Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

Early Birthday Present

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I looked down at the object in my hand just trying to figure out what possessed Izzy to ever get me this. I sighed out of frustration. I understand she wants me to be safe, and she thinks I'll need them pretty soon, but I highly doubt it. She hasn't even done anything yet. I guess she just wanted to be safe incase it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I rolled my eyes thinking back to when she gave them to me just earlier today.

I was just sitting in my room bumping to my music when Izzy comes storming in.

"Hello! What the fuck? Do you ever knock?!" I asked taking my headphones out.

"Like you would be able to hear it with those things in your ears." She rolled her eyes, and came over to the couch were I was seated.

"What's with the bag?" I asked referring to the paper bag in her hand.

"Oh this thing? Mhmm I don't know...maybe its an early birthday present from your favorite cousin!" pushing the bag in my face.

"But my birthday's not for another two weeks." I stated.

"Details, details. This is just the first gift don't worry," She waved it off, and smiled. "Open it!" she urged me on.

"Okay okay damn keep your panties on." I said taking the bag from her,and laughing at her face expression.

"Just open it, Fer." I rolled my eyes, and open the bag to take out what was inside.

I screamed, and throw the objected across the room.

"What the fuck is that?!" I screeched.

"Ay Dois Mio! calm down its nothing. Look." (Oh My God) She went to go get the object, but I moved away from her.

"Get that thing away from me." I pointed a finger at her, and backed away. She rolled her eyes.

"Jenny its not that big of a deal. You knew you would need it one way or another. I'm just making it easier for you." She smirked.

"Oh so what I'm suppose to thank you?!"

"That would be nice, but I think Lex should be the one to thank me." She smirked again.

"Your crazy if you think im going to use them." I tried to walk away,but she blocked it.

"Can you just take them," I crossed my arms, and looked away from her. "Please!" she begged shoving that thing in my face again. I signed loudly.

"Fine." I said threw clenched teeth. Snatching that thing from her.

"That's my girl!" and I shoved her ass out my door.

***End Of Flashback***

After she left I had just stood there looking at the birth control pills she had given me. I know she just wants me to be safe, but I don't think I'm going to be doing that anytime soon. I've only been with Alex for what? Almost two months now. I don't think that's enough time to know when you want to sleep with someone. I mean sex is a big step especially for me. I may seem like the outspoken, loud, doesn't care what people say kind of person, but underneath I'm just a shy, soft spoken girl. The farthest I've ever gotten with a boy was probably French kissing. Shit Alex isn't even a boy his a man which scares me even more.

Imagine how different his body is from a regular human boy or man. More muscles, more strength, more umm well I'm just going to let you figure that one on your own. But that's mostly what I'm afraid of. I know the first time has some sort of pain, but since he's a vampire won't that make it more painful? And I'm not the most confident person when it comes to my body either. He's probably been with some pretty beautiful woman, I would just be a plane Jane to him. I frowned at that thought. I still don't understand what makes me so special to him.

I walked, and sat on the bed. I sighed, and look the pills in my hands over again. Do I really have any use for these now? So soon? I sat up,and started to pace. One thing that happens when I'm nerves, or have a hard time deciding something I can never stay still. I stopped, and stood facing the door while looking at the pills.

Just then the door opened.

"Hey Sweetheart! I was wondin-" Alex walked in. And I tried to hide the pills behind me back, but it was too late. He had saw them already.

He looked at me curiously, and shocked with his mouth gaped open, but no words coming out.

Doesn't anyone fucking knock anymore
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh! Question
Who do you guys think should loss 'it' first?
Can someone please tell me how to do the url's were they are NOT that long but just the name popping up and then when you click it going to the page with the picture? It would make all the pic's that are going to be showing up more easier

thank you
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