Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Big Day

The Big Day

(Izzy P.O.V)

So today is the big day, and no I know what you’re thinking Oh my god she's loosing her virginity today! well no I’m going to the gynecologist today well I decided not to take Mike with me just because I didn’t want him to be in the some room as me looking at my..area.

"Babe, Can we talk about something?" I asked.

"Yeah sure what’s up?" Mike said.

"I decided Jenny's going to the Gynecologist with me." I told him.

He answered
"It’s alright I guess it would feel a little awkward if I was there."

"Thanks for understanding." I said

I gave him a kiss and went into Fer’s room

(Jenny (P.O.V)

As I laid on my bed just listening to music Izzy walked in. She was hiding behind me acting like I didn’t see her come in. I looked back, and yelled and she jumped up. I started laughing.

"Don’t scare me like that! I could of gotten a heart attack!"

"Awe! I’m sorry." I said laughing

Izzy just looked at me like she was scared shitless.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Im just a little nerves." She answered.

"Your going to be fine Iz trust me. People do this all the time."

"Yeah I guess your right. I'm just glad your going with me." She smiled. Mine feel.

Shit! I forgot I was going with her.

Can you say awkward.
--------------------------------In the car---------------------------
As we are all in the car Izzy ,Mike, and I were all silent. I looked to the front of the car where Izzy was sitting next to Mike. Izzy was looking very nervous you could tell that she feeling very uncomfortable and she looked back at me, and grinned a little. Finally we were there after 20 minutes of awkward silence.

Izzy went to go give Mike a kiss, and I just said my goodbyes.

----------Finally inside the doctors office-------------
"Hi, I’m here for an appointment with Dr.Colon." Izzy said.

"Yes, your name sweetie?"Said the assistant at the desk.

"Elizabeth Rodriguez."

"Oh, we have been expecting you right through there" She directed her down a hall.

Izzy looked at me, and said "Ay dois mio." (Oh my god)

I said "Que pasa?"(what’s wrong)

"I just hope that the doctor isn't a man."

(Izzy P.O.V)

Than what happens? A man ends up being my doctor! hope that there is a nurse in there with me.

The nurse walks in and says "Here you will need to change into this." She handed me a hospital gown.

I walked into a bathroom, and changed. I came out and went back into the room where I saw Dr.Colon.

"Are you ready?" Asked the doctor.

"Yes." I said in a nervous voice.

"Alright well first I need to ask you a few questions"

"What is the reason for your visit?"

"I want birth control to regulate my period." I lied.

"Do you have any health problems?"

"Not at all."

"How old were you when you started your period?"

"I was 11 years old."

"What was the date of your last period?"

"About 6 days ago."

"How long does your period last?"

"About 4 days."

"What is your family’s medical history?"

"Diabetes, and cancer. But cancer is rare."

"Did you exercise, or play sports?"

"I box, and dance." Yes, I dance. Im more into physical activities then Fer is. She's more emotional then physical, but she can kick some ass in boxing.

"Do you take any medicines?"


"Do you take vitamins, herbs, or supplements?"

"I take vitamins.

"Alright seems like you’re healthy. Well for now I can't do anything to you besides tell you that I can give the birth control. But you do have one more option you can either get birth control pill, or a shot that you have to get every 12 weeks?"

I immediately answered "The pill." I hated needles.

He said "Alright the pill it is, but you cant miss a pill not once."

"Of course."

After the Q&A was over we had to do this procedure that I damn well don't want to talk about. I mean how would you feel if your doctor got to 3rd base with you?

I shuddered.

"Well you can get dressed now and one more thing when you get sexually active you have to come, and see me. This is where you have start worrying about STD’s and all that good stuff." he chucked at his little joke. Which I did not find funny.

"Well, thanks Dr.Colon." I said

He handed me the prescription to go the pharmacy to pick up my pills.

-----------------5 minutes later-------------------
I went back out the waiting room where Jenny was and I came out smiling she called Mike, and we waited for him to get there…

Lets just say im glad that's over.

I had enough embarrassment for one day.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chap was made by my cousin she wanted to try &&. Created a chapter so if yu don't like it blame her lol j/p but please don't be mean ill make the next one better don't worry it was just an experiment

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