess I was always waiting for Mike to mess up, but I'm glad that she finally found someone who she loves, and who will love her just the same.

"I'm glad you have Mike." I told her after we stopped hugging.

"Your just happy you don't have to be a babysitter to me anymore." She shoved me a little. I laughed, but than got serious.

"That may be true, but I'll always be there for you. Even when you don't need me anymore." The last part coming out just above a whisper with my head down.

"But I'll always need you." A tear running down her check. I sniffed, and didn't realize I was crying too.

We embraced each other in another hug, but us crying like babies this time. Telling each other that no matter what that we will always be there for each other, and that no one can change that. If you look at it from our perspective we grow up like we were sisters not cousins. So one of us going through something as big as losing our virginity it gets kind of emotional. Well at least for us it does.

We pulled away wiping away our tears when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" my voice cracked at the end.

Alex walked in, and as soon as he saw that we were crying he rushed right over.

"What happened? Why you guys crying? Are you okay Sweetheart?" it felt like a thousand questions where throw at us.

"Lex relax we were just having...a moment," Iz explain.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you two," she gave me another hug before heading to the door, but knowing Izzy she couldn't just leave it at that. "You two have fun!" she called over her shoulder.

I could feel my face heating up, and Alex just laughed. She just can leave the sex jokes alone can she? I shook my head, wiped my eyes, and turn to Lex.

"So what's up?"

"Nothing I just though we would talk. Remember last
night." He hinted at the subject.

"Oh, right," I nodded understanding. "So..." I trailed off he sighed.

"What would you like to know?" he took my hand, and lead me outside to the balcony, and wrapped my in his arms as we look over the garden.

"Let see hmm oh! How about how you two first meet?" I asked.

I know what you guys are thinking why would you want to know about his ex, but really I was just curious, and yes, curiosity did kill the cat, but I could care less at this moment.

"Well, lets see. It was I would say 1989, and we were at a engagement party one of my old friend. No one knew who he was marrying, but everyone said how they were very much in love. I was wondering around the gardens not really caring that I was missing the party when I heard shouting, and a cry for help. I made my way to the screaming where I found two men who I assume where human because of the smell of blood in the air. I fought them off, and they ran for the hills," he laughed at the memory.

"Once they were gone a young girl I say about your age maybe a few years older was on the floor crying her eyes out I-"

"You saved her." I smiled at him, and he smiled and nodded.

"That I did. I tried to console her best I could. It was hard with how strong the smell of her blood was, but I managed. She thank me over and over again. I never thought we would stop thanking me, but once she did we got to talking. She was a very interesting person," he pulled me closer to him.

"We talk for about 2 hours before someone came out looking for her. Once inside I found my friend Marcus-the one getting married-and he looked relieved to see me, but of course that wasn't that case. He was relieved to see her," he looked out into the distance.

"I don't understand why would he be relieved to see her?" I asked confused.

"I was getting to the part Sweetheart," He smiled down at me.

"As I was saying he was relieved to see her because...he was going to marry her." I looked at him wide eyed.

"You mean y-you-" I couldn't finish.

"Yes. I feel for the girl one of my closest friend was going to marry. I felt like a fool, and I know that anything that I thought could happen between us couldn't happen. That didn't seem to stop her though," he trailed off.

"We had an affair for years! But I couldn't do it anymore. It was either me, or Marcus. She grew attached to him over the years as well, as she should he was her husband after all. She grew selfish deciding she wanted both of us, but I wouldn't allow it. She grew angry, but I ended it. I couldn't look at Marcus the same after everything I had done to him so I decided it was best if we weren't friends. I lost one of closest friend, because I decided I wanted to be selfish, and wanted her for myself." Shaking his head he looked away from me.

"It wasn't only your fault. It was hers too." I told him.

"Yes, that may be true, but I guess I was so tired of being alone that the first person I feel for I wanted no matter what the consequences. Which I find ridiculous now because I could of just waited a few years." His lips started to curl up at the ends.

"Waited for what?" I asked, and he looked at me and this time had a full blown smiled on his face.

"For You," I blushed, and looked away from him.

He just laughed, and made me look at him. We kissed but not a long kiss. He placed his forehead on mine, and looked me straight in the eyes and smiled.

"I would wait for you forever if I could take back everything that happened with her." I smiled, and of course blushed again.

"Oh? And why's that?" I cuddled into his chest with my face in his neck. He laughed, and made me looked at him. He caressed my cheek.

"Because to me she's nothing compared to you ." He said in all seriousness. I smiled up at him, and almost attack him with kisses.

In all honesty I wasn't expecting that from him. I thought he would reminisce about old times with her, and I would feel uncomfortable invading on those memories.

Its nice to know that I have a place in his heart that she could never fill.
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-_- got reported for grammer &&. Spelling mistakes people please tell me these things cuss if I get banned again im NOT reposting this story a third time sorry
Thanks for commenting tho you guys

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