Sequel: I Never Told You..

What's The Worst That Can Happen

No Turning Back

(Jenny's P.O.V)

I think this is probably the most awkward moment of my young life. Alex and I didn't exchange words, just sort of stood there for a couple minutes until he spoke up.

"What is that?" he got straight to the point.

"Its nothing.." at least that's how I hope he would take it.

"Really? Because to me it looks like your hiding birth control pills from me. Or am I just seeing things, Jennyfer." I cringed when he said my whole name. He always called me Sweetheart, or babe, but when he used my name I knew this was going to bother him.

"Yeah, there mine. But I didn't ask for them, Izzy just shoved them in my face as an 'early birthday present'." I rolled my eyes at her lame ass excuse.

"Of course she'd be behind this." He muttered, shook his head, and walked to the couch. He sat down, and put his arms out for me.

I walked over, and took a sit on his lap, my back to his chest and his chin on my shoulder. He's cold pierced lips kissed my neck softly, and gentle. He was always like this with me. Every hug, kiss, even hand holding, he was as gentle as he could be. Its like he constantly reminded himself of how fragile I was. He never forgot I was human in some ways anyway, and that always seemed to bother me. I may be part human and may not be as strong as him, but I wasn't weak. I could take care of myself.

"I didn't think it would bother you that much." I spoke softly. He sighed and held me tighter.

"Babe, the only reason it bothered me was because of you." He started, which got me sort of confused.

"Me?" I turned, and looked at him full on.

"Yes, you. I know how you are about these kind of things, and I could never think of pressuring you into something you weren't ready for." He took the pills that were still in my hand and scoffed, rolling his eyes.

I just looked at his face while he over looked the little container. He really did care about me, and him not pressuring me into something I'm not ready for just shows me that even more. Lex must of noticed me staring, and looked at me. He smiled that breath taking smile, and I blushed. It still amazed me how he could affect me after all this time. He just chuckled, and leaned in for a kiss.

Of course his kisses took my breath away no matter how corny that sounded. We continued to kiss until we were rudely interrupted by Iz walking in, and telling us to get our asses downstairs for dinner. Lex and I just rolled our eyes, and said we'd be down soon.

"Come on, before Izzy has another outburst," Lex said and laughed taking my hand and walking to the door.

"Oh, and one more thing." He walked back to the couch, and picked up the little white case, and threw it in the garbage.

I was shocked but didn't say anything while he took my hand again,and left my room.

"Oh, wait! I forgot something." I let got of his hand, and told him I'd be down in a minute. He agreed, and walked on without me.

Before entering the room I made sure he made the turn down the stairs. I locked my door behind me, and walk towards the trash can, and picked up the little white case.

I took a deep breath, and walked into the bathroom. I opened the container, and filled a cup with water. I was shaking a little, I never really liked taking pills. I swallowed the pill fast with the water. After I was finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't feel or look any different, but what did I really expect they were just birth control pills.

You probably don't understand my change in mind. I hardly understand my change in mind, but I guess Alexander was the main reason why. He understood that I didn't want to rush into anything. For some weird reason that was a huge turn on, and I've never really wanted to be with someone in that way before. Its all so new to me, you'd think I'd just panic and freak but when the time comes-and I have a feeling its going to be unexpected like everything else in my life is-I'll be ready.

"There's no turning back now."
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Can someone please tell me how to do the url's were they are NOT that long but just the name popping up and then when you click it going to the page with the picture? It would make all the pic's that are going to be showing up more easier

thank you
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